Family Tree Maker file conversion

+5 votes
Hi, not sure what category to put this under so here goes.  I was talking with a second cousin who, long story short, has her Mom's genealogy work on an old hard drive.  I was able to extract the files.  They are in a Family Tree Maker format (Windows) - I don't know what version.  Can anyone suggest how to get that out?  Is there modern software that can read it or convert it?  I am on Windows 11.  Don't mind spending some money if there's an updated version or package that can read it, as she did some amazing research (produced a lengthy book) so I'd really like access to her sources.  Please let me know.  Thanks!

EDIT: Did some research and RootsMagic is supposed to be able to open the FTM files.  However, it seems that my cousin didn't send me the main .ftm (or whatever extension) main file, just the FTM directory.  So, going to work with Dale to try to get that.  If that doesn't work, I will reach out to you kind folks who have offered to help.

EDIT2: I used a device called ZILKEE to connect to my dad's cousins old hard drive.  The old PC is long gone.  Rootsmagic was able to open the FTM version 16 file no problem.  The next step is to create a GEDCOM and import it into WikiTree so that everyone can enjoy MaryEllen's work.
in Genealogy Help by Tony Vernon G2G5 (5.1k points)
edited by Tony Vernon
Doing a search for “ open old ftm files “ will take you to the Family Tree Maker Support Center and will tell you what to do.

2 Answers

+8 votes
I do like trying this sort of thing.

So no GEDCOM export anywhers only FTM format?

I have many old copies of various software including FamilyTreeMaker.

So if you are agreeable you could send me the file via email and I could see If I can recover anything and send you back the results.

Go to my profile and send me a private message if you are interested (no cost involved,  fun for me).

No promises but I will try.

NG Hill
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 8 (88.2k points)

I did this same exact thing last year for a Wikitree 'guest'. I don't know if they ever became a member. He had some old .ftmb files which he sent to me via email and I opened them in FTM 2019, consolidated them, merged duplicates and exported them as GED. Then I sent the .ftm and .ged to him. I got a thanks but I don't know what, if anything, he did after that. It was a good exercise for me.
+7 votes

You might want to pose your question in the Family Tree Maker Users Group

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (577k points)

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