Five of Gaspard Boucher's "siblings" need sources to prove their existence

+7 votes

In attempting to sort out the profile for Jacques Boucher, father of Gaspard Boucher, a pioneer in New France, I discovered that there are at least five undocumented children attached to the profile: Etienne, Charles, Jean, Claude and Antoinette.

We have very little info on Jacques himself. We know his son Gaspard, the name of his wife, and secondary sources indicate that he had at least another child, named Nicolas (I have not been able to discover from where the secondary sources got their info).

All the children attached to Jacques Boucher and Françoise Paigné have nothing but an Ancestry record as source (I have no account at Ancestry and the source does not include a link anyway). One may be out of a mail someone (name deleted for privacy) sent to the editor of the "Genealogie Quebec" website. Antoinette is particularly problematic because set to have died in Québec and married to a Guillaume Lecourt. (now if Gaspard Boucher had a sibling who migrated and married in Canada you'd think it would be documented somewhere).

We need better sources to confirm that these siblings at least existed. Help !!!

(two small edits - names of contributors to external sites removed).

WikiTree profile: Jacques Boucher
in Genealogy Help by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (580k points)
retagged by Isabelle Martin

Binet, Carpin & Lesperance do not include Antoinette Boucher in their lists of migrants from Perche. Binet places the arrival at Quebec of Gaspard Boucher, his wife and 5 children in 1635, which is one of 2 years, 1634 or 1635, of arrival posed as a possibility for Antoinette by PREFEN based on 1667 & 1681 censuses.

Hi, all you people hunters. I am now a little more confused than I was when I got up. I always had Marin and Gaspard as brothers now I understand why not so. They are still related but not sure how maybe cousins I*ll keep digging.

1 Answer

+7 votes

no trace of Antoinette in records of this province at all, nor of Guillaume Lecourt, removed the spurious death location from the profile.

Interesting list of godparents for the children of Gaspard is provided in  Prefen notice, the dates of baptism are there, p/m stands for parrain/marraine for those not conversant with French (godfather/godmother).  I see among them a Marguerite Lecourt, so that name is present there in this era.  Conflation?  Boucher is definitely not a rare name.

Put a note on the profile of the ''son'' Jean Boucher.  Definitely a lot of conflation here.

The locations for most of these ''children'' varies wildly, somebody hasn't a clue about geography I think.

by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (684k points)

These "children" are all listed on François Marchi's site, with the usual elusive "email from Aunt Marge" source frown. Obviously, it doesn't help.

It's worth noting that none of the godparents of Gaspard's children appear to be his siblings. None of them is called Boucher. No siblings of his wife either, apparently.

indeed, the elusive ''aunt Marge'' is all over the map on that site.  And François Marchi doesn't provide more than that for his source, not even access to the original e-mail.

Picking on my ancestral lines again today I see.  Both this one and Mathurin Guyon.  laugh

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