12 Months of Photos January 2024 Grandparents

+17 votes

January 2024 12 Months of Photos sharing theme: Grandparents

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in The Tree House by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)

12 Answers

+17 votes

This is a photo of my maternal grandparent's 40th Wedding Anniversary.

My grandparents Rijk van Klooster and Berta Prinssen at the top. And at the bottom from left to right, daughters Bep and Alida and daughter-in-law Ina.

by Joke van Veenendaal G2G6 Pilot (104k points)
edited by Joke van Veenendaal
That's a great photo, full of laughter. What year was it taken?
The photo is from 21 September 1958.
+17 votes

This young couple are my great grandparents, on my dad's maternal branch of the family. They were married on 5 November 1888 in Wednesbury, Staffordshire, England. 


They had 11 children between Nov 1888 and June 1902 when Samuel died unexpectedly at age 35. Leaving his wife Jenny with 11 children under the age of 14. My grandmother was the middle child. The youngest 2 children were born on  4 April 1901 and 20 May 1902. It's always been a game to try and guess how many more children they would have had if he had not died She was 37 when he died, perhaps another 7 years or more of child bearing years! 


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
edited by M Ross
Gorgeous photo, M, but your link brings us to "this page does not exist."
Thank you, Jim.  M's photos add such a lovely touch to her profiles.
Thank you Pat, have you seen this photo?


It was taken in the spring of 1903, about 8-10 months after Samuel died.

Jenny looks very tired, my grandmother is 3rd from the left.
Yeah, I can't even imagine how difficult that was for her to have such a large family, then lose her husband.
+16 votes

Lilly Schacht-454 and Gunnar Nielsen-12900 are my maternal grandparents. I never met Morfar (Danish for mother's father) since he passed away long before I arrived in this world. I only met Mormor (Danish for mother's mother) a few times since she lived across the big pond.  She passed away in my youth. But I remember that she was a wonderful lady, willing to play board games and cards with me. I believe this picture was taken the year Gunnar passed away. Several copies were made so that each of their 12 children could have one.  It is only one of two pictures (that I have come across) taken of Gunnar.

by Karen Carter G2G3 (3.9k points)
edited by Karen Carter
Board games and cards? Just like my 2 grandmas :)

I love their expressions, beautiful photo Karen.
+18 votes

This is a 1946 photo of my paternal grandparents: Pearl and C.A. Lovelace Sr. My mother is holding me, and we have moved to Oregon to live with them. 

My grandmother was not much of a movie goer, but she would take me to see "Ma and Pa Kettle" movies, and she would laugh and laugh. I love this photo of her looking like she has been working and he is relaxing wearing a suit.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (865k points)
Love the photo, Alexis.  Everyone looks relaxed and you're a cutie.  But my memory of Before-My-Time movies seen on a 1960s B & W TV tricked me into thinking Ma and Pa Kettle were a 1930s couple with Marie Dressler as Ma.  Looked it up and no, it was Marjorie Main. Marie was in Dinner at Eight.
+14 votes

These are my maternal grandparents, Walter "Dallas" Martin and Ella K. (Cutright) Martin celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in 1979. 

50th Anniversary party

by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
+15 votes
by Deborah Campbell G2G6 Mach 3 (33.1k points)
edited by Deborah Campbell
What a great photo! Do you have names for everyone?
Thanks ! There are 5 out of 9 children here..Oldest to youngest Arthur, Orval ,Royal ,Olive and Carrie Roark. Parents Byrd Elias Roark and Mannie Emily Miller Roark. My grandmother Nora Delilah Roark Cooksey isn't in the photo. She would have been the 7th child.
+14 votes

My maternal grandmother was http://WikiTree.com/wiki/Loock-138, Mary Christine Loock until she married http://WikiTree.com/wiki/Stielow-19, Charles William Stielow in June 1912.  I never met Mary.  She died of a heart attack while washing the dishes in November 1936.  As a young woman she loved wearing hats, a family trait it seems as Mom loved wearing hats and I loved wearing hats.  Here is Mary wearing one of her hats.

by Pat Miller G2G6 Pilot (228k points)
Pat, thank you for sharing such a wonderful photo of your grandmother Mary. I do love her absolutely fabulous hat. My mother also loved wearing hats. She and my maternal grandmother made several hats while they were taking in class in hat making in the late 1950s.
Thank you, Alexis.  That sounds like a class my mother and I would have loved to take.

I'm known to locals as "The Hat Lady."  Everywhere I go, people comment on my hats.  Just love them. 

So wonderful to know there are other hat lovers out there.  LOVE the one she is wearing.  Perfect!!

Thank you, Teresa.  Hat lovers of the world unite.  I just bought another one two days ago.
+14 votes

The lovely couple in this colorized photo, are my great-grandparents Willy Borchers, a german merchant sailor, and Luz Antonia Gonzalez, the chilean lady who became his last Port. They met in Antofagasta, Chile when his vessel, the Carl, was detained. (Photo: c.1930)

by Vicki Blanco Borchers G2G6 Mach 7 (73.2k points)
What a beautiful couple!
Thanks Maria! I would have loved to meet them.
+12 votes
I am sharing a photo of My grandparents John Ballinger West and Alice Lucille Coulter when they married

by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (255k points)
+9 votes

The 2020 Pioneer Village Parade, of vintage equipment, is about to start and Grampa Tractor is without an operator.....up hops Gramma Kathy and as the parade comes around a bend, to the grandstand, I leaned over to the announcer to comment that, "Gramma and 'Grampa' were both born in the same year".......meanwhile Cousin Frank heard a small boy comment to his mother, "I wish I had a Gramma like that".

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
+8 votes

I recently discovered this newspaper image of my grandmother, Bonnie (at right), with her siblings Tillie and Jack and their pet alligator. This was a big deal for small town Indiana in 1953!

by Caitlin Martin G2G2 (2.2k points)
+7 votes

My grandparents holding their newest grandchild, in September 1976.

ago by Brenda Milledge G2G6 Mach 3 (39.9k points)

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