French translation help

+5 votes

Need a little French translation help trying to find the parents of Jean Baptiste Morin. His marriage record appears to list them as Jean Baptiste Morin and June Sauvagesse(?) but a search on PRDH for the couple turns up nothing. I'm hoping there's something else in the record that might be of help in finding them. Thanks!

WikiTree profile: Jean Baptiste Morin
in Genealogy Help by Paul Chisarik G2G6 Mach 3 (34.8k points)

3 Answers

+8 votes
Hi Paul,

His father is indeed Jean Baptiste Morin, already dead at the time of the marriage, 'traveler' while he was alive.

His mother was a 'wildling' (une sauvagesse) from the 'criqs nation' (the Crees? Not sure...).

That's it as far as information about the parents is concerned.

Also mentioned: godfather of the groom is Jean Baptiste Hainault (might be related to the father).

I hope this helps you find the father (I doubt you'll find the mother from this...)!

by Filip Beunis G2G6 Mach 2 (28.8k points)
A "voyageur" was usually a French-Canadian who traveled up the waterways of North America in search of Natives willing to trade beaver pelts for European goods.
Thank you Filip and Robert for the information and for confirming my suspicion.

I searched the Hudson Bay Co records for a Jean Baptiste Morin and there are only two from around 1870. Only an Antoine Morin goes back far enough to be his father. I also searched the Red River archives as numerous other searches have led me in that direction before, but no luck there either. Just another Antoine Morin born around 1800 married a Chipewa woman about 1823.
+8 votes

Marriage record indicates that one of the witnesses was Thomas Désilet, first cousin of the bride (cousin germain de l'épouse). 

PRDH says he was born out of wedlock.

by Gisèle Cormier G2G6 Mach 6 (68.5k points)
edited by Gisèle Cormier
Thank you Gisele. Unfortunately I don't have a PRDH subscription, can you tell me if the record provides at least a birth or baptism date? I was able to find, through the free search on PRDH, that the last records for the couple, Jean Baptiste and his wife Marguerite Mousseau, are the baptism and burial of their son Joseph in 1825 at Saint-Jacques de Montcalm, but here trail seems to run cold after that.

Hi Paul,

Here is the information from PRDH:

1. Marguerite b.1816-11-14 L'Assomption d. 1819-04-28 St Jacques de l'Achigan

2. Theotilde (female)  b. 1818-04-08 L'Assomption d. 1820-09-02 St Jacques de l'Achigan

3. Eleonore b. 1822-07-12  St Jacques de l'Achigan d. ---

4. Anonyme (male) b. 1824-08-31  St Jacques de l'Achigan d. 1824-08-31  St Jacques de l'Achigan

5. Joseph - same dates as on his profile.

If you need more information just ask.smiley

+7 votes
Le vingt six févier mil huit cent seize après la publication de trois bans ce mariage faite au prône de messe paroissiale par trois dimanches consécutifs entre Jean Baptiste Morin cultivateur de cette paroisse, fils majeure naturel de Jean Baptiste Morin, vivant, voyageur, et d'une sauvagesse de la nation des criqs, d'une part, et Marguerite Desilets, aussi domicilière de cette paroisse, fille majeure de feu Jean Désilet dit Mousseau, vivant, cultivateur, et de défunte Catherine Lavoie, d'autre part, sans qu'il se soit découvert aucun empèchement au dit mariage nous sousigné Prêtre curé avons reçu leur mutuel consentement de mariage et leur avons donnés la bénédiction nuptiale suivant les cérémonies prescrites par notre mère la Ste Eglise en présence de Jean Baptiste Haignault parrain de l'époux, de Thomas Désilets cousin germain de l'épouse, de Joseph Beaudry, de Joseph et François Hainault, amis, qui avec les époux ont délarés ne savoir signer.

On February 26 one thousand eight hundred and sixteen after the publication of three banns, this marriage made at the parish mass sermon for three consecutive Sundays between Jean-Baptiste Morin, living, farmer, in this parish, the natural son of Jean-Baptiste Morin, voyageur, and of a sauvagesse of the Cree nation, on the one hand, and Marguerite Desilets, also domiciled in this parish, major daughter of the late Jean Désilet dit Mousseau, living, farmer, and of deceased Catherine Lavoie, on the other hand, without there having been any objections to the said wedding, we undersigned parish Priest received their mutual consent to marry and gave them the nuptial blessing following the ceremonies prescribed by our mother the Holy Church in the presence of Jean Baptiste Hainault, godfather of the husband, of Thomas Désilets first cousin of the wife, of Joseph Beaudry of Joseph and François Hainault friends, who together with the spouses declared not knowing how to sign.

Edit: Per correction comment below.
Thank you I will add this to my translation help file.
correction, the witnesses read ''Jean Baptiste Hainault parrain de l'époux'', ie godfather of the groom, not the bride, whose godfather was François Nadeau/Nadon per her baptism.

Thanks Danielle, I think I may have found the right Jean Baptiste Hainault married to Marie Victoire Limoges, 1777, Terrebonne. I did find a Jean Baptiste Morin born in in L'Assomption in 1788 which could be about right, but I couldn't find the baptism in the parish record, it's a pretty messy year.

if he is illegitimate, he may not have been baptized under the name Morin but under his mother's name.  And the name Hainault has variation of Hénault/Héno...... so there is no way to tell if he is the right man in that marriage.

'Fils naturel' in 'Jean Baptiste Morin cultivateur de cette paroisse, fils majeure naturel de Jean Baptiste Morin' means 'illegitimate son'. 

...«fils majeur naturel»  -  illegitimate son.

«majeur» indicates that he was over 21 years of age. Might be useful to know that in research.

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