Add [Needs Profiles] to Watchlist page

+11 votes

enlightenedWould it be possible to add to the Watchlist the click-n-go for  "Needs profiles" -- like you have "Unsourced" already there? kiss

I've put one into the Georgia category for the Ricks siblings 

WikiTree profile: Jane Wooten
in WikiTree Tech by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)
retagged by Susan Smith
I think you meant "Needs Profiles Created" which is found under the maintenance categories.

4 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
This is not what you are asking for but might help produce the similar results. There was a discussion here about methods to keep track of your to-do list. One suggestion was using personal categories. I have since tried it and like using them. Once you get going on creating and adding these, you have a handy list of profiles to go back to and add more. See directions here:

I use Add spouse and Add children. you can see them here:
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (862k points)
selected by Susan Smith

crying a good idea but not quite what I wanted, yes, I wanted something a bit more collaborative, which I THOUGHT the "unsourced" was and I'm guessing now that the "unsourced" on PM watchlist is NOT "collaborative" ... um ... well, confusion reigns as usual 

Yes, it is collaborative.  It takes you to the Unsourced Profiles Category, where you can pick a letter and go to WikiTree+ to search.  It does not limit itself to your Watchlist.
Not sure what you are looking for, Susan. But if you want to help with Unsourced profiles by region, go here:

Or you can do a Surname search and limit to Unsourced, if you want to help that way.

Hope that makes things less confusing -- and not more!

enlightenedIt was an Idea I had that the Techie Squad could write the software for the hardware for the use of the wetware to assist in the development of the One Family Human Tree. 

Since any PM somehow ends up with an unsourced profile due to one thing or another on their watchlist during the development of their contributions -- and these are {{unsourced}} AND HOPEFULLY OPEN PROFILES laugh-- I thought it would be helpful that DURING the development of those contributions the PM comes up with a basket of family members of the person they are profiling, and they are for instance focusing on that one person and put those siblings and parents to the side OR they decide that while they WILL have that one person on their Watchlist, the others who are the siblings (knowing their parents and having profiled THEM) that the PM could tag the parent(s) with [[Category: <state>, Needs Profiles Created]] so that the roster of SIBLINGS are also profiled. 

OR if the parents are not profiled, with or without the sibling roster, that the PARENTS could be profiled. 

Since the ONE person the PM IS profiling is on their watchlist such a tag would (hopefully) lead to further development of this One Human Family Tree

Collaborative Development would work best with an Open profile laugh BUT there's private messages and posting on the profile page and other recourse 

kiss Good, Ros, and can YOU lean on the Techie squad to do the software for the hardware for the use of the wetware for this [[Category: <state>, Needs Profiles Created]] ? Since it would BE collaborative and the Techie Squad is working toward making WT user-friendly? 

It might be an idea to add the tags 'improvements' and 'sysops' to your question.  Then you'll be doing the leaning, and they might pick up this thread.

cryingSorry, Ros, I didn't think about doing that because I didn't think about doing that. 

HOWEVER due to your staging an Intervention laugh I have NOW added those tags 

kissMay your garden of delights be bug free, as a thank you from Providence. 

I agree wholeheartedly. I do the same thing. I have personal categories for Profiles Needed for things like relatives mentioned in obituary or census records. Also have Personal Categories for locate spouse, locate children, locate parents, and so forth. They help immensely.
+7 votes
I think this is what you are looking for?

That is the "Needs Profiles Created" which is put on profiles that have things like a wife with no profile for her, parents/siblings/parents in a census with no profiles yet, etc.

Sadly, tons and tons got tossed in before they got divided up so many are on the top page. More are in the divisions lower down like here.
by Steven Tibbetts G2G6 Pilot (414k points)

laughYes, Steven, I DO go with the one that directs the future Idle Hands PM to the particular State of the Union ...  if this bold adventurous PM wants to venture into other States or into Occupations or whatever that's up to THEM .... I do this [[Category: etc to OPEN files so that anyone can take a hand and develop them

I CURRENTLY have on my watchlist some 774 folk BORN in Texas, and that doesn't count the one who DIED there or Married there on their way to some other place -- Current count as of this moment is 1,149 profiles 

There ARE bold adventurous PM with Idle Hands -- must be, they show up in profiles I've entered -- so their being alerted now to this increasing by leaps and bounds [[Category: (now that attention is being directed toward it) is going to help develop the One Human Family Tree, yes? It had better do so or I'm "burning daylight" on this (quoting John Wayne from one of his films, 1972, "The Cowboys"

+7 votes

This might be what you're after...

  1. Go to 'Category:Georgia, Needs Profiles Created' - this shows all profiles in that category.
  2. Click on 'Limit to Watchlist' at top of page - this shows the subset of those profiles that are also on your watch list.
It will work for whatever category you're interested in.
by John Rosser G2G6 Mach 1 (13.9k points)

laughWell, yes, "everyone", yes, and I DO use the needs profiles created for the particular state of the union -- it's up to those bold and adventurous PM with Idle Hands to further develop these profiles 

The ones on MY watchlist are stared at now and then and also monitored with "changes in my watchlist" etc and so forth and even poked and prodded as time allows to see if anything else can be done 

+6 votes

laughWHETHER the Tech Squad will develop the desired and hoped-for item for the Watchlist, I did find out yesterday -- think it was -- about the Needs Profiles Creation and have been using it 

For example there is [[Woodard-2579|Roxy Elizabeth Woodard]] and blood kin to Dewey Lee Green-27290 as an "auntie" so to speak, Dewey the grandson of Mary Jane Huffman-3125 a granddaughter of both Charles B. Huffman and Thomas Medlock 

I have tucked Roxie into the [[Category:Texas, Needs Profiles Created]] section 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (665k points)

laugh so what we have here a school of practices for establishing [[Category:  and the various reasons for use have merit (IMO) 

1) for personal use which does not have "public access" and is used mostly as a "notebook"; and 

2) the school of practice (mine) on the public access, a collaborative path, which offers opportunity to others to garner some points at the very least for editing and quite possibly for making familial connections to one family line or another 

3) the third school of practice (I think theres 3+ there) for other reasons 

The discussion certainly clarified my thinking on some points about USING categories and I thank all of you

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