Having difficulty in sending a private message

+6 votes
I am entering a private message but can't make the form extend beyond the message part. Am I doing something wrong?
in WikiTree Tech by Michael Swift G2G6 (6.2k points)
retagged by Jamie Nelson
Jim Richardson's comment suggests that this may be a limitation on certain devices. What device, browser, and operating system are you using?
Hi Ellen:

Device: Acer Swift 3 Desktop. Intel Core Processor i7-8350 @ 1.80 GHz

Browser: Firefox

Operating System: Windows 11 Home 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Hmm... With that setup, you should see some sort of widget  in the lower right corner of the box (on my Firefox display it's a small group of dots) that you can drag with your mouse (or other pointing device) to expand the box. This is what Michael Stills describes as a little arrow.
I can't get to the lower right corner so I used the backward/forward keystroke on my computer. It works.
This has been reported by one other person (also using Firefox on Windows 11). I went through multiple debugging steps with her and wasn't able to figure out what the issue was -- but maybe the issue has something to do with Windows 11.

Does it work OK in other browsers such as Edge or Chrome?
Sorry for answering late. When I use Microsoft Edge it's okay. When I use Firefox I have to use the backward/forward keystroke (ie 1st key to the left on the 3rd row of keys on my keyboard - maybe different on other keyboards).
Thanks Michael, that helps narrow down where the issue might be.

1 Answer

+4 votes
In the bottom right corner of the main text [message box] entry box there is a little arrow you can drag to widen and extend the box.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (533k points)
Unfortunately this method may only be available on computers. It isn't on an iPad, for example.

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