Any objections to adding Eleanor (Sowthey) Munday (Burial 1709)

+4 votes
I just wanted to check to see if there are any objections to me adding Eleanor Munday?

I will be using a scan (on of the Wellington, Somerset parish records for 1709 as my primary source. This records her burial date as 9th December 1709 and her husband as Thomas Munday.

Unfortunately, the parish records for Wellington only go back to 1683 and most of the wills for the period were destroyed during the Baedeker Raids in 1942. That said details of a number of Southey wills have been recorded in the 1894 publication of Notes and Queries. On page 203 of number 116, (eighth series) March 17, 1894 it records the details of a will relating to a Robert Sowthey of Woodford in Wellington. The will is dated 19th July 1670. One of the beneficiaries listed is his daughter, Eleanor Munday, wife of Thomas Munday. The reference given for the will is 'Wells, Bishop's Court, 1675, No. 78'.

As such, I would like to record Eleanor's birth name as Sowthey and a birth date being before 1657.
in The Tree House by James Southey G2G2 (2.8k points)
Looks good
Thank you Lois.

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