Born a Boyd. looking for grandparents info. John William boyd Ruth schwartzmann

+2 votes
Hello. I am Samantha Boyd. Looking for any information on my father's side. John William boyd and Ruth Geraldine schwartzmann. Born in Pennsylvania we think. Lived in Miami Florida.  Inbox me any questions you have!! Or any information on!!! Thank you!!
in The Tree House by anonymous G2G Rookie (190 points)
She was pretty.
WOOWWWWWWWW HOW EFFIN COOL IS THAT??!!!!! you're a damn angel and my heart is so full. Wow. No words. Thank you for that. WOWWWWWWWW you're good lol Geez really thank you!!!

William Francis William's papa

William F. Williams

 in the 1880 United States Federal Census

Name: William F. Williams
Age: 10
Birth Date: Abt 1870
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1880: Kittanning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Street: Jefferson Street South
Dwelling Number: 251
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital status: Single
Father's name: George A. Williams
Father's Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Mother's name: Margarett A. Williams
Mother's Birthplace: Missouri
Occupation: At Home
Attended School: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
George A. Williams 45
Margarett A. Williams 40
Ner W. Williams 20
Ira T. Williams 19
Ida M. Williams 18
Maurance L. Williams 15
Laura I. Williams 14
John Williams 12
Linas T. Williams 11
William F. Williams 10
Margarett A. Williams 7
Sarah E. Williams 5
George H. Williams 3

William F Williams

 in the Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1967

Name: William F Williams
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 64
Birth Date: 13 Feb 1871
Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Death Date: 11 Sep 1937
Death Place: Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA
Father: George Williams
Mother: Margaret Williams
Spouse: Dellie Williams
Certificate Number: 82663
Search for William F Williams in Pennsylvania Wills & Probates collection

George Augustus' pappy

G A Williams

 in the 1850 United States Federal Census

Name: G A Williams
[George Augustus Williams] 
Age: 14
Birth Year: abt 1836
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Home in 1850: Manor, Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Gender: Male
Family Number: 58
Household Members:
Name Age
John Williams 41
Sarah Williams 41
J F Williams 20
Mary W Williams 18
G A Williams 14
Elma S Williams 10

George Augustus Williams

Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, USA
Death 17 Aug 1889 (aged 53)
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, USA
Burial Ford City, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, USA
Memorial ID 51184369 · View Source

Civil War Veteran

George was the son of John Thomas Williams and Sarah Fitzgerald.

In addition to the children listed below, George and Margaret also had sons Ira Terris Williams (1861-1938) and William Francis Williams (1871-1939).



George was a Union soldier.

George A Williams

 in the Headstones Provided for Deceased Union Civil War Veterans, 1861-1904

Name: George A Williams
Date of Death: 17 Aug 1889
Burial Place: Armstrong, Pennsylvania, USA
Rank: Capt
Regiment: 139
Company: B
Unit: Pa Infy

You're welcome. I love finding ancestors, no matter how hard they try to hide.
Oh Ms Betty you outdid yourself!! I shared with my family and they were shocked! Wow!! So awesome!! Thank you so much!! You're AMAZING!!!

(I have another question coming up for a friend of mine. His father passed a while ago and we don't know his ethnicity. Lol so we're gonna let the Wiki God's find it..  God thank you so much!!!!
Please remember when you put offerings by my godly throne that I only accept Visa and Mastercard. :)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Need more info like birth/death dates.
by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (226k points)
Born in Pennsylvania in 1918 John William boyd also known as jack Boyd. Married my grandma Ruth Geraldine Schwartzman (not sure if 2 N's) Searching now what year she was born. Would have to say right about the same as grandpa jack. Lived in Miami Florida most their lives. Had 8 children. Tracey, Darryl, Bruce, Blair, Scott, Vaughn, Paige and Kathleen.

Family is mainly pipefitters down south here in Florida.

God I don't know much else.
+3 votes

one possibility of many:

"Florida Death Index, 1877-1998," database, FamilySearch( : 25 December 2014), John William Boyd, 08 Mar 1983; from "Florida Death Index, 1877-1998," index, Ancestry( : 2004); citing vol. , certificate number 23692, Florida Department of Health, Office of Vital Records, Jacksonville.

by Mark Burch G2G6 Pilot (226k points)
No love but thank you so much for helping!! John William boyd also known as jack Boyd. His father was jackal Boyd I just found out.

Just a lot of researching I guess..
I recommend joining Family Search (it's free). You can do a lot of searching there. A common name like John Boyd has too many hits so you need to find a way to limit it. Like knowing his father's name will help.  Good luck!
+2 votes
My maiden name is Boyd. My father and my grandfather are both John William Boyd (Sr and II.)  What year was the John William Boyd for whom you're looking born?
by Donna Gail Glass G2G6 (6.1k points)

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