Are you a member of Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR)?

+50 votes

I just realized that after I qualified, I never added my category for DAR on my profile, nor did I add the information to my Patriot Ancestor.

Then, I saw....there are less than 20 Wikitree Members with the category of Daughters of the American Revolution.   I am sure there are more members!

Here is the category page

in The Tree House by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (877k points)
edited by Robin Lee

My daughters should be members, but I have no idea (being a kiwi) where to start in getting them the qualification. I would love to do it for them one of these days :) They are descedants of Capt. Christopher Tilden

One way to start is to go to the DAR's site at and click on the link for GRS (Genealogical Research System).  Put in your ancestor's information under the "ancestor" tab and see what comes up.  You can request record copies of verified applications to get additional information that should help you with tracing your lineage.  The best ones to use will have member numbers in the 700,000 range to the present, as earlier applications didn't require much documentation to verify eligibility for membership.

When it comes to providing documentation with your membership application, look for a chapter near you and request assistance from the chapter registrar.  Always provide copies of documents -- never originals.
Thanks Andrea....
Yes, I am a member in good standing.
You're very welcome, Robin.  If I can be of further assistance in any way, please let me know.  Best wishes to you!
I would be qualified by a couple of ancestors.  I went to a couple of local meetings and did not find it to be a very welcoming or friendly organization.  I was given no encouragement to join or details about joining. If members think they are better than others l really don't need to be a part of it. I would love to have access to their records for my ancestors though.
Thanks Andrea :)

I did look there a while back and could find nothing, but may be there will be a mention of the Captain now. Will check it out ...
I am sorry you didn't feel welcome at a DAR meeting, Cherry Duve. As with all groups it may take awhile for everyone to warm up to each other. I encourage you to try again as it may have just been an off night for everyone. Hang in there!
Did not know there was a category for the profile, I'll add it to mine, I do have my Patriot Ancestors listed though.

OK I'm now on that list

Yes, I have my DAR membership.  What is the template to add such to one's own profile?

I've been hours adding the templates to my patriots and their siblings who served etc.  I code them with the template as want all my patriots in:

Sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience, Cheryl.  Members of some chapters do seem to be like that, unfortunately, but you do have other options.  If you live in an area where there is more than one local chapter, visit them.  You may also want to contact the district director for assistance; go to your state's web site for more information regarding state and district officers' contact information.  You may also wish to join as a member-at-large, where you're not affiliated with a chapter, and keep searching for a chapter in the meantime that you'll feel comfortable with.

We always find some people in any organization who are resistant to new people, for whatever reason.  It's very sad, but please don't judge the entire organization by a close-minded few.  In my 20 years as a member, I've encountered a few of those people as well, but I ignore them and move on to interact with others who are more open.

A couple of years ago a DAR member helped me via email with a preliminary application to see if I had the necessary documentation before I forked over $90 to apply. I tried under my 5th GGF, Robert Montgomery McTeer. However, the problem I KNEW I would encounter, and did, was my 2nd GGP Benjamin F. Pearson and Margaret Ann McTeer (Campbell) Pearson. I am missing critical vital records for their births and deaths. I have his Civil War enlistment and discharge, and their marriage.

I have at least 3 other Patriots I could try applying under, but haven't tried yet.

Yes, I am a member of DAR. My Patriot is my fifth great grandfather William Russell. Russell-5257.

Thanks for asking Robin! My grandmother and I are now in that category (and my other grandmother and I are all alone in the UDC category!)

Thanks for the encouragement.  I decided to try again.  I have begun to organize needed documentation and filled out the form on the DAR website.  If I don't get a response, I will try one of the other suggestions.  Cherry
Good for you, Cheryl!  Please feel free to contact me if you need any other advice, and all the best to you!

Liz, I may be joining you soon in UDC.  :)  I'm in the process now!
woo-hoo! I was a little surprised to be the first in the category!
I could belong to the DAR as I have no less than 6 ancestors whom I have found who had fought in the Revolutionary War. These are on both sides of my family tree (mom's and dad's). Personally, I choose to not belong as I don't want to pay for the privilege of belonging.

I also have ancestors who fought in the French and Indian War, in the War of 1812, the Civil War, WWI, WWII, and a living great uncle who fought in Korea. Somehow, my family missed Vietnam. I have cousins who were in Desert Storm, and a son-in-law and a cousin who were in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Some people just choose not to buy the privilege of having the affirmation of these things when we know them to be true.
I'm active in UDC and enjoy the fellowship. I call DAR my "obit bling" :D
It's too bad that you feel the way that you do, Lori.  I have been a DAR member for 20 years and am proud to be a member, simply because the DAR provides numerous ways to honor the memory of our ancestors who served the Patriot cause during the Revolutionary War.  I am actively involved in preservation of historic sites and education as ways to honor my ancestors, gladly volunteering my time to causes I believe in.  I could care less about the idea of being a DAR member one of prestige.
I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone who chooses to belong to DAR, but I've never felt led to join, I've known since I was 14/15 years old that I could belong (I am now 57), but it was never important to me. I am extremely grateful and proud of my ancestor's participation in the making of this country,

My grandpa (deceased), my dad and uncles have belonged to the Clan Matheson (my maiden name) since 1975, and I joined a couple of years, but let it go. Though I am proud of my family history, it just didn't do much for me to get these newsletters, even though it was just $12 per yr. I can read my dad's if I really want to.

My life is way too busy with taking care of my elderly parents, helping to watch many of my 23 grandchildren, teaching classes on Natural Living/Herbal Healing, running my household, and spending time with my husband. My life is busy! And I steal time when I can to dig into genealogy as I am an addict! :)

So, please, do not feel this was a dig at any of you! If you enjoy being in the DAR- I am happy for you. But it has never been something important to me. Just like all my crazy genealogical research has never interested one of my sisters- she could care less.

I hope you understand.
My step-mom, now 81, has a direct descendant who was a signer of the Constitution, William Blount of North Carolina. She's never belonged to the DAR, either. It never occurred to her to do so.

my grandmother joined DAR because her cousin submitted her paperwork (Grandmother had no interest, but her cousin wanted a travel buddy). My mother was living in Washington, DC when the DAR denied Marian Anderson access to Constitution Hall. As a result, my mother steadfastly refused to join DAR or attend any DAR functions.

see [this page], and also [this article]

For those of you who are not aware...being a member of Daughters of the American Revolution is much more than just claiming an ancestor.    And, yes, I did not join until I was retired and had the time to devote to their mission of service.  

Daughters are a group of women who are passionate about community service, preserving history, educating children, as well as honoring and supporting those who serve our nation.  In my chapter, there are children who would never go to college or perhaps never finish high school without the financial help of DAR.   

Robin, I have a cousin who has been active in DAR for many years and she has said the exact same things. She has personally witnessed several disadvantaged kids receive scholarships to college and become successful adults because of it.  She is very passionate about her DAR activities. She is a wonderful, kind, person with a servant's heart and attitude.

Like anything else in life, some chapters can be negative, and some can be very, very positive. It all depends on the culture of the group and how effective the leader is. A leader is only as effective as her members, but she has to have the desire within herself, to foster a positive environment and then follow through in her own actions and image. Model the behavior you want to see, how else will everyone get the proper example, right?  It is sad to see some groups become less than friendly. It happens a lot though.  I think the important thing to remember as a member is what is your real purpose??  What is the purpose of DAR? Honoring your ancestors, their history, etc like you said. Our ancestors would want us to behave ourselves! LOL
I couldn't agree with you more, Summer!  I was a state officer with the DAR and had a lot of contact with more than 100 chapters in my state over a 3-year period.  Most of the chapters were very nice and welcoming, but there were others who considered themselves to be a "social " chapter only and didn't want new people included.  It's very sad when someone has that attitude, but you just learn to brush it off and go elsewhere.
I, too, am a member of the DAR. It's always a little frustrating to hear/read all the incorrect perceptions of what the organization does. Ah, well.

I've taken all three GEP courses, which are invaluable in doing the research and applications (new/supp) correctly. If anyone would like help in research, please let me know. I'm happy to help!

FYI, those of you ladies who have posted your NN, you want to edit those out for your privacy.

I am not a member of the DAR, but I will have to look and see if I have already discovered anyone that would qualify me to become a member.

I will tell you that when I was in the third grade I entered an essay contest sponsored by a local DAR and I won!  I wrote an essay on Independence Day and was awarded a beautiful medal and two silver dollars.  I was so thrilled.  I would love to become a member of such a historic organization.

Thanks for reminding me of such an important event in my life that had slipped away.


Thanks for pointing this out. My mom and I are both members. Just added the category to our profiles.
Oh my goodness Robin Lee!!

From less than 20 people with the DAR category on their profile, it has gone to 92 members with the DAR category In just a couple of weeks.

Now I need to get busy and submit one of my ancestors so I might be able to join.

Good post, Robin!!!

This is off the track but you mentioned your a kiwi!  My husband and I lived in Auckland for two years in the early 1990's and loved it.  Your country is so beautiful and friendly.

I have all documentation needed except my biological mothers birth and death certificate which I am not allowed to get copies of. So I had everything done except that component. My DAR is from Benjamin Strong. Strong-2140.

Have you tried approaching the agency that you obtain copies of birth certificates from with a copy of your birth certificate showing proving she is your biological mother.  Then a copy of the DAR paperwork and a letter stating why you need a copy of this birth certificate?  Perhaps a letter from someone high up in the DAR or President Trump asking them to please help you out in honoring your mother this way!  I would sure approach the President and ask for help.

Thank you Taylor!!
My paternal grandmother was a DAR, and I only need one document to join. However, my mother (before she died) made my dad promise not to give out copies of important documents to avoid identity theft. So, without a copy of my father's birth certificate, I can't join.
I am so sorry that you have been unable you obtain a copy of your mothers documents.  As we age we worry about so many things and I know your mother and father if they understood they  meaning of joining the DAR they would give you what you needed.

Is there any way that you could give your dad an overview of what the DAR does and it's benefits to society.  This may encourage him to give you what you need from him.

God Bless

It is my father's documents that I would need. It is his mother that was a DAR. My parents know what the DAR is about, but my mother was EXTREMELY afraid of identity theft. I have the documents to link myself to my dad, and I only needed to establish a link between my father and his mother to I was told by a local DAR member several years ago.

My aunt has my grandmother's DAR genealogy info, but she doesn't share it very much. I've had to get info on my own, and from other relatives who attend two different family reunions that have been in existence for 100 or more years. I still have a lot of dead ends to work through yet.
I was told that I should qualify for DAR but I never joined.
Are you and your DAR sisters working on any Genealogical projects?

Here is one that my chapter did.

Would you mind sharing more about your project. I would love to do something like this!
Any documents, such as vital records, that are less than 100 years old, are shredded and not kept by the DAR.
The same is true of the CAR.  All documents are shredded once eligibility for membership is verified, to protect the applicant's identity.
Can you get your parents marriage certificate?  Marriage certificates have spaces where the bride and groom must list their parents. Your father would have entered his parents and thereby established a legally acceptable link between gen 2 and gen 3
If you can prove your relationship to your parent, such as with your own birth certificate, you can get a copy of your parent's birth certificate.
Can you not piggy back off your mother's information she gave them?
I think DAR members should have their own sticker

[edited out "not ok" sticker proposal]

Using the DAR-grs template - {{DAR-grs|ancestor number|ancestor name|access date}} - with Willis's info:

  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, ( : accessed July 6, 2015), "Record of Private Willis McDonald", Ancestor # A076388.

[edited out (now) irrelevant comment]

UPDATE: Don't add your number. (Search this thread for National Number for additional discussion. Your National Number is considered PII [Personally Identifiable Information] and should be protected, not posted.)

My sister and I are now DAR members.  I am very happy to be a member of the Cenesee Chapter in Michigan.  They have lots of great community service projects. Thanks to all who encouraged me to try again.
yes she can.  If her mother is a DAR member, she would only need to prove her relationship via birth certificate, marriage certificates (both hers and her mothers) to qualify.  For the next lines to the Patriot in question then she can use her mothers national number.  Now if it was an elderly aunt lets say, and she had proven her lineage before 1980 then she MAY have to prove her lineage not just to her Aunts mother or great grandmother but also back to the patriot.  Prior to this date, alot of applications didnt have concise or primary documentation.  DAR has been going back and documenting this in the GRS system. below is the PDF for application info
Gail Smith, it's not hard at all! That's what chapter registrars are for - to help identify the easiest, fastest to prove line. :)

Source: am chapter registrar and trained volunteer genealogist. :)
I am a member of the DAR and used their information at NSDAR to prove many years ago much of my ancestry to the Revolution.  After I joined, I served 5 years as Registrar for our chapter helping other people join DAR.

I think there should be some sort of label to denote DAR members because I am sure there are many more than 20 wikitree contributors that are DAR.  As a matter of fact, one member I brought into DAR when I was Registrar, is a very active member on wikitree.

I am a member of the DAR. So is my daughter.
No I am not a member.  I guess I should make that a goal of mine.  I was in the military for five years during the Vietnam War, my father was in World War II and his father was in World War I. Then it gets difficult to tell with a few generations that I need to work on.

I did just get my brothers DNA kit ordered from Ancestry for $55.00 a mothers day sale to help me find Henry Fritz (5th Great Grandfather).

My husbands family is interested in their ancestry.  In fact, my husbands brother may have gotten interested after his mothers death.  As for my family I don't understand why none of them aren't interested in their ancestors.  I talk about their ancestors to them and it's as if I am talking a different language to them. They don't really care about it.  I was always the one child that went the different direction from the rest of my siblings as if my parents had gotten the wrong baby in the nursery.  However, I am the spitting image of my mother and siblings so I know it's just that I more like my ancestors than they are!



How were you able to have the dar box added to your other categories?  Like 1776, military, etc.
I am a DAR.  Really enjoy the patriotism and the lovely ladies.
hhmm  I must be looking at a different page  there are 355  but maybe only  alive ones.. add this if you want to be here...  [[Category: Daughters of the American Revolution]]

Carole  Smoky hill Trail Colorado
A lot have been added since the question was asked in 2017.

Yes, I counted 70 Active members.

 I am treasurer of Muskogee Indian Territory Chapter. 

Now I am an Organizing Member of the new  Running Creek Chapter, D A R  in Elbert County, Colorado
No, I'm not a member. Although, my paternal grandmother was a member. Maybe, I'll consider it in the future.
Yes.  Caroline Close Stuart Chapter of Missouri.
Yes, I'm a member of Michael Stoner Chapter, Dallas, TX. My ancestor is Thomas Skelton (Skelton-810).

47 Answers

+20 votes
Yes, I am a member.  And I've been discovering many ancestors who have never been written up.  

Time to roll up our sleeves, right?
by Janine Barber G2G6 Pilot (236k points)
I am a member of The DAR and I entered under Patriot Jonathan Stamper, Sr.  I am ready to send in Patriot Benjamin Britt, as my first supplement, and have Patriot Ensign Samuel Ferguson buidling, with one other still in the tree. Finding American Patriots is becoming easier as I look under the leaves on my tree.  I never fully appreciated how old and fully established the roots of my tree, and my family were established, until I started exploring my mother's family, and the Stamper lineage.  Until this moment, I did not now that I could count this as a badge.
Count what as a badge? I was notified today that DAR national has approved my application, documents and lineage. I too have discovered more Revolutionary War ancestors but I am still validating their service.

I too have found that there are many who served but are not yet proven for the DAR qualifying ancestor. I've also found that some of my patriot Ancestors only have part of their service noted. This is unerstandable because my great aunts only obtained enough documentation to becaome a member. Interesting.
Judith you should NOT publish your National number.  It is considered as identifiable information...It is also a DAR standard in the "rulebook"...not only that you also put your chapter name in so that anyone using that information can get into the members section of the DAR website.
I know that there can not be any logo or such for a chapter, so I am wondering if a sticker would be considered a no no for DAR members?
+17 votes
Dear Robin,

   I am a member, and I have added information on my DAR approved lines in WikiTree.  BUT, am I supposed to mark my own profile in some way?  I will check this now, as I have never seen that.  

   I mark the lines that I entered using NSDAR data with the original patriot's number. Maybe that is what I should do for myself!  -NGP
by Nanette Pezzutti G2G6 Pilot (131k points)

Make sure you add Daughters of the American Revolution as a category to YOUR profile

How do I add this to my profile?  I am also a member of several other heritage societies and am wondering if any of them are categories.  I belong to the Winthrop Society, ADEAW, and Descendants of Colonial Clergy, among others.
Done.  I added the Category: Daughters of the American Revolution, with the double brackets on each side.  And now I'm on the list.  Do you think we should each add our National Number somewhere?  -NGP
Just put the category on the older NSDAR members who share my patriot ancestor Joseph Ludden.  Next chance I get, I'll work on my original patriot, Joseph Coolidge.  I think there are many more in that line of descent. -NGP
Just a clarification, The only people who should have the category of Daughters of the American Revolution are people with a national number.  The same with the NSDAR Patriot category, they should be only those patriots that have an Ancestor number.
Agreed.  I usually put something in the Sources area, like "See DAR patriot AXXXXXX accepted lineage."

And I usually put a person's National Number in the Biography section. -NGP
Andrea - From your profile, look under Find > Categories > Society > Societies and see which group applies.  You might have to check more than one before you find your other genealogy / heritage societies. -NGP
If you have not already done so, please do NOT add your National Number to your DAR listing. Protect that number, as it would give others access to your personal information. Never make the National Number of any lineage society public. Remember, your birthdate, your mother's maiden name, and many other identifiers are part of your National Number.

I hope that helps!
Yes. It's important to clarify that only DAR members with their National number, qualify to claim DAR. I have been following 'DAR' because I was gathering documents and waiting for national to accecpt me.  However, I did not intend to appear that I'm a member. I will be having my number assigned this February 5th and then would like to know the best way to display my NSDAR membership. Any help? Finally becoming a validated member is very exciting, because it represents years of hard work. Seeing the lineal connections on Wikitree is only the first step - like a road map. A road map shows us where to go and look, but it's not the actual journey. Sleuthing out the actual official documents makes the Ancestor real and personalizes the journey
I'm in DAR too.


Another for you? :)  Colonial Dames

Robin, I read your comment about adding DAR as a category to my profile, but I don't see how or where. Can you walk me through that?

@Carolyn, the a link to the category is listed in the question.  gives you the instructions for adding a category to your profile.
+17 votes
I'm also a member of the DAR, and have added the category to my patriot ancestors.
by E. Gatlin G2G6 Mach 1 (19.6k points)

Make sure you add Daughters of the American Revolution as a category to YOUR profile

I have the template working now.
For those of us in the south, even though we have proof of our American Revolutionary War patriots, the records that exist do not satisfy the requirements for DAR. And since researching began for me, I have found more than a dozen on my different lines that did fight for Independence, even a few women who provided for the cause. The court houses in many towns and cities were burned during the War Between the States so even marriage records are hard to come by. Shame. One that really concerns me is Captain Godfrey Isbell, a collateral line, he is buried in the oldest cemetery in a nearby county. His record is there, but he has not been noted through DAR. This is history and should be preserved. Btw, some descendants of his brother had a chronicle stone made up and the cemetery never agreed to have it placed in the cemetery.

From the DAR Patriot index: 




+19 votes
Yes, I am a 20-year member and have 24 verified supplemental ancestors in addition to my original ancestor.  Of my supplemental ancestors, 11 of them were brand-new additions to the database.
by Andrea Hajducko G2G3 (3.3k points)
+16 votes
Yes I'm a member of the DAR, but I've never added it to my profile.  I have the DAR numbers for my ancestors on their profiles.
by Carol Wilder G2G6 Mach 7 (74.4k points)
+14 votes
I am a DAR member.
+15 votes
Yes, I'm a member since December 2011.
by Phyllis Shoe G2G Crew (650 points)
+17 votes
Yes, I am a member

Now I have to figure out how to add the designation to my profile!

Thanks so much!

Nancy Fansler-Oleksa

(Edited to remove national number)
by Nancy Fansler G2G2 (2.5k points)
edited by Mindy Silva
you should NOT publish your national number.  it is considered to be private indentifiable information
I did not know this. Thanks for letting me know.
+15 votes
I joined just last year! My chapter is Knickerbocker in New York City. We run genealogical workshops regularly, so if you are in the area and need help with your application, you are welcome to join us. There are a lot of chapters here to choose from!
by Deborah Barber G2G6 (9.0k points)
I just joined knickerbocker!
Yay! And welcome :-)
Love the work Knickerbocker Chapter has been doing on Fond-A-Grave.  Thank you.
+15 votes
I am a member of DAR. My patriot ancestor is Edward Arnold, from Rhode Island. I also qualify under Henry Ingalls, Samuel Phetteplace and Noadiah Seward, but have not files supplemental applications yet.
by Colleen Morrison G2G3 (3.5k points)
+13 votes
Yes, I am a member of DAR.  I came into DAR on John Oldham of Chatham County, NC.  I can also trace back to Revolutionary Soldier/Patriots Solomon Burris, John Morris and Samuel Carter, all of Stanly County, formerly Montgomery County, NC
+14 votes
yes, DAR since 2003,  originally California now  Smoky Hill Trail Chapter Colorado.  My profile is getting too long.  But I will try to squezze'  it on.  Thank you for asking.
by Carole Taylor G2G6 Mach 7 (75.4k points)
+14 votes
Added my grandmother, mother, me and daughter.
by Kitty Smith G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
+13 votes
I am working on my application not a member yet!
+14 votes
My mom was and I qualify but there always seems something else that need to be taken care of to add one more responsibility...My mother loved geneology and being a child who had no family finding lost relatives was very satisfying.
by Elizabeth Sawning G2G2 (2.7k points)
+14 votes
Yes, I am a member of DAR. I belong to the Palm Springs, CA. chapter. I have two documented patriots. I have a couple more that I have not documented. I would be happy to answer questions.
by Berrylynn Freeby G2G1 (1.3k points)
+13 votes
My 2-g and 1g-grandmothers joined the DAR with our Kendrick lineage back in the early 1900's. The National DAR office advised that we'd need to update the documentation to join today. In doing so, I found that my forebears used the wrong John Kendrick to apply. It's not their fault entirely. Apparently, a lot of our Kendrick cousins have done the same thing. DNA tests, luckily, is fixing that problem. In the meantime, I have documented numerous other branches in our tree and will likely reapply with all of the ancestries most of which are already documented (making it easier thankfully). I look forward to adding the DAR badge to my tree.
by Yvonne Gammell G2G6 Mach 1 (17.6k points)
I am now a member and used John Darwin as the ancestor (I am descendant of his daughter Mary, married John Kendrick).

I plan to supplement my membership with all additional, documented ancestors, and add a couple who have yet to be documented.

I think it would be great for there to be a DAR/SAR sticker.
+13 votes
I am collecting the official birth, death, and marriage documents and soon expect to be admitted to the DAR. My adventure in genealogy made me certain that I have at least 4 4th great grandfathers who participated in the Revolution. I am grateful for Wikitree.
by Living Raffo G2G6 Mach 1 (13.1k points)
+13 votes
I just received my phone call today. DAR National Headquarters just validated my lineage and I'm a member. Eliphalet and Comfort Waller Whittlesey, Stockbridge Massachusetts

Question: how do we enter the DAR logo on our page?
by Living Raffo G2G6 Mach 1 (13.1k points)
I don't think we have a "Sticker", but make sure you add the category to your profile.

Congratulations Christine on your success for your work!
+10 votes
I am currently in the process of applying. Gathering documents as we speak!
by Kristen Lazarev-Stanishchev G2G1 (1.0k points)
Dear  Robin and all DAR -

   I just checked, and there are 126 WikiTree members or profiles labeled as NSDAR members. These are the ones that have the [[Category: Daughters of the American Revolution]] on their profile page.  Got to be more than 126.  Who is hiding out there?  -NGP
Kristen - Best wishes on your endeavor!

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