Jeff LaPlante
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Jeff LaPlante

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 20 Apr 2022 | 13 contributions | 20,181 connections
Jeff L. LaPlante
Born 1970s.
Ancestors ancestors
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Profile last modified | Created 14 Jul 2017
This page has been accessed 2,577 times.

Genealogically Defined


Jeffery is the son of Randy LaPlante and Patty Luker-Wren-Simon.[1][2][3]


Jeff is Ojibwe.

Jamestown, Virginia Colony
"Jamestowne Society"
Robert Bolling, Edward Burwell, William Byrd Sr, William Evelyn Byrd Jr, David Crawford, Joseph Croshaw, Raleigh Croshaw Esq., Henry Duke Sr, Temperance (Flowerdew) West, Robert Hicks, Warham Horsmanden, Thomas Jadwyn, Francis Mason, Lemuel Mason, Peter Montague Sr, John Mottrom, Jane (Pierce) Smith, Henry (Sewell) Seawell, Nicholas Spencer, John Stith, Nathaniel Tatum Sr, Sarah (Unknown) Woodson, John Walker, John Stith, Henry Watkins, John West, John Woodson, George Yeardley

Magna Carta Gateway
"Magna Carta Surety Barons"
Martha (Eltonhead) Conway, Warham Horsmanden, John West
William (Albini) d'Aubigny, Hugh (Bigod) le Bigod, Roger Bigod, Henry (Bohun) de Bohun, Gilbert (Clare) de Clare, Richard (Clare) de Clare, John (Clavering) FitzRobert, Robert de Vere, Robert FitzWalter, John (Lacy) de Lacy, William Malet, Saher (Quincy) de Quincy, Robert (Ros) de Ros

New Netherland Settlers
Adrienne (Cuvelier) Cuvellier, James Grover Sr, Isaack Planck, Abraham Isacszen (Plancken) VerPlanck, Susanna (Ver Planck) Planck, Ghislain Vigne, Maria Vigne

Palatine Migration
Mary Barbara (Fiscus) Goodnight, Hans Michael Gutknecht, Anna Magdalena (Jüngling) Pfautz, Ursula (Muehlenhauser) Pfautz, Hans Michel Pfautz Sr, Jacob Pfautz, Johann Adam Werner Sr

Puritan Great Migration
Joanna (Arnold) Reape, William Arnold, John (Doane) Done Sr, Robert Hicks, Samuel Hicks Sr, John Masters, Lydia (Masters) Taber, Christian (Peake) Arnold, Nicholas Power, Philip Tabor, Ann (Unknown) Doane, Margaret (Unknown) Hicks

Southern Colonists
William Byrd Sr, William Evelyn Byrd Jr, Robert "Potato Hole" Woodson

  • Too many to list (from just his father):
  • Jeff LaPlante has 265 ancestors within 20 generations who meet the Canadian Immigrants list criteria
  • Jeff LaPlante has 42 ancestors within 20 generations who meet the Filles du Roi list criteria
  • Jeff LaPlante has 61 ancestors within 20 generations who meet the Puritan Great Migration list criteria
Descendant of Stephen Hopkins and his daughter Constance (Hopkins) Snow, Mayflower Passengers.


Click on Surname to view EKA - Earliest Known Ancestor
Abell (Abel) , Albritton , Alcey , Alexander , Anderson , Anderson , Appleberry , Arcand , Armistead , Armstrong , Arnus , Ashall , Ashall , Asselin , Aubry , Auzou , Avery
Baillargeon, Baillargeon , Baldwin , Ballou , Barbier , Barnett , Barney , Baron , Barringer , Barton , Bass , Bault , Beauchamp , Beaudry , Beaumont , Beauvais , Beeching , Bell , Benard , Bentley , Betz , Bizet , Blake , Blanchard , Blanchet , Blankenbeckler , Boesmé , Boger , Bolling , Bonnefoy , Boon , Boone , Boucher , Bourg , Bouteiller , Bowen , Bowles , Brisbois , Brooks , Brooks , Buckland , Burette , Burford , Burgess , Burwell , Byrd , Bérard
Cadwallader, Caille , Cardinal , Carney , Carpentier , Carter , Cary , Catlin , Cauchon , Chamberlain , Chapacou , Chapelain , Charles , Chavis , Chefdevergne , Chevalier , Chevrefils , Chicoine , Choquet , Choublet , Christiaansen , Chrétien , Claiborne , Clark , Clarke , Clifton , Cocke , Coffey , Cole , Cole , Coleman , Collins , Cook , Cooke , Corse , Cory , Cosby , Couvillon , Crawford , Crawford , Croom , Crosbe , Curry , Curé
Daigle (Daigre) , Dandridge , Dania , Dardenne , Daunay , Davis , De Lespine , DeLaVoye , Deguire , DelaHaye Francoeur , Dennis , Denote , Desbois , Doucet , Ducharme , Duchesne , Dufort , Dufresne , Duke , Dumais , Dumas , Dumas , Duparc , Dupont , Dupuis , Dupuis , Durand , Dusson , Duteau , Duval
Elliott, Elliott , Eloy , Ernest , Etienne
Fairbanks (Fairbank, Fayrbanke) , Farrar , Fayol , Feraut , Ferris , Fiscus , Fletcher , Fouquereau , Fournier Belleval , Fournier , Foy , Fradin
Gaines, Gareman , Garland , Gastwick , Gathright , Gaucher , Gaudin , Gauthier , Gauthier , Gentil , Gervais , Gibault , Gibson , Gibson , Giles , Goard , Godbout , Goodnight , Goupil , Goyau , Granger , Graves , Graves , Gregg , Grenon , Grover , Guerin , Guilbeau , Guillebourdeau , Guillet , Guin , Gutbrodt , Guéric , Guéry
Haggard, Hamelin , Harel , Harrel , Harris , Haskins , Hayot , Hebert , Henault , Hendrix , Henley , Hewes , Hicks , Hicks , Hicks , Hicks , Higginson , Higginson , Hill , Holloway , Holman , Horsmanden , Houde , Houghton , Hughes , Hus
Janeson, Jennings , Jetté , Jobidon , Johnson , Johnson , Jones , Jones , Joubert , Jouin , Jouineau , Judgwyn , Julien , Jüngling
Kaffer, Karg , Kelton , Kennedy , Kieffer , Kirby , Knight
LNU Last Name Unknown, LNU Last Name Unknown , LaChappelle , LaFond , LaPlante , LaPointe , Lafayette , Lafontaine , Laisné , Lamain , Lambert , Lamy , Lamy , Langlois , Langlois , Langlois , Lanier , Lansford , Larivière , Laschaud , Lavallée , Leboeuf , Leclerc , Lecomte , Ledyard , Lee , Lefebvre , Lefebvre , Lefrançois , Lelong , Lemasson , Lemay , Lemaître , Lemieux , Letourneau , Lewis , Lewis , Limousin , Lloyd , Loiseau , Longtin , Lorgüeil , Lorion , Lovell , Luker , Luther
Magruder (Mcgruder, Mccruder, McCrouder, MacGregor, Strathclyde) , Maistre , Manning , Manseau , Marack , Marcot , Marie , Marion , Marks , Marston , Martin , Martin , Martin , Martineau , Mason , Masta , Matou , Matthews , Mauvoisin , Mayer , McCormick , McDaniel , McDaniel , Meeks , Menard , Meriwether , Messier , Michel , Michel , Mignot , Mildenhall , Miles , Miles , Millet , Mills , Minor , Misnil , Monet , Moreau , Morton , Moss , Mottrom , Muehlenhauser
Nault, Neal , Nebulian , Neisler , Neveu , Nolet
O'Jibway, Obemau-Unoqua , Odom , Ojibwe , Ojibwe , Owen
Pacaud, Paine , Palmes , Paquet , Parrish , Parrish , Parsons , Patrault , Paviot , Payne , Perkins , Pescher , Petit , Pfautz , Philippeau , Pichet , Plante , Plouard , Plume , Ponsant , Pontonnier , Pope , Pope , Pouppin , Powers , Prescott , Priddy , Pride , Prud'homme , Purnell
Ramsey, Reguindeau , Reid , Reynolds , Rhodes , Rice , Rice , Richardson , Richardson , Richaume , Richer , Riss , Rivard , Roberts , Robidoux , Rodes , Rogers , Rognon , Rossignol , Rougier , Rouleau , Roy , Roy
Salé (Salle) , Sarah , Sawyer , Sayer , Searcy , Sigler , Silver , Sinclair , Sioux , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Smith , Soane , Sorel , Souchet , Spencer , Sprouse , Sprouse , Sprouse , St George , St Onge , St Yves , Stegge , Steinmeyer , Stodder , Suncloud , Surprenant , Sylvestre
Tabor, Tardy , Taylor , Taylor , Taylor , Tellier , Terril , Testu , Thacker , Thibault , Thomas , Thompson , Tillinghast , Tinnell , Trahan , Turner
Vaillant, Vane , Varambonville , Varner , Viau , Viens , Vincent , Voidy
Waddy, Wagstaff , Walters , Walters , Waters , Watkins , Wayman , West , West , Westbrook , Wheeler , Wheelock , Whitcomb , White , Wilder , Williams , Williams , Williams , Willis , Winakiss , Woodson , Wooten , Worden , Wright


  1. Personal recollection of events witnessed by Patty (Luker) LaPlante as remembered 14 Jul 2017.
DNA Statements
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by a GEDmatch comparison between Jeff LaPlante and Randy LaPlante, his father. Predicted relationship from GEDmatch: 1, based on sharing 3562.4 cM (47.753%) across 49 segments.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by a GEDmatch comparison between Jeff LaPlante and Terry Rockstrom, his half brother. Their most-recent common ancestor is Patty LaPlante, the mother of Jeff LaPlante and mother of Terry Rockstrom. Predicted relationship from GEDmatch: 1.5, based on sharing 1908.2 cM (25.579%) across 62 segments.

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Jeff's formal name
  • full middle name (L.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
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  • images (13)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (2)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers: Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers: It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Jeff: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.

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