Can we please add a function to deselect ancestors/descendants of profiles on the bulk watchlist changes page?

+6 votes

Hello, I'm trying to reduce my watchlist by removing people who are not directly related to me and a few other families I'm specifically wanting to keep an eye on.  

I regularly add lots of profiles to connect unconnected families because I very much like the WikiTree goal of a world wide human family tree.  The connection finder is really something special that places this website leaps and bounds ahead of competitors!

I'm using the bulk watchlist change tool to remove myself from people who have no relation to me or my key interest families, as I believe that others that are closer to them should be allowed to be their profile managers instead of me.

A problem I'm facing is that while the "select ancestors/descendants of a profile" is very useful, it would be a lot more helpful to what I'm trying to do if it also let me deselect them.  

There is an option at the top to select every profile on my watchlist.  The change I would like to be added is the option to deselect descendants and ancestors of specific people after everyone is selected.  It would make what I'm trying to do 100x easier!

Thank you for reading.  Adding this feature would be heaven!

in WikiTree Tech by Living Botkin G2G6 Mach 3 (39.8k points)
You want to select everyone (to orphan) apart from descendants of certain people?
I'm trying to find the people on my watchlist that I have barely any connection to, so that I can orphan them and other members that are closer can then adopt.  Right now I essentially have to click on and open each individual profile and view their relationship/connection to me.

Being able to highlight just the ones that I'm not related to would make finding them and assessing if I want to orphan them much easier.
And yes I realize that this would be considered a very niche problem.  

I am just confused on why deselecting ancestors and descendants wasn't programmed into the tool in the first place, really.

How do you define 'not related to'?  You may be (I guess are if we go far back enough) a distant cousin of everyone on your watchlist.  If you have some kind of definition of the people you want to keep, it may be possible to do that (programmatically) with one click.  

It seems the request (which i agree with, and for the same reasons) would be simply to produce a report that returns all the profiles that are NOT returned by selecting 'all ancestors and descendants' of a specific profile.

So whatever criterion produces ancestor/descendant report, this new report would just flip it - NOT those ones.
Thanks, Shirlea. I kind of understood that, and I think that's probably doable, but that could take a lot of clicking to get to the goal. I'm thinking that this could be done with one click.

1 Answer

+3 votes
I take it that you are saying, add a 'deselect ancestors' & 'deselect descendants' button to each person in the list. Because you can already deselect, by unchecking the individual name. Would not another option be, to add an invert button at the top and bottom of the list, to let you in one hit, select all the unselected ticks, and unselect all the selected ticks, in one button press. That way, you have the ability to go through selecting all your relatives, then invert your selection, to remove your non-relatives. Another option, would be to put some sort of icon next to each name, to indicate whether they are blood relatives, or connected to your tree, or unconnected from your tree. Difficulty is, once a profile is connected to the global tree, then you are connected. Perhaps another better option, is to put two numbers after the icons after each name, the first number to indicate the distance of a relative in steps, the second number to indicate the distance of a connection in steps. If they aren't a relative, place a - instead of the appropriate number. Likewise for connections, if not connected, at least within a set number of steps, show a dash -. The only problem with this is, it will potential burden the system, for all the extra calculations it will need to make, to show your entire list, with those extra details.
by Ben Molesworth G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
I like all of those options!  Any of them would be a great help if added to the bulk changes page

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