Possible bug in Add new spouse "Note that X has children, you may want to check..." feature

+9 votes

I have noticed and greatly appreciated the feature where, when you add a new spouse to a profile that has children, those children's names are listed.  My understanding is that--for example--if they do not yet have a mother, and you are adding a spouse to their father's profile, you can check boxes next to the names so that the new spouse is connected as their mother.

I've encountered a (rather minor) bug in a specific situation:  when you add a new spouse to a profile that has children, and those children already have both parents, the wrong parent's information shows up.

Here's an example because I know this is confusing:

Paul W. Bontemps has 2 children with his first wife Maria Pembroke:  Arna and Ruby.  The children are correctly connected to both parents.  Paul is widowed and later remarries.  When I add his new second spouse, at the bottom of the page is this:

Note that Paul has 2 children. You may want to check if the person being added above is their parent. 

Arna Bontemps (Bontemps-10) [has father] 
Ruby (Bontemps) Troy (Bontemps-12) [has father] 

What it should say in the brackets is [has mother].  "The person being added above" is a new wife for Paul, so the relevant information would be whether or not the children are already connected to a mother.  (And we already know they have a father, of course, because it says "Note that Paul has 2 children.")

I know this is a minor thing, but if it's just a matter of changing a bit of code I thought it might be helpful to point it out, especially if it might alert someone to possible duplicates when they are creating new profiles.


in WikiTree Tech by Sarah Heiney G2G6 Mach 5 (53.7k points)
retagged by Abby Glann

1 Answer

+1 vote
I'll put it on our list to look into Sarah. Thanks!
by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (753k points)

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