Did I miss a possible source for birth/baptism record - England (Dorset or Oxford), 1620ish, for John Puckett? [closed]

+5 votes

I'm looking for a source for the birth/baptism of John Puckett - said to be either Dorset or Oxford, in 1619 or 1620, son of Henry Puckett and Ann (Nin) Puckett.

I've looked at sources I found through England Project's reliable sources page & county pages with the following (non-)results:

  • did not find any Pucketts in the 1623 Visitation of Dorset
  • no Pucketts in Oxfordshire's marriage bonds either
  • a "Mary Puckett" was found - mentioned in a 1625 will probate record for Francis Robinson (testator's granddaughter, not married & not yet 21),[11] but cannot identify who she might be in WikiTree (if a blood relative of Francis, she'd be the child of a daughter Robinson m Puckett, neither of whom are named in the will, but most of the descendants named are given houses; granddaughter Mary Puckett is left £10 - the same as "Anne Hopes, servant of the testator", which to me implies she was a step-daughter of one of his sons).

I also looked for him in freereg.org.uk with no luck (although Pucketts were found in Dorset marriage records).

WikiTree profile: John Puckett
closed with the note: didn't find a record for him, but discussion has run its course
in Genealogy Help by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
closed by Liz Shifflett
I found one in Essex, son of a William, bp. 1621. I see a brother William, tho the dates don't fit.

There are William Pucketts in Dorset at the right time to father a son John abt 1620
William Puckett of Studland left a 1663 Will that I haven't found
Something called Somerset and Dorset Notes & Queries, Vol 27, p. 63 has an entry:  PUCKETT, JOHN, OF VIRGINIA

Not that I know how to access this, but it has others of the family as well
Thanks for the info Lois - that last one is probably looking for Dorset baptism confirmation too LOL!
There is at least one John Puckett b. in Surrey.

The one in Essex is John Frauncis alias Puckett, as is father William, who may well be from Dorset.

I found a 1663 William Puckett will indexed in Dorset - https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=hvd.32044017963612&view=1up&seq=108&skin=2021&q1=puckett

We keep this up, we might source a profile for William Puckett :D

just realized this is the same entry Lois found

It would make the Dorset birth location more likely if the William with the 1663 will in Dorset was the same as the William whose profile is attached as a son of Henry & brother of the John Puckett I'm asking about. That profile says William went to America in 1637, but no other information about him (and no reliable/verifiable source for that bit - maybe the Rootsweb link has something, but that page apparently doesn't like my browser; the cited reference might too, but I couldn't find it online*).


* I did find a page that cited it, which had the following information to support William coming to America:

Research in England by genealogist on the Puckett surname led to the belief that the ancestors were French Huguenots who settled in England after the St. Bartholomew Massacre of some 50,000 French Protestants at the instigation of Catherine de Medici which began on 25 Aug. 1572. Records of the year 1637 in Virginia list William Pockett* as headright of Capt. Henry Browne of James City, Virginia, and Jone Pockett* headright.

My own inclination is to suspect that William is the father of John the immigrant, but that he remained and died in Dorset. The evidence linking John to Henry as his son is lacking.

Of course, finding the actual 1663 Will would provide answers to that.

Just curious as to why you think he may have been born in Dorset? His father was apparently born in Dorchester, Oxfordshire, but other than his father's birthplace having the same place name as Dorset's county town there doesn't seem to be any other obvious connection between your John Puckett and the county of Dorset. Puckett is not an uncommon name in Dorset, but I would tend to focus on Oxfordshire.

Having said that there is one interesting marriage in Steeple in Dorset in 1629, John Puckett married to Elizabeth Smith 28 July. Although the dates do not tally with a 1620 birthdate for your John (unless of course he was born earlier...) his wife's surname of Smith might link this to your John's son William Smith Puckett - just a thought.

If that in fact was his father.
I thought "Dorchester, Oxfordshire" was not a place, but a melding of the Dorset & Oxford locations (which were among several birth locations given). <sigh>

I knew I should leave the England bit of "Needs Location Research" alone. Disclosure: I'm not related at all (at least, I don't think I am), but I work on Virginia locations from the US Southern Colonies Project's "Needs Location Research" maintenance category. This profile (for John Puckett-171) was a bit of a mess & I just couldn't leave it as it was after correcting the location given for his death.

Any help in clarifying where in England he might have been born is much appreciated.
I don't expect that you are the first to get tripped up by that one ...
The thing is - there just don't seem to be Pucketts in Oxfordshire, whereas they are on the ground in Dorset.

Perhaps we should be looking for two separate families, since a Puckett DNA researcher says that there were two Puckett families in colonial Virginia & the DNA of descendants does not support the theory that two brothers immigrated in 1637 (perhaps referring to the William & John named as headrights in 1637 grants?)

The John & Elizabeth (Smith) Puckett could conceivably be the parents of the John who was named in a headright in 1637 - they married in 1629, so it's a stretch but not implausible to think their 7-year-old (or younger) son sailed to America with Groves (perhaps as an apprentice?). More likely, especially if there are two different Puckett families, the John who was named in Groves' 1637 grant was a different John than married Anne (said to be born Jefferies - no source for her maiden name or their 1649 marriage).

So. We do know that John and Ann Puckett's four children who were living in 1679 were born in the 1650s, and a child of John and Elizabeth (Smith) Puckett, born after their marriage in 1629, fits that timeframe (born 1630, say, and first child born 1654).

Lois - who's the one in Surry?

And the "brother William" for Essex... I can't see what's in the FindMyPast link - is that the brother William attached in WikiTree, or is there a baptismal record for a brother William?

It's a father William in Essex. (says from FamilySearch)

First name(s)  John
Mother's last name  -
Last name  Frauncis Alyas Puckett
Place  Castle Hedingham
Sex  Male
County  Essex
Baptism year  1621
Country  England
Baptism date  19 Aug 1621
Record set  Essex Baptisms
Father's first name(s)  Willyam
Category  Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Father's last name  Frauncis Alyas Puckett
Subcategory  Parish Baptisms
Mother's first name(s)  -
Collections from  England, Great Britain

The others are from Ancestry: there are images - one is dubious

Let's face it Liz, the Pucketts could come from anywhere in England, especially for that date period, lots of missing PR's. Also many people couldn't be bothered to register their children's baptisms, especially if it meant going to another parish.
Probably so. Still, the searching did do one thing - convinced me that he is probably NOT the son of Henry!
I want to thank you for all the work you are doing on the Puckett family. As a Puckett myself I have found it very frustrating that I can't connect my paternal line to any Puckett's after my 2nd grt grandfather Alfred, who seems to have been misplaced a number of years ago by a well meaning researcher. In discussions with descendants of Samuel Puckett of Estill, Kentucky, it was determined that there were no MD's in their line. Alfred was an MD, his wife's grandfather, Elijah Bettis, was an MD. I have always been told that Alfred's line came from John 1620 etc., But it doesn't appear to be correct as I can't find a direct link. I can't find his Mother either although I did find that William Henry Harrison had a daughter named Alice. I'm not sure which William Harrison, however.

I didn't find vol 27, but Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset, Volume 8 - https://books.google.com/books?id=tcQxAQAAIAAJ&q=pucket#v=onepage&q=puckett&f=false - has a Thomas Puckett (p 269) serving on a jury in Portisham/Portysham... 1557/8 if I'm reading it right.

The HathiTrust catalog for Notes & Queries for Somerset and Dorset only goes to volume 21.

I have examined Gary Puckett's DNA research, and I have a very different take on the results:  https://sites.google.com/site/womackgen/puckett-family/puckett-y-dna-testing?authuser=0.  Basically, we see different results because one of the early Puckett males was not the biological son of his supposed father; he was likely adopted.

2 Answers

+4 votes

For Dorset you might want to look at Dorset OPC, has quite a few Pucket, Puckett records revealed in a quick search some records from 17th century might be connected family.

by Mark Stevens G2G6 Mach 1 (16.7k points)
The place I would look is Portesham

Thanks! I've found an abstract of the 1663 will there...


No living sons named in will. Daughter Jane is executrix.. Jane Frampton (daughter): rest & residue

edit - in Studland... haven't searched for Portesham yet

ooh - just noticed the list of names for Studland had a lot of Groves (John in America was named as a headright for John Groves of Elizabeth City).

Hehe laugh looks like you've got lots of rabbit holes to go down! Good luck.

But I just got out of the rabbit hole I've been in! (Actually, still there a bit - his children need help too... see notes at [Puckett-515]. Does that mean I'm trapped in a rabbit warren?)

A very old one ... I have so many lines that go back this far in Dorset - where I hail from - that just end up going nowhere. Sadly many of the useful records for the time before the Civil Wars just don't exist, so we're left with rabbit holes. But chin up you've done great work so far!

Thanks! I think that maybe he (Puckett-171) needs to have an expanded "Parents" section under Research Notes & be disconnected from Henry & Ann (Nin) Puckett ... I think it's a bit telling that none of the descendant profiles attached currently are named Henry! (There's a gr-grandson, Henry Womack, a descendant from John's through his daughter Mary who married Richard Womack, but he's apparently named for his mother's father.)

I would agree. There's no link connecting this John and Henry, and too much of descendants connecting their immigrant ancestors with the most available parents.  And the "three (or two in this case) brothers immigrating" line is such a fairy tale.

Sounds like a good plan. Probably what is needed is a study of all the 17th century Puckett families in England to determine, by elimination, who emigrated and who stayed. Then maybe in the process the two lines could be untangled.

Ancestry does have a few recorded around Oxfordshire, and I noticed that there is a tiny concentration near Witney but there are only a handful of mostly later than 1620 records.

Others pop up in London (your Surrey record was for Bermondsey IIRC which used to be in Surrey and is just south of central London), Yorkshire, Essex, Bridport (Dorset again, lots there), Cornwall and Warwickshire.

+3 votes
maybe the Essex find (John son of William) is where the other colonial Virginia Puckett family came from.

Considering the lack of Pucketts in Oxfordshire, I'll buy into one family from Essex and one from Dorset ... and for the Dorset family, I really like John & Elizabeth (Smith) Puckett who married in 1629 being the parents of the John in Virginia who left 500 acres for his family (which was granted him in 1665) & who had four children living in 1679, born in the 1650s.

I thought that I had maybe seen a 1630 birth year for him somewhere, but I don't find one in the changes tab. Still, born 1630 fits as both son of John & Elizabeth and father of John, William, Thomas, and Mary. Wish that his son William's profile had a reliable source for the middle name of "Smith"!
by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (642k points)
If you detach John from Henry & fam, it gives you a greater range of possible birth dates

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