Help Connect Canada Project Notables Challenge for January 2023! [closed]

+19 votes

The Canada Project’s inaugural birthday monthly connection challenge kicks off in January 2023. We are highlighting 9 Canada Project Notables, born in the month of January, who need to be connected to the Global Family Tree.  Can you help by adding profiles of family members until a connection to the Global WikiTree is made?

The current tree sizes as of December 30th are shown for each profile.  Even if a connection is not made, adding even a single profile to a family is helpful and appreciated!

In the order of their birthdays, the notables needing assistance are:

Jan 2nd - Rodney MacDonald -  Nova Scotia Premier, Tree size start - 0 - Connected 01/01/23

Jan 2nd - John Osborn -  Victoria Cross Recipient, Tree size start - 0 Connections - Connected 01/04/23

Jan 10th  - Eva Aariak - Nunavut Premier, Tree size start - 0 Connections - Connected 01/14/23 

Jan 12th - Gordon Campbell - British Columbia Premier – Tree size start - 7 Connections - Connected 01/09/23

Jan 14th - John Young -  Victoria Cross Recipient – Tree size Start - 0 Connections - Connected 01/09/23

Jan 17th - Richard Reid – Alberta Premier – Tree size start – 12 Connections - Connected  01/12/23 

Jan 19th - Francis McKenna – New Brunswick Premier -  Tree size start – 2 connections - Connected - 01/10/23

Jan 23rd - Mike Harris - Ontario Premier – Tree size start – 2 connections  - Connected 12/31/22

Jan 30th - Sterling Lyon -  Manitoba Premier – Tree size start – 3 connections - Connected 01/08/23

For more Canada Project Notables Team activity, check out the Canada Project Notables Team page.

closed with the note: The challenge is completed.  Next month's challenge is open.
in The Tree House by Russell Butler G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
closed by Russell Butler

12 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
I have connected Frank McKenna, through Shirley Sterns (Sterns-115), the wife of his uncle John Patrick McKenna (McKenna-2857).

Shirley Sterns was the daughter of William Henry Sterns Jr. (Sterns-114), who was the son of Dartmouth mayor William Henry Sterns Sr. (Sterns-33), who was already connected.
by Ken McEvoy G2G6 Mach 1 (12.9k points)
selected by Russell Butler
Congratulations on the connection!
+10 votes
I would like to work on some of these profiles. Is there any way that you can make sure that their deceased ancestors are open? I cannot add the parents of Michael Harris' mother because I am not on her trusted list. She is not living. Thanks!
by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (939k points)
We worked hard to get as many relatives open as we could. We were able to get Mike's father opened and some others, but not his mother's profile.  For you and others who have issues, private message me and I see what I can do.
I have posted the links for Michael's mother's parents on her page. They will be connected when the profile is open.
+12 votes
Would love to help with this challenge.  I'll take a look at some of these over the weekend.
by Matthew Evans G2G6 Mach 7 (75.2k points)
Matthew, we would appreciate your assistance.
+11 votes
Am I the only one who noticed that every one of these 'notables' is male? and I might guess - white? anglo-saxon? where is the diversity?
by Sharon Runolfsson G2G6 Mach 1 (10.1k points)
Good question!

The names were pulled from unconnected project managed notables whose birthdays were in January.

I urge you review the new Canada Notables Team Page.  There you can:

1. Submit the form on that page to recommend additional Canadian notables to be Canada Project managed.

2. Utilize a link to a page of 134 additional profiles that need to be connected. These profiles will be reviewed on a monthly basis over the next 11 months. For example, February birthdays will be posted in February. Please feel free to work on those profiles earlier.

3. Observe on that page that I connected Adrienne (Poy) Clarkson as one of my first actions as a Team Leader to demonstrate, by example, my belief that diversity is important.

Unfortunately, the profiles managed by the project are going to lean heavily on the side of white European men. But maybe if we put our heads together, we can come up with a couple of women or people of colour for February's (and future) lists.
This list is for a maintenance category and consists entirely of provincial Premiers and Victoria Cross recipients. Both groups of profiles have large numbers of profiles needing improvement and connection and neither group is particularly diverse. But they should not be taken as representative of all the profiles managed by Canada Project. We do attempt to represent Canada's diversity in our selection process for the project as a whole.

There was actually an Indigenous woman on the original list for this month, a former premier of one of the territories. But we pulled her off of this list and referred her profile to our First Peoples Team, thinking that they would be better equipped to do honour to her profile.
We have added Eva Aariak who was previously referenced by Dave. Any assistance in connecting her would be appreciated.
+10 votes
I would like to work on these profiles - I have already worked on Mike Harris.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
+8 votes
I am working on the family of Frank McKenna.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (860k points)
+9 votes
Gordon Campbell will show as connected tomorrow
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (255k points)
Excellent work!
someone else also connected him on a different branch. excellent!
It was great team work!
+9 votes
you can remove the Ford brothers from the unconnected list.
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (255k points)
Removed.  Thanks!
+9 votes
Richard Reid is connected - Judith did most of the work
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (255k points)
Wonderful team work! That just leaves us Eva Aariak to complete for the January birthdays this month.
+8 votes
you can take singer Gord Downie off ‘needs connection’ list
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (255k points)

Excellent work! There are now 70 profiles remaining on the unconnected list plus the additional unlisted profiles that we need to open. Unconnected Canadian Project Notables

+10 votes
Eva Aariak is now connected!  Everyone on the list for this month is connected.  A great success for our first attempt. Thank you to all who participated!
by Russell Butler G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
+5 votes

The January 2023 challenge is completed.  Click here for the next challenge - Canada Project February 2023 Notable Birthday Challenge

by Russell Butler G2G6 Pilot (150k points)

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