Newt Boyd-20546 introducing myself

+9 votes
Hi, everyone.  I'm excited to start getting my tree up on Wikitree!  I do genealogy for a number of lineage groups and this has always been my go to spot for quick answers or hints. I decided to get really serious on my own genealogy and get blanks filled in from over 50 years of research.  

I have several really tough spots on my dad's line and am hoping to make some connections and clear up a few questions.  I have a brick wall with my Boyd line - DNA blew up what we had thought was right for many years and I'm stuck in Bedford County, TN - of course, a burned county.  My Marshall line in Brunswick Co, VA we think has an illegitimate child on the maternal side which makes DNA not overly helpful, and my Williamson line in Virginia is complicated by way too many Robert Williamsons.  Most of my other paternal lines are fairly solid but I'm always seeking more documentation.  Although my Harris and Graves lines in Virginia aren't even helped with DNA.  My dad's lines are pretty much all out of Virginia, so that is where I have concentrated my research.  

I love how Wikitree points out potential issues and tries to avoid duplication and root out inaccuracies.
WikiTree profile: C Boyd
in The Tree House by C Boyd G2G Crew (530 points)

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Welcome to WikiTree!
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