Reversing merge profiles

+7 votes
We are in the process of merging two profiles.  However, they were set up backwards by a 3rd person who initiated it.  Both profile managers (I am one) have agreed - BUT I put a caveat that I would agree if they were reversed because they are Norwegians and the LNAB should end up as Mogensen and not Blix.  Blix will appear as an additional last name.

We have gotten to the point of getting Adam mcQuery to agree to the merge (he's slow to respond)...however, I don't think once we are at this point in the game, we can reverse the two profiles.  That should be done when it is first proposed and it even asks do you want to switch them before clicking on it.

Is there any way to do this without cancelling the whole thing and starting over (McQuery takes too long to respond) or going through with it and then formally changing the LNAB on the surviving profile - losing the ID of Mogensen-395 to Mogensen-something-else.  This is hard on people who have already linked to 395.

 I am at the point where my email wants me to click MERGE....and when I did and chose "compare first" that option of switching them is no longer there, so I backed out.

Mogensen-395 and Blix-6
WikiTree profile: Laurits Blix
in WikiTree Tech by Robyn Adair G2G6 Mach 1 (19.1k points)

2 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
When you click merge you will have an additional chance to reverse the direction.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (894k points)
selected by Patricia Roche
+2 votes
I guess I didn't explain all the steps I went through very well and don't know if this screen shot will post......but LNAB is greyed out and can't be changed.  Only current and other are "hot."  And it says in several places that Blix is going to be the LNAB.  It gives the warning "to be sure...." and then disables that feature providing no radial buttons for LNAB.

Also....I can't seem to post the screen shot - requires too many characters to form the image so I posted it on his site and will remove it later.
by Robyn Adair G2G6 Mach 1 (19.1k points)

I just went and tested, and could (if I followed through but did not) merge Blix into Mogensen. Third yellow box down has

Do not complete this merge unless Blix is the correct Last Name at Birth. If Mogensen is correct, click here to reverse the merge. If neither is correct, change the Last Name at Birth on Blix-6 before doing the merge.

If you go to his profile.....I posted the screenshot to the right, which is what I see.  It has the warning asking about LNAB and right above is the section for switching that, I guess....but with no radial buttons.  It only allows for current or preferred name which won't change the order of the merge and leave Mogensen as will still be Blix, I think.

If you think you can change it....please do it because it doesn't seem to allow me to do that.
WHOOOOAAA.....I have been entering this only from Mogensen since that's my profile.  When you enter using the Blix profile, you get a whole different set-up and questions.  I need to look at that a bit.....funny, shouldn't they be exactly the same?
Congrats! I see you were able to do the merge!

OK worked....yaaaaayyyyy.  That being said, I think there needs to be some sort code-rewrite.

The problem was if you went to the bottom of the Mogensen page and clicked merge, it had the whole thing set up for Mogensen to meld into Blix.....BUT, if you entered from the Blix page, it had the opposite.....Blix would meld into Mogensen and disappear.  It never occurred to me they might be different depending on the entry point.  The 3rd individual who originally proposed the merge to Adam and then to me, even said in an email he had it backwards and could I fix it.  So I always looked from my profile or my emails.....I think it's strange that both profiles didn't have the same set-up that the 3rd party originally proposed. Maybe he is the one who should clicked the final merge to change it....dunno....too many people involved maybe. seems fixed now and thanks for all you patience.  Now to remove that screenshot.....another learning curve for the day.  smiley

AND, whichever entry point you use, there is always the option to switch the direction in the final merge process.

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