Is your Campbell ancestor a revolutionary patriot?

+7 votes

The Campbell DNA Team is pleased to announce the launch of the Campbell Patriot Project. The purpose of this project is to collect and organize Y-DNA samples from known Campbell Patriots as recognized by the Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male (Y-STR) DNA from male descendants of these ancestors. A list of Campbell Patriots recognized by the SAR and DAR are shown in the links below. These links also link to the Patriot’s records on their respective lineage societies as well as, eventually, to their entry on WikiTree.

WikiTree profile: Space:Campbell_Patriot_Project
in The Tree House by Kevin Guy Campbell G2G6 (7.5k points)

4 Answers

+4 votes
Kevin, would this be only for Revolutionary War patriots with Campbell surname or also for other surnamed ancestors, for example, in my Campbell line?
by Paul Campbell G2G6 Mach 1 (10.8k points)
Paul, this projects goal is to tag Campbell Revolutionary patriots and document their lines with YDNA tests. I see that your line goes back quite a ways and passed through Augusta/Rockbridge County, Virginia. Have you done a YDNA test?
Yew, Kevin.  Sent my Big-Y test in a few days ago.
Looking forward to the results!
+3 votes
Interested in this Project!  I can go back as far as my 4Xgg, Sarah Campbell, b. 1811 in NJ, d. 1847 in IN.  But, I am unable to find her parents at this time.  Campbell was a common name.  Hoping for any help!

I am already DAR.
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Tammie, we are attempting to document the Campbell Revolutionary Patriots line using YDNA. Your Campbell connection is pretty far back so you would not have any living Campbell cousins to test. Did Sarah have any brothers? If so you could trace their line to present to see if there are any candidates to do a YDNA test.
At this time, since I cannot locate parents, I cannot determine any other family members so no siblings as of yet.  I have requested a marriage document, hoping for parent information on it.  Hopefully I will have it in the next few weeks.
+3 votes
Very interested as my direct ancestor - 6th Great Grandfather through my father's side  - William Campbell - Campbell-11590 is a revolutionary patriot.  Since I am female, I assume I would have to get my father to take the Y-DNA sample?  

Thank you,

Kerry stuhlmuller
by Kerry Stuhlmuller G2G2 (2.5k points)
Kerry, does not look like your father was born a Campbell so his YDNA would not help in this case. I do see a descendant of William that has done a Y25 test (Campbell-36366). The Y25 is a low resolution YDNA test. You should contact Campbell-36366, to see if he would upgrade his test to the Big Y700. That will give you a good idea of where your line sits amongst the others and may give you some research clues. The DAR table has been linked with the YDNA test kit number and both William and Elizabeth are hyperlinked back to their respective profiles.
+3 votes
Aeneas Campbell, Jr. and Sr. are my ancestors, and I am a DAR member. However, I have not yet added them to my family tree on WikiTree. As a female, I cannot offer a Y-DNA test, and my line goes through females for five generations to my Campbell ancestor. So I'm wondering what I can add to this group.
by Zola Noble G2G3 (3.8k points)
Fortunately we have several YDDNA testers for the Aeneas line. So if you can add your portion of the tree up to them that might be missing.
Thank you. I've added more Campbell ancestors to my tree.

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