"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! Sept. 6th-8th, 2019 [closed]

+19 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Wonderful Chat! See y'all next week!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

So sorry to hear about Kathy, Pip. It's tough.

Just the other week, I was commenting to the light of my life and the delight of my eyes, saying how our prayer list was finally getting shorter. (We add friends who have lost immediate family members to our daily list for three years, because it took me about three years to get back to anything like "normal"1 after my dad died.) And then, we heard about several people who had lost family members over the next few days, and our daily list promptly lengthened out again.

  1. Not, you understand, that the word "normal" has any real meaning when it is used to describe me. wink
Pip, so sorry to hear of the loss of a dear friend. I'm glad you told her "I love you". I make it a point to tell, not only family, but close friends "I love you" when I see, or talk to, them because you just never know. Since moving to Arizona, I've become very close to a woman who will turn 83 next week. Over the past year and a half, she's gone through several major surgeries and chemo. She has a very upbeat personality and we laugh a lot when we get together. She recently told me that she's cultivating "younger" friends because she doesn't have any "older" ones left.

Hugs Pip!
Hi Pip and all - thanks for hosting Pip!
@Susan: My wife has one of those "bust out of jail" stories and it's hilarious. I'll have to post in someday.
Thanks, Diane. My mom, at 93, ios in the same situation. None of her old friends (and relatives) are around anymore. All her friends are younger than her.
Diane, your 83 year old friend is very wise about cultivating younger friends or just expanding the circle of friends in general.    At 65,  it's become apparent that my circle of  living friends/family is  shrinking.  Certainly a very painful reality.  But it's never too late to make new friends..... not that we'll ever forget our losses but let's show gratitude by having long HAPPY lives.

Considering you have the rep as a raconteur, PIP, I think we will all enjoy the 'busting out of jail' tail ... tale. dang. Long day here. Really? Isn't there anyone among all these 'neighbors' on this chat who had a relative who did NOT bust out of jail? Has to be some. Most of them have to have one who did not. 

Hi Pip,

I am truly sorry to hear of the death of your friend. I am heartened that you were able to say, "I love you." I can understand your work with death. I worked as a hospice nurse for several years before moving into graduate education and research. I still, however, carry all of the learning and experiences as a hospice nurse deep in my heart. Sadly, there were times when families were so disconnected, the person who was dying head "I love you" from their "hospice family." It is wonderful that Kathy has a profile on Wikitree as her memory will live on.

Pip, thank you for all you do and for your many kindnesses. I love you! Carol
@Peggy I understand your comment about your circle of friends and family shrinking. I lost four members of my immediate family in 7 years plus many aunts and uncles during that same time period.

I told my older friend that she reminded me of Carol King's "Beautiful" song. Being older she didn't know the song, so I emailed her a link. She was thrilled.

"You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world all the love in your heart..."

Her love shines through each and every day :)
Pip my heart goes out to you concerning the loss of your friend.  Sometimes our friends are more like family than family and she certainly sounds like she was an extended member of your family.  

Yes it is so important to tell the people who are still here with us what they mean to us.  Age has nothing to do with death.  It happens without warning most of the time.  

On a more cheerful note, you and she shared a lot of great memories and you will carry the positive impact she had on you into the world at large.  

Yes you deserve time to heal.  Emotional loss is very hard.

Hugs, prayers, and sympathy to you and her family.

34 Answers

+22 votes

Today is....



On September 6th National Coffee Ice Cream Day permits us to indulge in a caffeinated dessert. Coffee lovers will delight in the opportunity, especially if they also enjoy ice cream. 

The cool and creamy result of our morning java in a refreshing dessert magnifies the celebration. While not everyone drinks coffee, some like the flavor in desserts. So this day may interest even those who don’t wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

Besides, when caffeine finds its way into a frozen, creamy blend, it’s nearly irresistible. Coffee ice cream has been around for many years.  In 1869, coffee ice cream was used in a parfait. One recipe appeared in a 1919 cookbook for an Egg Coffee, consisting of cream, crushed ice and coffee syrup.

Howard Johnson’s serves coffee ice cream as one of their standard menu items. According to Foodtimeline.org, since at least the 1960′s coffee is listed right along with vanilla, chocolate, banana, macaroon and coconut.

One thing is for certain, coffee ice cream and chocolate will almost always go well together. Serve a scoop over a dark chocolate cake and the celebration will be complete.

HOW TO OBSERVE #CoffeeIceCreamDay

Indulge in some coffee ice cream. Swap recipes and discover new flavors. 

Coffee Ice Cream Fudge Cake
Dulce de Leche Mocha Ice Cream Dessert
Smores Coffee and Fudge Ice Cream Cake

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
I’ll have one of those, please! Any of those!
Now "I" enjoy a good coffee ice cream, although I don't care much for coffee (I'm a tea drinker). However, I'm sure when I tell my wife, she'll give me the "ew" look. Guess it's not for everyone.
Coffee ice cream's never been my thing, but then neither is coffee.  (I'd have to add so much sugar to make it palatable that I might as well just drink soda, so I do!)  I like the smell but not the taste.  You guys can enjoy my share today!
I'm with Lisa, except I don't even like the smell.
Thank you very much, Dorothy, I will accept the suggestion, maybe with a morsel or two of dark chocolate!
MEMORIES -- My father and mother, they'd go to the movies in the next town once a month on payday when they both had a day off, taking me along (no babysitter in those days) and stop at a Fancy Restaurant on the way (only Fancy one within 100 miles, I think) and we'd sit to supper, and dessert was ALWAYS "coffee ice cream" ... vanilla ice cream over which Papa would pour some of his hot coffee. Oh, I LOVED IT!!  I still love that taste.

Dining room was long and seemed to be colored in walnut and crimson -- in my memory at least -- but the food was good, the service must have been (Papa left a generous tip) and there was that fantastic coffee ice cream to top it off ....

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+19 votes
Good morning Pip, yes looks like hurricane Dorian is headed back out to open waters, heading Northeast at 14 miles per hour.

Nice weather here in Central Pennsylvania. In fact, I was out in the garden digging potatoes at first light, and I had a sweatshirt on.

Still gathering source citations out of Family Search for my profiles. By the way, how do those citations get put on Family Search. I sure appreciate the work someone is doing.

Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.
by Rodney Long G2G6 Pilot (894k points)
Hi, Rodney! I sure appreciate whoever does those citations, too. Takes a lot of the work out of sourcing, doesn’t it?

Reasobaly cool here, too. I’m headed outside now.
It's good that Dorian heads northeast on open water. That means he spares out the Bermudas, which is good behavior of Dorian

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+15 votes
Pip, Thanks for hosting. I have had a slow week so far but I have kept my watchlist just below 4900. I did this while adding a couple of profiles for the families of notables. I added the wife for comedian George Carlin, his wife's profile is https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hosbrook-8 , as well as the father of the co founder of Eastman Kodak company Henry Strong, his father is https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Strong-5102 . Both profiles need some work yet and there are other profiles to be added on both lines but I am making an effort to reduce my watchlist by 2 for every new profile I create. The weather is beautiful here in Northeast Ohio but the only plans for this weekend are for the Amateur Radio Test session on Sunday afternoon, other than that I plan on just relaxing with the computer or TV, maybe both who knows.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by Dale Byers
You need a break, Dale, as busy as you’ve been all summer long, even with the bum knee. Enjoy you’re weekend!

Glad you're taking a little time out to enjoy the September beauty Dale.  Sometimes NOTHING isn't a gap in my calendar, its an appointment blush

Ditto to what everyone said here Dale especially what you said. Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+16 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

On the genealogy front, a lot of things happened. So, let's get started because there's really no rest for the wicked. Seriously, if I step into a church there's a good chance I'll burst into flames. Jk.

That'd only happen in Pip's neck of the woods.

First up, I did a 52 Ancestors on Back to School. I know the prompt said "School Days" but whatever. Same difference: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2019/09/52-ancestors-week-36-back-to-school.html I talked about my grandmothers and their school experiences and mentioned how my grandfathers didn't have graduation pics. That I know of. Jury's still out on Grandpa Hamel's pic.

And speaking of Hamels.....

A genealogist friend of mine on Twitter pointed me toward this archive of articles from Newburyport. He said I should check it out and I did. I found several obits of people in the Hamel side of the family. I also found a few pics of my dad and his cousins as they had a hotel on Salisbury beach. Well, not so much a HOTEL. More like a motel. Whatever. it was still cool.

I then found an okay pic of my great-grandfather, Alfred Francis Hamel.  It was....decent. I showed my uncle Bob and he was like "Eek. The quality's kinda bad. Let me get ya some good pics." So, he e-mails me the actual newspaper clipping scan, a few other pics AND pics of my 2x great-grandparents, Eugene Hamel and Celanise Lefebvre. I need to share that pic with the greater Wikitree community. Perhaps later today. It is cool. Then again all pics are cool. 

On another genealogy front, I helped a genealogist friend organize her DNA matches. We made some interesting discoveries. Not a bad week for Chris.

On the non genealogy front, I am racing toward Starbolts #450. It's a bit of a milestone. My friend and co-writer Sam and I are working on a wedding that will take place soon. Should be awesome. 

The weather has been cooler here. Fall is coming and we'll be packing up the garden this year. The yield has been sucky for the most part. At least we had stuffed peppers. Those are always good. And I do have pesto sauce in my future.....

Hope everyone stayed dry and out of the hurricane's path!

Oh and that pic in the blog is definitely 17 yr old me looking kinda annoyed at being in a drenched cap and gown. See blog for details....

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (786k points)
As usual, a superior blog, Chris. I tell you, I just gotta love that pic and the associated story! Rain, rain, go away....
Thanks, man. It felt good to graduate. It felt even better to get out of the rain. Other pics with family had me look a little more annoyed as I was in the cap and gown--soaked to the bone. By like the third or fourth pic, I was like "Grandpa, I need to go change!!" He was like "Okay."

I returned downstairs with a better disposition. The little old Italian ladies (TM) commenced cheek pinching. Was a good night.

I honestly wish I remembered the party more than the torrential downpour. I should note that our school colors were blue and white. Boys wore blue. Girls wore white.  After I graduated a few new rules were put into effect.

1. Girls graduated in blue as well as the boys.

2. No more graduations in the rain. Either have it inside or have a rain date.

By the time my college graduation happened, we had graduation inside. Before we entered, I was looking up at the sky. My friend asked me "Why did you look up at the sky?"

"No reason...." I lied through my teeth. I was pretty sure I told him about my graduation from high school.
Doncha love the way you have to show a bad pic to tickle some good ones out of the woodwork?

So many Lefebvres. My in-laws were on Ile-Verte, and seem to be unrelated to yours, but the expression on Celasine's face is my mother-in-laws, all over again!
I get the feeling Eugene had a sense of humor. Hence the cigar and the look on his face. Celanise is like "I give up. Take the picture!!"

I want to say the pic was taken in the early 1920s judging by their ages.

I think I deleted the bad pic off of Wikitree, I think. It's a shame because I found my dad and his cousins in the same archive talking about the motel they had on Salisbury beach. The thing didn't show them well. Whatever. Only way to get a good pic is by going to the Newburyport Library and digging it up myself. Wasn't that long ago. 1963? Should be there.

By my standards.... that's an incredible graduation picture!   The story  that goes with it explains a lot.... but even without the story,  you would just ask:  why the hesitant smile?  

Cherish the memories with your grandparents!   I'm certain they're proud of you.
Thanks, Peggy!

Like I said in the blog, there's another pic of me looking off camera with my parents on either side of me. I was looking at my brother making silly comments.

My mom even took a pic of my grandfather taking a picture!! He was taking so long with his old camera. She used one of those Kodak disposable cameras, pointed and clicked.

I always wondered how my grandfather would have faired with an iphone camera. Never had the chance to try it with him.

I do cherish the memories. All three were at the graduation party and we had a great time. I miss them. My paternal grandfather died when I was four. Before my other grandfather died in 2017, I was telling him about my genealogical adventure and he thought that was cool. Not his words. But, he thought it was great. That's all I needed.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

It is good that you have such a good rapport with your family.  Lots of good comes out of that...
+18 votes

Greetings and Salutations Wikitreers!

Another weekend fast approaches and I'm always looking forward to it coming. Not so much that I get days off (HA - what's a REAL day off look like?), but that I get to do different things than the usual 9 to 5.

This week was fairly typical, although the weather here in Indiana has been steadily cooling off and it looks like fall is trying to elbow summer out of the way. All the while, I'm clinging desperately to my summer because I don't want to see it go, but I know it's a futile effort. My sweater has found a new purpose at work, and I'm looking at the light jacket situation for those sub-60 mornings. Gotta love it when you need a jacket for the morning and short sleeves for the afternoon.

And I'll toss this out as my chief complaint of the week. Allergies suck. I put up with them, but once in awhile (like last night) my sinuses decide to throw a party right when I want to go to sleep, and they get my eyes to watering and it's just a whole late night celebration of irritation until I can get it to pass. By then I wake up tired and moody, so I guess I either need to start taking OTC meds or just learn to deal with it a bit better. Oh well - I try to make the best of things. At least it kept me up a bit later so that I could enter a few more profiles into the system.

Genealogically - I've started a review of Notables profiles and looking to find those that are poor, neglected souls - ones that someone came along, plopped a "HERE IT IS" profile out there, and walked away. No family. No connections. Nada. I started with the A's, made it as far as the AB's so far, and connected 3 families to the global tree. And Mr. King sent me a "Ritchie Boy" to work on and I was fairly proud of how Hans Habe worked out. I still want to develop his SIX wives out a bit, but I was pretty happy with his biography. Now if I can just get a few pictures and maybe a decent background, perhaps one day it might be a profile of the week. Let me know what you think.


I plan on continuing down the A's and maybe by the end of the year I might be able to get to the B's - there's so many neglected profiles out there and only so much time in the day.

by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Scott, I started on a notable profile in the C's that fits what you are doing. Strange how we think alike sometimes. I just do not have the same plan as you I find the profiles at random and go from there.
Not looking forward to my fall allergies. Good luck, Scott.

Not a bad start to the profile. =) Not sure who the person was but there ya go. Good job working with Eddie as usual. Miss the hell out of that guy.
I think his biggest claim to fame was that he was the writer who dug up Adolf Hitler's past and published his origins, his not-so-Nazi family information, his past failures, and put it all out there for the world to see. He even was nice enough to send a copy to the guy himself. I'm guessing he didn't receive rave reviews in Germany, as when he returned to Austria after the Germans took over, he was shot at.
Yeah...That would cause anyone to lay low.
Dale, it must be that midwestern instinct that tells us when to go out and take care of business!
Scott, funny how my allergies will strike for no apparent reason and at unusual times, but especially like you... at bee time.
I'm with you 100% - allergies suck.

Nice job on Hans. Your review sounds like a good boost for the Notables Project.  Sometimes I make a list of profiles that others could work on, sometimes I roll up my sleeve and dig in.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+16 votes
Welcome to the weekend.

Our thoughts go out to everyone impacted by Hurricane Dorian. Right now it is off the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We are getting 20-30 mph winds with higher gusts with rain, but have not yet lost power and are high enough to not worry about flooding.

On WikiTree I have been going through my watchlist searching for matches and non-related people I can orphan. I'm not finding matches but lots of profiles that lack sources (e.g., just look at the William Roberts).
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (612k points)
Hope everyone stays safe. Friend of mine was in the Outer Banks a few weeks ago at Kill Devil Hills. Sadly, it wasn't exactly like he imagined it. Just like Duck didn't have many ducks....
Kay, common forenames along with common surnames are the death of matches! I feel for you.

Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+15 votes
Whew!!! Want my Summer back!!!!! It's always like this. The kids (not mine of course) go back to school and I remember all the stuff I have to get done before the rains start in. This weekend will be filled with last minute clean-up of would-be flying debris that the river wind picks up and throws out in the street. Hubby has a portable garage with a 1968 El Camino in it. It has danced across the lawn more than once. Cement tie downs and blocks are needed to keep it OVER the car instead of BESIDE the car in winter. One year it danced around the back of the house and smashed a garage window. I guess we in Oregon can't complain too much compared to the east coast. I do love a good thunder storm. But I would rather avoid the storms with names.

Good weekend everyone. Don't work too hard.
by Betty Fox G2G6 Pilot (190k points)

Wow! I love the mental picture of the dancing portable garage! I can see it! My husband has tied down everything. He even took the precaution of having our backyard tree trimmed so that it doesn't even look like a tree )( It is straight from root to tree top ||. Now he is having the top trimmed to be even with the house so there is nothing to fall on our house. I am a bit peeved. Luckily, I am retiring next year and moving. Maybe alone.


Yeah I'd be unhappy if my husband topped my trees too. I don't enjoy the half dead look and the trees die faster without the tops. I have a black walnut tree that's not looking good but it's not a danger so I let the woodpeckers have it. Congarats on retiring.
Betty, my daughter stayed in Charleston and said the Weather Channel hyped up everything, said it wasn’t near as bad. But of course, she’s off the peninsula with mess worries about flooding. One large limb down in her yard was all.

Where did the summer go? Sounds like your hubby might want to tie the portable garage to the car - give the El Camino a winter jacket.

Lucy, I don't recommend divorce. It occurs to me that trees don't like to be topped, but it doesn't usually kill them. In my experience (1998 ice storm in Ottawa), they grow sideways, with vigor. Maybe you'll get more enjoyment out of watching him growl and deal with that!


I'm glad your daughter weathered the storm. I miss the power of the 2:30 p.m. downpour. It makes you feel alive.


Topped trees die quicker than ones that are not topped. Besides they look ewwwwwwwww.

Ditto to what everyone said here on this chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+17 votes

Grace and peace to you, dear Wikikindred.

I think I missed the chat last week, as was able to get an early start to the holiday weekend. So an update for the past two weeks is in order. For as much as i can remember anyways.

Homefront: the weekend before last we went to our parish festival, as advertised previously. It was fun. The children weren't enthusiastic about Slovak Folk music and dance, but they were down with potato pancakes and the bouncy house. I was down with the kolbasa and sauerkraut.

Last weekend, Labor Day weekend, we visited my parents on Sunday to celebrate my father's birthday, and on Monday we went to my in-law's to celebrate Labor Day and my mother-in-law's birthday. Good food was enjoyed by all.

Between those weekend, my twin boys (my oldest two children) started kindergarten, the first year of mandatory education in the United States. the first two weeks they've done this "kindergarten camp" thing and weren't assigned permanent teachers/classrooms until today. They are in different classes, as planned, but they each were placed in the classroom of the one of the three teachers they each said was their favorite. 

Genealogyfront: I've mostly continued to whittle down the {{Unsourced|Michigan}} profiles. There are now 65 of them. I also knocked out my suggestions last week. I guess I should check them again this week.

by Thomas Fuller G2G6 Mach 9 (95.0k points)
Kids are always down for food and bouncy houses. Some adults, too. =)

Sounds like a fun week. Keep up the good work!
Mmmm... and Oktoberfest is coming. Kolbasa and kraut... brats and kraut... now I'm hungry. Need a good German weissenbier to go along with that too... And some good vinegar kartoffelsalat.
We did miss you last week, Thomas. Under 70, finally, for Michigan Unsourced. Pretty good there!

I’d have loved the music and dance. That’s why I enjoy Scottish Games so much.
You guys are making me hungry.
Excellent. Our evil plan is working.....

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+15 votes
Greetings from Everett, Washington!

At the computer yesterday, I worked on the "other" Robe family. In the United States, there are two major Robe families, one with origins in Chester County, Pennsylvania (mine) and the other with origins in Connecticut. I added some profiles for the "Connecticut Robes" yesterday for those who are trying to find them in the Western Reserve and in New York State.  They have no common ancestor as far as I know. Representatives of the two actually met here in Snohomish County in the 1890s when the ill-fated railroad was being put through Robe, Washington on the south fork of the Stillaguamish.  Truitt K. Robe (of my line) met a young engineer named Robe (of the Connecticut line) and they compared notes.  I'm still building the branches of the tree to help folks discover them.

On the family front, this evening is the beginning of the MukFest, aka the Mukilteo Lighthouse Festival.  Major difficulties with funding almost killed the festival in the planning stages last February.  There will be no parade this year and no fireworks offshore tonight (only Saturday night).  Husband has been seriously overworking himself, as he is in charge of logistics.  Yesterday when he got to the beachside parking lot where all the booths will be set up, he found nobody had done the measuring and chalking so he spent the whole day on that (with just 3 other people).  Today he will do the major portion of the work, being the go-to guy for all the setup.  He has barely been sleeping these past few nights and eating just in snatches.  I fully expect him to come down with an illness as the weekend winds down.  My daughter and I are going to take the shuttle bus to the festival and be at the Kiwanis Salmon Bake for lunch and we hope to find him there and get a report on how it's going so far.

 I finished a small quilt yesterday, very cute, with black and red and white and other bright colors, and a "Rocky Road to California" block in the center.  I would like daughter to photograph it before I send it out to be adopted.  Project Linus work party this weekend, but due to the festival I doubt I can spend much time there. At least I'm not dragging home more fabric. L. O. L.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (330k points)

Oh, Margaret, how I would love to be at the Salmon Bake! My wife isn’t into fish that much, and salmon is my favorite. Especially cooked on a cedar plank. yes

When he festival is over, I hope your hubby can get some rest. I know that exhaustion can do to an immune system! sad

Enjoy the MukFest! I hope your hubby stays strong, that's a big job, but so worthwhile. Do share a pic of your quilt when you have one.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

Yesterday we took the shuttle bus down to the festival.  From the bridge I could see all the tents, canopies and booths.  All of husband's hard work on 3D Sketchup modeling had taken physical form.  Adult children and I had salmon at the Kiwanis Salmon Bake (it was excellently prepared).  That's when we had our first Dad sighting.  He had finished the setup phase and was well into the documentation phase, taking a cellphone photo of every single booth (and the spaces between, and the port-a-potties, and the electrical hookups, propane tanks, barriers and everything else).  As we strolled around, looking at the displays and food stands, Dad would appear, phone in hand, and occasionally snap a photo of us, then nod and head off.  After we had boarded the shuttle bus and were heading out, Dad appeared and snapped a photo of us waving at him through the window.  I saw all the photos he took as he was loading them into his computer again last night.  Today he has returned to the scene and will stay late into the night, after the fireworks, after the last passenger has been picked up on the last bus.

And tomorrow is the parish picnic down in Edmonds, so we will go to that.  It's supposed to rain tonight.  I'm sure he will help others at the park keep their grill fires lit tomorrow.  I am glad I have a chance to rest a bit today.  Fortunately he had a big dinner last night and maybe he'll catch forty winks in the van.

Margaret, I hope both of you got some rest today. Y'all deserve it!

I was listening to the Univ of Washington football game on the radio about 7:50 p.m. when I heard the announcer say the game had been halted due to a severe storm coming.  There were clouds but no wind at that time but I knew the storm was heading our way.  We were home when it struck with tremendous thunder and lightning strikes that went on for about an hour continuously, followed by heavy rain. We lost power but a few seconds; I was NOT on the computer at the time. Seattle received over 200 lightning strikes in that hour. It was spectacular and loud and severe.

I was wondering how my husband was doing down at the Lighthouse Festival when I heard his van pull in.  He has just arrived at home, soaked to the skin.  Mother Nature began her own fireworks just before the fireworks began, so they started the fireworks early and my husband recorded the simultaneous fireworks and lightning on his phone.  The festival was shut down and everyone headed to the shuttle bus stops.  Guess what? Only four buses were running, instead of the promised six.  The line was 6 to 8 people across, getting soaked, while husband is out there entertaining them and telling stories, until the last person had left.

In the morning we will find out what condition the booths and tents are in and whether any of the vendors has decided to pack it in.  Fortunately my husband's duties are done.  It was an adventure for sure.
As we all expected, he has come down sick this morning.  It is still raining so that may cancel the parish picnic.
+13 votes

Currently, it's 23˚ C and fair in Fort Erie. We're already at our predicted high, so I suspect that we're going to exceed it by mid-afternoon. Tonight's predicted low is 13˚ C, and tomorrow's predicted high is 21˚ C.

Tomorrow, we're aiming to continue our project of walking around the perimeter of Fort Erie, praying for the town and the people who live here. (That idea was prompted by a discussion I had with a retired pastor a few years ago at MissionFest Toronto. He asked where I lived, and when I told him, he asked, "You're walking around the town and praying for it, right?" as if it would never occur to me not to. As it happened, it had never occurred to me to do it, but when he asked me, I thought, "Why not?" I have to say that I have learned a lot about this place in the process. I don't think I'll be able to march around the town seven times in one day, though. Jericho must have been a lot smaller than Fort Erie.)

Genealogically, I have finished working through the lists of countries, counties, provinces, states, territories, etc. on the  Let others know what locations you are working on page, making sure that there were at least two unconnected former heads of state and/or heads of government for each place. Where I couldn't find two, I looked for other unconnected notables to list. Next up in that department is to go through the list again, trying to bring the unconnected branches (other than notables) up to at least five for each place. The Connect-A-Thon had depleted the lists for several places, which is a really good problem to have!

I've also continued working on the Welch Name Study. It was a couple of years after I put up the Slade Name Study before I even started tracking the numbers so we could see the progress, and I wanted to start out the Welch Name Study with those numbers right from the start.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (697k points)
Enjoy your walk! That sounds like an interesting adventure.

Ditto to what everyone said here.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+14 votes
Happy weekend, everyone!  Busy week here... classes have started and that's the least of my problems.  I'm also coordinating a substantial service task and making plans for two international trips (January conference and more tentative student trip next year).  The only thing we have scheduled this weekend is the first field hockey game of the season, so maybe we'll have some down time.

This week has also been genealogy grab bag!  I'm trying to clear out dangling tasks and I've sort of been all over the place.  Prompted by a blog post, I realized I could localize my 1% African ancestry on GEDmatch's chromosome browser.  It mostly comes from a single paternal segment on chromosome 10 that I share with a cluster of matches that appear to be tied into my southeastern US relatives.  That's the branch that I would have voted "most likely to have hidden African ancestry."  Made a note of it and I'll pursue that thread later.  I also connected one unconnected profile... Nellie Drake shows up in one census as "niece" to my Irish great great grandparents, but I didn't know which side she came from.  Made a profile for her a while ago and let it sit.  But since I now have access to Irish records I was able to look her up and get her sorted out pretty quickly, plus I figured out her parents and siblings.  

I also chased my Robertson relatives a bit (futilely, so far... can't find Sarah Robertson in any of the census records for some reason).  And I had fun with DNAPainter's new tree tool... someone came up with the idea of color coding trees by country of birth and it's really cool.  I think my next task may be to use DNAPainter to see if I can make any headway with my maternal grandmother's ancestors.  My mom's maternal DNA matches are swamped out by her father's West Virginia family, so it's hard to make progress.  (So. Many. Jarvises.)
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (266k points)
Cool stuff. That reminds me. I did the new Clustering thing at Genetic Affairs. Now with trees. Some were accurate. Some, not so much. They were off by a gen or two for some people. Whatever.

Was still cool. Good work this week. Dare I ask how the truck is?
Yeah, the trees are good to use as a guide but always need verification.  So far I've found that they mostly match stuff I already know but don't help me get back any further.  If I have a brick wall nobody else has broken it either...

The truck is good!  (knock wood...)  That is, if you ignore all the things that I'm not bothering to fix, like the rear struts, the dashboard light, and the parking brake.  It runs.
Same here. Not many people are actively researching my dad's paternal side. Well, looks like it's up to me. =D
Lisa, when I got my DNA results, I was expecting, based on the likelihood of my many Southern ancestors, to have some African. Not a drop, apparently.
Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.
Wow, just barely started and I already found a match who may connect to me through a cool common ancestor, the son of Edward Bangs (PGM, came on one of the first ships after the Mayflower).  Lots of work to be done to verify it, though.  The genetic connection could still be through some other line, given how distant the relationship is.  Grandma always talked about our ancestor "Edward Bangs the Pilgrim," though, and it would be fun to confirm our connection through genetics.
Hi Lisa I have Robertsons in Aberdeenshire area of Scotland.  So if you have any there let me know... There are a lot of people with that surname to be sure!
Thanks, Laura!  So far mine are all in Philadelphia (early 1800s).  If I ever make it to Scotland I'll let you know!

Also, DNAPainter wins again!  Working through my mom's MyHeritage matches and I've found a cluster that all match each other on chromosome 3, but *don't* match the Jarvis matches that I've already got there, so they must be maternal, not paternal matches.  And at least three of them descend from the same German immigrant couple in the mid 1700s.  And one match is also on Ancestry, so that let me connect this group to a cluster there.  Lots more work to be done but this could end up breaking a brick wall somewhere.
+14 votes
A big hello to my favorite cousins! We are enjoying the outer bands of Dorian (rain) in NY as we speak. The weather has turned cool, and our garden is almost depleted. I think this is the first year that I never quite finished setting it up. Of course it is a full year after my suggestion that we lay down mulch on the entire side of our yard where we are growing raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. I didn't quite finish digging up all the grass and weeds. Well, it will be easier in the fall anyway. I had a lot of old seeds and used a small container to dump a bunch (like 50) tomato seeds in. For some reason, they all grew! My husband was hysterical because he can't stand to see anything not thrive. So, I have tomato plants everywhere and some haven't even produced their fruit yet. Oops!

I've gone back to creating the profiles for the Civil War's 55th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (Colored). There are so many interesting stories, but I probably will never find out the ending. So many of the soldiers did not know who their parents were or if they had siblings.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (851k points)
Hmm. No rain here. Just cloudy and a bit cool. We might be getting some of Dorian, I guess. Nice work as always!
Lucy, when I hear my northern kin (like you) start talking about cooling down, I know we’re not far behind. Oh, for just a couple of months of warm weather, please!
You don't want 2-3 feet of snow, Pip. Not with your bad shoulder.

Ditto to everyone on this chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+15 votes

Thanks for just being Pip!!

The Weather here in Catoosa County, Georgia,  is low 90's and sunny.   Having to water the newer plants,  but water is so cheap here we keep those plants happy.   Still don't water the grass unless we think it's going to actually die.  

Speaking of grass,  we're trying to figure out what type of grass we have so we can seed this fall.   It's not the good old K31 fescue we're accustomed to.   It's a lot shorter when it goes to seed and the blades are more delicate. So far, we asked one neighbor with the same grass, but he had no ideas.  

On the Genealogy Front:    I'd call my efforts scattered.  Got sucked into working on a total stranger's  cousin's husband's family line.   Have activated my ancestry.com membership, so started going through my  "List of profiles to review with Ancestry.com"...... not finding anything useful for MY ancestors.   In fact,  I'm inclined to have some links  REMOVED.   (THAT will take a lot of collaboration.)

Maybe I'll try another one of Dorothy's recipes. 

AND YES, I signed up for the  "Source A Thon"  with the Southern Super Sweepers.

by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (475k points)
Hmmm. 90's and sunny? Water cheap? Don't mind me, just looking for places to retire to.
We picked HERE,  just south of Chattanooga.   Moved here in May and the summer was more pleasant that we expected..... didn't seem much worse than Kansas City.    We don't mind a mild winter but wanted to get away from Kansas City winters.
Peggy, we hit 93 two days ago. Stayed inside. We also have to watch out for our newer plants. Hasn’t rained here (sustained) in weeks.

Have you checked out buffalo grass? Sturdy and doesn’t grow so high.
We removed all the grass and replaced it with river rock and gravel.  Most of my grass is now decorative, and in the garden!

Buffalo grass has been planted more and more in the midwest in the past few decades....... not a lot in lawns,  but certainly in greenways, right of ways, parks and pastures.....   Great idea if you don't want to mow!!     This grass we have (isn't buffalo grass) probably doesn't grow high enough to violate local ordinances on mowing.... but it might look a bit shaggy if we didn't mow.


I like decorative grasses..... so maybe you have the right approach.   Just cut them back before spring and you're DONE.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

Yeah Peggy, Go Southern Super Sweepers!   That Source a Thon is coming up fast!  

Pip hopefully you can join us this year since you had to miss one of the last thons...
+14 votes

First and foremost, I hope everyone is safe and dry as the weather hits the east coast!  We're thinking of you. 

I'm also very grateful for the technology that is available these days. As I work on the New England Planters in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, I'm filled with tales of the dangers those sailors faced in their schooners, brigs and shallops, and the struggles of the families they left behind. My fingers are crossed that we don't have any fishing boats out in this, and I'm reminded that we're so lucky to be born in this era!

Back on the West Coast, the darned mink is back, nibbling on any quail or fish that survived his last visit. He's been too quick to catch on camera, so I'm going to relocate the webcam, and see if I can catch him that way.  Better a blurry shot than none-at all surprise

Then I'm off to drown my sorrows at a local winery, and take in some music - it feels like a good night for a Beatles tribute!  Enjoy your weekend.

by Laurie Giffin G2G6 Pilot (106k points)

Your mink, my beaver. Mine hasn’t shown in a while and I’m glad of it. About the only thing we can do is fence our trees close to the creek. Here is our on again off again visitor I caught between the driveway and the creek:

Kept my hands away from this one. The paper is here to show the size. You can barely see his head poking out on the right.

Is that a snapper? I used to get those at the cottage. For some reason, they liked to take the sun in the middle of the road.
Funny you should mention Nova Scotia. In my pic travels, I was introduced to a cousin who lives in Nova Scotia. We talked on Facebook and compared notes. Don't think she is gonna get DNA tested, though. She's a 3rd cousin via my great-grandfather's sister, Aurora. She was called Laura in the states. Aurora is such a cool name, though....

And she lived in Nova Scotia after 1930. Such a cool name.

Too bad about the mink. I'd have him meet the woodpecker that keeps pecking at my house....

Great Picture,

Always..... No, usually,  love the wildlife.   With a dog free environment (  broken heart  ), it's amazing what comes into the yard.  As  I mentioned last spring,  my first week in our new home  a mink came up on the "traditional" front porch with me.... while I was having my morning tea.   He/she hasn't returned.    But we have squirrels with tails that are too long  (by mid western standards).... and cicadas that are off pitch  (by mid western standards) ... and rabbits with translucent ears  (by mid western standards).... and unknown snakes.....  and I could go on and on.    

What's odd..... the cicadas already sound "normal".

Edit:  Chris, don't get me started on the wood peckers!!


I thought you required a separate response.    Beatles' music and wine.   Certainly a perfect combination.    Great way to forget the mink.... for a time any way.

Peggy, you’ve moved to the Blessed Realm, and now you are seeing and hearing critters as they are in Heaven!


Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

Oh Peggy, dare I type it?  It sounds like you're not in Kansas any more ...
Quips aside, I can confirm that the Beatles are still an effective cure for the blues!  This tribute band was really good - four talented young men from Argentina, if you can believe it, touring the area in a painted van, having a musical adventure.  

Isn't it wonderful how accents can vanish when a person is singing?
Yes, this woodpecker is an annoying bird who has been pecking at my house for the last three years, I wanna say. It always starts in late summer/early fall and it's always the same bloody bird. Drives me crazy and the cat, too.
Nice snapper, Pip!

You're funny Laurie!!!  laugh   Actually,  I was thinking it when I wrote my comment.......  cheeky

Pip, I AM beginning to feel like I moved to Blessed Realm.   (Except for the solid rock under the garden mulch.)

Chris,   now I won't be content until we know what type of Wood Pecker.   Get out your field guide and let us know.   Our woodpeckers sound like machine guns blasts when they're attacking the house.    

We have a woodpecker that for some unfathomable reason likes to peck against metal.  Noisy as can be...   

Saw a deer walking down our subdivision street, just as calm and happy as can be...  lots of birds.   But nothing too exotic so far...
+14 votes

Evening all!

On the homefront it was a quiet week. I watched a 12-episode-series about WWII, then told mum that much of it that she also wanted to watch it and went through it in 3 days.

On the genealogy front I have a tip of the day: I looked yesterday just out of curiosity which family books are put online on my beloved ofb.genealogy.net Scrolling down I saw a town I thought I knew. I went on the overview and read it. And suddenly I realized: That is the town where my 4x greatgrandfather was from. So in a couple of seconds I was in the surname register and looked for his surname... And yay, there are his parents! I didn't have them, so now I could add them.

On the Wikitree front I restarted adding some people to the siblings Scholl. Better said I am fighting my way through a seeming zillion of documents. I think I will continue that "tomorrow", as here it's now 0.50am, I am actually only waiting that the tennis match in Flushing Meadows finishes and I can visit my bed.

Good night and have a great weekend all

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
edited by David Selman
A random breakthrough in the surname register!  Good find.

We're watching the women's singles from Canada very closely this year.  Have a good weekend.
The WWII documentaries are certainly captivating for all nationalities.   Your Mum is fortunate that you provide her with great entertainment!!
Jelena, I can binge watch WW II movies and documentaries. Just love them.

Congrats on your big find! Another generation added to your family!

Ditto to what everyone said on this chat.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

I'm glad you can find good WWII documentaries.  The ones I
have tried to watch have all been just bombings and the only sound track seems to be rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrboom!
Congratulations on extending your tree.   Love making those kind of finds!
+14 votes
Real life first: The project that I've mentioned previously is at the point where everything is almost completed with still over 200 hours remaining

WikiTree: Ironically also project related. This time related to the New Zealand Project. Details to be revealed at a later time.
by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (249k points)

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

Richard! Everything almost completed but 200 hours remaining???

So glad to hear the degree work is going well, Richard.
+13 votes

This was last WikiTree weekend chat before the connect - a - thon that I did and tomorrow I will put in from after the connect - a - thon what has happened in my life with real life.

Me and my sister after church went to see my dad at rehab and my mother also. Mom said when she got there that he was sitting up in a reclining wheelchair and he was when we got there and also he was taking a nebulizer treatment and the nurse that was with them left after we got there. Dad doesn't like that mask on him so he tries to take off and he gets very agitated about and cuss and makes a face so I said to my sister since he likes for us to sing to him and when he is in the mood he will sing with us it seems to calm him down and then he will cooperate with us. So I said while he has that on him we need to sing to him till he is through with the treatment and it did help and also he tried the first time we sung he tried to sing with us. That was very encouraging and also since a long time he winked at me that made me feel so good. Also later on I asked him to take a deep breath for me and he did and then from then till we left he started to breath deeper which will be good for him. He also rocked back and forth in the chair which is good that will help him get stronger in the core of his body. He sat there till about 3:30 p.m. Mom thinks that they got him up early this morning and put him in the chair so if that is the case he was sitting up for a long time. We really don't know. But we know he was in the chair from 11:00 a.m. till 3:30 p.m. which is 4 1/2 hours or even longer than that which is good since he had been in bed for at least 6 weeks. He legs are weak and we are trying to get him to be able to stand by himself or at least one person beside himself and to get of the oxygen too before transferring him to John Reed memory  care unit. My sister took the nebula mask off and fixed his oxygen for him and he didn't get agitated and didn't bite her. He did very good. Plus his color looks a lot better and he his talking one syllable words and nodding his head for us more too. As we were leaving a couple of nurses came in to put in back to bed and change him.

Welcome everyone to the July the fourth WikiTree Weekend chat.

by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (508k points)
You've been missed, Linda!
Linda I am so glad you have a lot of family now to help with caring for your parents.  You deserved a break.  I know what you do is a labor of love.
+15 votes

Apart from being member of the week I have finally met up with my husband's cousin who I have conversed with by email for years now. 

She is a member of WikiTree so I can easily show my husband how they are related. 

She was holidaying in Porthmadog so as they had plans to visit Conwy one of our neighbouring towns we met for a coffee before they looked around the town and castle.

Yesterday a reminder came up that I had been to the castle 2 years ago so I thought you might like to see why I visited. Enjoy this photograph of the Dragons.

by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (322k points)


Looks like the dragons escaped!devil

Sounds like fun to meet a WikiTree member who's related.    I finally convinced one of my 1st cousins to join.

They are there but don't show up on the post unless you click on the picture.
Ahhh yes!   Great shot.
Now that was a cool trick with the photo!

Lucky you. I have yet to meet a WikiTreer face to face (knowingly).

Neat trick Hilary.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

+15 votes

Today is.....  (glad its Saturday today)



On September 7th, National Beer Lover’s Day celebrates the grains, hops and brewing methods across many eras.

Beer and the process of brewing beer may predate known history. As varied as the methods, grains, and flavors, beer continues to change and evolve.

Virginia colonists brewed beer. William Penn included a place for brewing beer within the Pennsylvania colony. It can still be visited at Pennsbury Manor today. The first President of the United States recorded a recipe for brewing beer in his notes. Samuel Adams holds a place in both beer and tea history in this country. There were a few beer lovers and patriots among the nation’s founders.

The United States also derives its rich brewing history from beer-loving German immigrants during the mid-1800s. Some of those family names are as familiar today as they were a hundred years ago.

While some names have faded into the past, smaller batch brewers continue to experiment with old and new recipes. The crafting of beer carries deep traditions, often requiring years of training and experience in the trade. Depending on the brewery, the path to brewmaster may take years to develop the skill and expertise. Eventually, a brewmaster gains the knowledge necessary to produce a quality beer every time. One particular requirement is a passion for the craft.

The brewer will master lagers, ales, malts, and stouts. They may even specialize. However, their ability to ferment the perfect beer under each condition and bring out the flavor of the grain and yeast will be key. Managing temperature and timing for an IPA or studying grains all go into their education. Each process varies, and a brewmaster knows this. 

Enjoy your favorite ale or lager, and be sure to enjoy it among friends. Whether yours is fermented or not, dark or pale, hoppy, bitter, smooth, raise your mug. Lift it high among friends. While you do, thank those who work at brewing delicious beer in your local area. Ref: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-beer-lovers-day-september-7/

In addition, Today is also National Tailgating Day!! 


On the first Saturday in September National Tailgating Day reminds us what the autumn colors and scents already do. Those colors signal grilling time and a season of cheering on our favorite teams!

Tailgating is the custom of gathering outside the stadium before the game with fans of the same team for food, beverages and socializing. Gatherings often take place at the tailgate of a pickup truck or the trunk of a car. However, neither are required. Staples of a tailgate party include grilling and beer, though chili competitions and recipe challenges encourage friendly competition before the game. Come hungry and thirsty!  More at: 


 (PS: Have a designated non-drinking beer driver though, if you are having several.)

Question: How many different styles of beer are there anyway?

Answer:  You have your IPAs, APAs, porters, pilsners, lagers, stouts, wheat beers, fruit beers, smoked beers, and on and on. One could run through every beer on the shelf and find countless names for beer styles and a few of them mean the same thing. (Personally I prefer "Root Beer" myself but I don't think that counts, lol!!)

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
edited by Dorothy Barry
The process for brewing root beer is similar to brewing ale, Dorothy! Root beer has more sugar and fewer steps.

I love a nice ale and brewed my own for years. Now and again I'd put on a batch of root beer for those with a sweet tooth. In the summer I still keep a supply of ginger ale in case a shandy is needed. Perfect on a hot day!
ah, cold Saturday beer now before I go back to work!
A Mich Ultra for me!

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

Alas, I am allergic... therefore the perennial designated driver
+17 votes

Today is also.... 



National Grandma Moses Day on September 7th celebrates the birth of Anna Mary Robertson Moses. This talented artist’s birthday is commemorated each year.  

Anna Mary Robertson Moses (September 7, 1860 – December 13, 1961) serves as an inspiration to those who start a career late in life. For most of her life, Anna Moses was known as either “Mother Moses” or “Grandma Moses.” She’s especially inspirational since Grandma Moses began a career in the arts at an advanced age.

Road to Success

After arthritis made it difficult for Mrs. Moses to embroider, she turned to painting as a creative outlet. She picked up the medium in her 70s. Mrs. Moses’ pastoral scenes depicting small-town and country life appealed to many. Since she displayed her artwork at a local drugstore, travelers often saw her work. One day, an amateur art collector discovered the immensely beautiful work of Mrs. Moses. The collector, Louis J. Caldor, convinced the Museum of Modern Art to include Moses in a members-only folk art show. Eventually, Caldor’s discovery and the MOMA opportunity led to a one-woman show. 

Soon, Mrs. Moses found a large, global following. While Moses displayed her work under the name Mrs. Moses, the press eagerly dubbed her “Grandma Moses” and the name stuck.   

Many publications would use of Grandma Moses’ paintings to publicize American holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Mother’s Day. In 1947, Grandma Moses was featured in True Confessions.  The magazine noted, “Grandma Moses remains prouder of her preserves than of her paintings and proudest of all of her four children, eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.” 

Grandma Moses’ popularity grew. At one point in the 1950s her exhibitions broke attendance records all over the world. As part of her 100th birthday celebration, LIFE magazine featured Grandma Moses on the September 16, 1960, cover.

Grandma Moses Awards and Honors

  • 1950 – Cited as one of the five most newsworthy women.
  • 1951 – Honored as Woman of the Year by the National Association of House Dress Manufacturers.
  • Age 88 – Mademoiselle Magazine named her “Young Woman of the Year.”
  • Awarded the first honorary doctorate from Philadelphia’s Moore College of Art.
  • 1969 – A United States commemorative stamp issued in her honor.
  • 2006 – Her work Sugaring Off (1943) became her highest selling work at US $1.2 million. Sugaring Off was a prime example of the simple rural scenes for which she was well-known.
  • Otto Kallir gives the Grandma Moses’ painting, Fourth of July, to the White House where it still hangs today.

HOW TO OBSERVE #GrandmaMosesDay

Explore the artwork of Anna Mary Robertson Moses. You might be surprised to know how familiar she is to you.  Use #GrandmaMosesDay to post on social media.

Also check out her WikiTree profile here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Robertson-3751


New York Governor, Nelson Rockefeller, proclaimed September 7th as Grandma Moses Day in 1960 in honor of Grandma Moses’s 100th birthday. 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
edited by Dorothy Barry
I think my grandparents saved that Life magazine. Where it is now, no one knows.

I have seen her display of art and a school house at Bennington, Vermont at the Bennington Museum in Bennington, Vermont when me and my parents went up into New England area to see the fall foliage in last of September and October of 2002 or 2003. It was very interesting.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree weekend chat

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