What to do about the two lives of Abiel Wheelock?

+6 votes

I'm not sure what the best way to handle two separate lines documenting back to the same person?  Some people believe that Abiel Wheelock, duaghter of Benjamin Wheelock and Elizabeth Bullen was marred to Jospeh Ward (marriage record, but does not mention parents).others believed she was married to Benjamin Albee. The birth dates of the children mean that these have to be two separate Abiels.  Right now there are two separate profiles attached to the same parents: [[Wheelock-100| Abiel Wheelock Albee]] & [[Wheelock-203| Abiel Wheelock Ward]]

There's a discussion of the evidence on the Wheelock Genealogy website:  http://www.wheelockgenealogy.com/ralphdsc/d0001/g0000084.html#I4381

Strictly based on evidence, I think Benjamin Albee's wife should be Abiel LNAB=Unknown.  But, neither relationship is 100% proven, and I could see maintaining the connection could be useful for checking DNA connections.  Is it acceptable to maintain the two separate profiles but changing the status to uncertain, with an explanation in the biography?

A couple of us have posted on the profile, but haven't heard anything back.

in Policy and Style by M Cole G2G6 Mach 9 (92.9k points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
The parent child relationship for both can be selected as Uncertain and explained in the biography.  Then that would allow for any DNA connections.  There could also be a statement in the bio encouraging any descendants (whose specific type of DNA would be useful) to test.
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (720k points)
Since were talking at least 10 generations back, would we need to use mtDNA? Compare descendents from the two Abiels, with one of her sisters/maternal line cousins?

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