pre-1500 profile, Patrick Buchanan: Can we know his wife?

+4 votes

[[Wikipedia:Clan_Buchanan]] states without clear attribution that Walter (14th/7th Chief)'s son by Isobel Graham, Patrick, m. "the daughter of the Earl of Argyle;" whereas, the Guthrie Smith, John (1896) text makes no statement about Patrick's wife. Furthermore, all of the evidence on Lady Margaret (Campbell) points to her only having one marriage, and that was to George Seton. Nevertheless, none of Margaret's sisters appear to have married a Buchanan.

Wikipedia cites Strathendrick and its Inhabitants from Early Times (Smith, 1896)[1] in general discussion of Walter and his son Patrick's relationship to Clan Buchanan; however, by my read, Smith (1896)[1] is mute on identifying Patrick's spouse. It's appears to be a good source on the Buchanan line - the other source that the Clan Buchanan page lists as pertaining to Walter and Patrick includes no sources and basically is an historic narrative with an impossible to decipher pedigree.

Thus it appears that Patrick's wife has unknown origins, and that she is definitely not Lady Margaret, the daughter of the Earl of Argyle (UNLESS: am I misreading this statement?): what Smith (1896)[1] does say means something that I am missing: 

On 22 Jun 1486, gift by Colin, Earl of Argyll, to Walter Buchquhanan of that Ilk, of the marriage of John Campbell of Ardfinglace. 

Smith (1896)[1] immdediately cites Montrose Writs in ''The Lennox'', Vol 11, p. 127. The statement would perhaps seem to suggest that a daughter of Walter married John Campbell of Ardfinglace(?)

Note also that even Burke appears to be silent on who Patrick's wife was.

[1] inclusive of p. 286 - excerpted under CC 4.0

in Genealogy Help by Porter Fann G2G6 Mach 9 (99.7k points)
edited by Porter Fann

Also, this Patrick, (person IX in Smith's work, p.287) died before 9 Mar 1502/3, contrary to Auchmar's assertion that he died at Flodden.

1 Answer

+2 votes
There is a source 2. attached to Buchanan-327|Ann Buchanan's orphaned profile, which I adopted. It is titled:, which suggests that Margaret Campbell was married George Seton, 2nd Lord and then, to Patrick Buchanan. This source has Patrick's  death date as 9 Mar 1503, but then has him killed at Flodden, which is known.
by David Richards G2G6 (6.7k points)

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