Y-DNA Testers - Descendents of John Wilson Hay (Hay-1350)

+7 votes
Hello Hay Family Folks!

I'm looking to determine if my direct Hay line back to John Wilson Hay (Hay-1350) has a Non-Paternity Event (NPE). People from my direct Hay line look very different from known Hay family heritage photos and makes me think there is an NPE somewhere along this line. This begs the question...

"Am I a Hay back to John Wilson Hay (Hay-1350) and Nancy Jane Turner (Turner-10161)?"

I am unable to test anyone except my brother and son, along our branch, since we are the only living males left from our direct line back to my 2x great grandfather John Wilson Hay (Hay-1350).  So far, neither my brother nor son have had the desire or the money to do any DNA testing themselves. So, we must look back up the tree and across John's male descendants for help.

If either you or a Hay family member tested your Y-DNA and is also a descendant of John Wilson Hay (Hay-1350), I'd be interested in comparing results to see where this leads us.  Family members in our Y-DNA line will match the R-FGC3861 clade or one of it's subclades.

As of today, At Family Tree DNA (https://www.familytreedna.com), there are 18 known individuals matching the R-FGC3861 clade who also took part in the their "Big Y" test. (More detail can be found here: http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/~mcdonald/genetics/u106-age.html and here: https://app.box.com/s/afqsrrnvv2d51msqcz2o)  There could very well be others.

If you think you can help, please contact me by replying here or messaging me privately via my page (Hay-1332).

Thank you,

WikiTree profile: John Hay
in Genealogy Help by Richard Hay G2G1 (1.3k points)
retagged by Peter Roberts

1 Answer

+4 votes
According to Wikitree, 2 people, including yourself, have taken the Family Finder autosomal DNA test.  Both of these profiles are private

John Wilson Hay is close enough relative that autosomal testing would be better in this case, especially if you test a sister of your father, and any 2nd/3rd cousin or closer.   

I was able to determine a NPE occurred when I tested a 2nd cousin on 23andme, but this alone can't determine if the NPE is on my side or my cousins.  AncestryDNA found a 1st cousin, in which our trees did not connect. This narrowed down the NPE possibilities to 4 grandfathers, and Y-STR tested narrowed it down to 1.

I had tested my ySTR in 2008, and it was not until 2015, that it had any real value.
by Ken Sargent G2G6 Mach 6 (62.9k points)

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