Why can't I find any records

+4 votes
I've searched everywhere & every website for my Irish grandparents. I know that.they lived in uk between 1944 - july 10th 1948 (as my Dad's birth certificate is English). I also know that my Grandad worked at the.Aerodrome site during this period. I'd be extremely grateful for all info. Please help
in Genealogy Help by Anthony Carroll G2G6 (6.0k points)
edited by Anthony Carroll

3 Answers

+4 votes
Have you tried National Library of Ireland?
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I've tried every site & kept hitting a brick wall looking for help on here was my last hope
Sorry you are feeling frustrated with this, I have been widening my family and investigating in-law families in the hope it will bring me full circle. It’s not unusual for some families to tend to marry amongst themselves. Don’t give up, just take a break, maybe work with Data Doctor challenges. After all our ancestors aren’t going anywhere.

On Findmypast the marriage date is 1942

Last name O'Rourke
Registration year 1942
Registration quarter Oct - Dec 1942
Registration district Dublin South
Volume 2
Page 389

MarriageFinder ™

Margaret O'Rourke married one of these people

Michael Quinn, Francis Kane, Frances C Voyles, Francis McHugh, Christopher Carroll

County Dublin
Country Ireland
Record set Irish Marriages 1845-1958
Category Life Events (BDMs)
Subcategory Civil Marriage & Divorce
Collections from Ireland
I double checked by searching for Christopher marriage record and they match.

There are 2 children who died in first year of life Noel and Christopher 

First name(s) Noel John
Last name Carroll
Age at death 0
Birth year 1945
Registered year 1945
Registered quarter/year Jan - Mar 1945
Registration district Dublin North
Volume 2
Page 239
County Dublin
Country Ireland
Record set Irish Deaths 1864 - 1958
Category Life Events (BDMs)
Subcategory Civil Deaths & Burials
Collections from Ireland

Last name Carroll
Age at death 0
Birth year 1946
Registered year 1946
Registered quarter/year Jan - Mar 1944
Registration district Dublin South
Volume 2
Page 384
County Dublin
Country Ireland
Record set Irish Deaths 1864 - 1958
Category Life Events (BDMs)
Subcategory Civil Deaths & Burials
Collections from Ireland
Thanks Marlon
No probs

Well done Marion might set you loose on my Step Dads family! laugh Every line seems to come from Ireland and they are difficult, mistransciptions, more than one family so have to follow them all to see which one it is! Every line I just groan sad One surname Flannery I am told might be Anglicized so might be O' Flannabhra - they are mainly Catholic so another groan can usually find the GRO but not Church records I keep plodding on    

Heather i don't understand what your recent answer means. Please make it easy for me to understand as I'm totally new to family researching
Sorry Anthony I was replying to Marion, she has worked wonders, it was like a congratulations and well done. I am struggling too with my Step fathers family all lines lead back to IRELAND so know actually how frustrating it is, Or are you meaning about the name change?
I haven’t even started on the ‘steps ‘ yet, still working on mine and my son’s lines. Too many common names, first and last!
+1 vote

Don't know if you've tried this, but since I am in school and reading a lot and doing research, it occurred to me, that I was seeing familiar names associated with my family tree, then all of sudden one day, I said, "Oh my …, I am a descendant of this many kings and these queens" and whole lot of us realized we're related to this person or that person within the Presidential category or Magna Carta. Authors of books and history books might be a reprieve and you may unearth persons of your family that  you never thought of possibly being related to. I just found a name of an explorer wife I think might or might not be part of my family, but it will more than likely come in useful for future entries on other's profiles. :)

by Living Trogstad G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
+1 vote
Their birth years are too recent so are probably protected by privacy acts.
by Deborah Talbot G2G6 Mach 7 (71.7k points)
Do understand what you mean by saying that their birth years are too recent

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