PGM: Can we project protect Rebecca Clarke Wheelock?

+9 votes
I've been meaning to ask this for awhile...Rebecca's husband Ralph Wheelock is project protected, but he acquired some erroneous step children through a gedcom upload because Rebecca's profile wasn't protected. (They have been removed).

Not sure what the standard is for project protection, but thought I would ask...
WikiTree profile: Rebecca Wheelock
in Policy and Style by M Cole G2G6 Mach 9 (92.9k points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
She's certainly PGM, so project-protecting her as PGM makes sense -- and is the only standard a profile needs  to meet for project-protection.

Note, though, that project-protecting her wouldn't protect against spurious children or bad edits.  What it does do is protect her LNAB and her parents -- and also documents that Wikitree considers her PGM.

by Patricia Hawkins G2G6 Mach 3 (36.5k points)
selected by M Cole
Thank you.  I think it makes sense to protect her.  I'll request to be on the trusted list, so I can help address the other things.

What I do about spurious relative connections is check to see if they're common errors.  Do they show up on lots of public genealogies?  If so, I put a stern note *at the top of each profile* warning that this is a common error, and please don't attach her to them. 

Here's some good examples of  profiles where that's been done.  I prefer to say "erroneous" rather than "disputed"  when the connection is clearly an ERROR rather than an ongoing dispute. 

Susan French-3613 -- died in Britain at age 24, therefore NOT the immigrant wife of John Bridge.  

John Bridge-134 -- had a LOT of spurious connections, including the above Susan.  This is an excellent example of documenting such connections.  (Here they're called "disputed" -- I prefer the franker but harsher "erroneous" for completely unsourced or disproven relatives, but I believe I'm in a minority, so take your pick.)

I notice Susan French-3613 isn't back linked from John Bridge-134, and Elizabeth French-6400 who PROBABLY originated with Susan, doesn't have a comment documenting her likely fictive nature or non-relationship to John -- she also ought to be in the {{Uncertain Existence}} category. 

+4 votes
The requirements for ppp are

And as Patricia said it protects Last name at birth, parents, but does not protect against addition of children or bad edits.
by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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