2022 June Connectors' Monthly Challenge [closed]

+19 votes

Hi Connectors! The June Connectors Challenge is up and running. :D

This is a monthly challenge and open to everyone. The goal is to connect parents, create profiles or propose merges, etc. to connect unconnected branches to the main tree. Scoring is of branches connected to the tree, not individual profiles. So whether a branch consists of two people or ninety-two people, it still counts as ONE connection. Unlike the Connect-a-Thon, only actual connections made are counted, not the number of profiles created to get to a connection.

The Connector’s Challenge Rules:

 1. Pick an existing profile (created before this month’s challenge began) that is not currently connected to the Global Family Tree. (Hint: If you are a member of the Connectors Project, you’ll see a yellow puzzle piece icon next to that person’s name at the top of their profile if they aren’t connected.)

2. Add a profile for any first degree relative for that profile (a parent, spouse, child, or sibling). Continue adding first degree relatives until you run into a profile that is already connected to the Global Family Tree that you can attach to. Remember to use good sources to support the creation or connection of every profile you make! Please be aware that it takes 24 hours for the tree to update and show the connection.

3. ANSWER this post. This lets us know that you’re participating in this month’s challenge. It’s easiest for us to track your trail if you post it here, but you can also use the Challenge Tracker. Just be sure you comment “Connected to Smith-000” when you make the connection to the already existing, already connected profile. Replace Smith-000 with the actual profile ID of the starting profile you were trying to connect. And there can be only ONE connection per branch!

4. Remember the tally is not of profiles created (like the Connect-a-Thon) but of actual connections made to the Global Family Tree. You might connect a whole branch of profiles and make 100 new profiles in the process of making a connection, but the connection only counts as 1.

5. If you enjoy challenges, keep in mind that adding good sources to any existing profiles you run into while connecting or fixing errors on those existing profiles might count towards the Sourcerers or Data Doctors Challenges.

6. Let us know if you’d like a Connector’s Badge for participating. That will also make you a part of our project and we’d love to have you! Stats are kept and updated on the Connectors Challenge page. The link to the tracker will follow.

WikiTree profile: Space:Connectors_Challenge
closed with the note: This month's challenge is closed.
in The Tree House by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
closed by Jayme Arrington
As a side note, I apologize for the delay in posting this month's challenge. This first week of June marks the three year anniversary of my younger brother's passing and it hit me a lot harder than I was anticipating. I know it's bad practice to not have communicated more clearly prior to now, but grief can be funny that way.

Anyways! On to happier topics :D Good luck to everyone connecting!

Second side note--I did record the following people as saying they were participating this month already:

Hi Jayme, I just saw your post and my sincere condolences. It is difficult to bear no matter how many years pass.

I thought I signed up for connectors, but don't see my name in this post, or on the profiles that I connect. I know I have connected at least 6 since the start of the month. Can you please add me to the connectors challenge? Thank you!

28 Answers

+12 votes

I would like to participate in this month’s challenge.

by Paddy Waldron G2G6 Mach 6 (63.0k points)
Added Martin Galvin, son of connected Galvin-868 and father of unconnected Galvin-901, thereby connecting 24 people in Unconnected: tree2388667.
Connected Cotter-422 to his hitherto unconnected living wife Crowe-3181 and hence to 6 other profiles in tree1730007.
+10 votes
I'm participating this month.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
I connected two Gerould profiles on the Unconnected list to the main tree during WikiTree Challenge 12. I don't remember which two they were.
+12 votes
I will participate this month.
by Sue Knifley G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
+12 votes
I'll be taking part also!
by Kathy Evans G2G6 Mach 5 (58.2k points)
+11 votes
I'd in this month
by Amanda Myers G2G6 Mach 6 (61.0k points)
+11 votes
I'm in! I missed you!
by B. W. J. Molier G2G6 Mach 9 (92.4k points)
+11 votes
First timer. Please count me in.

EDIT: Can I get a badge so I can see the puzzle piece pls?
by Jeff Gentry G2G6 Mach 1 (18.7k points)
edited by Jeff Gentry
Done! Thank you for joining us : )
+12 votes
I'm participating.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (862k points)
I have just connected: [[Estes-4750|Sylvia (Estes) Stark (abt.1840-1944)]]

I added her father [[Estes-4883|Howard Estes (abt.1809-1892)]] and connected him to his son (Sylvia's brother) [[Estes-4830|Andrew Jackson Estes (abt.1834-aft.1880)]] who is already connected.

By tomorrow, the Estes/Stark family should be all connected!

Let me know if this is enough info.
+11 votes
I would like to participate in this month's challenge.
by Gloria Wallner G2G6 (8.5k points)
+11 votes
Hi, I will participate this month. Thanks!
by Susannah Zemke G2G6 (6.9k points)
edited by Susannah Zemke


1. existing Unconnected profile  Agostina Rosa Sponchioni  (1875-1907)  connected via multiple new profiles to existing Connected Profile Antonio Maria Ladina (1749- ) (tried to use Challenge Tracker but input on wrong profile)

(links Unconnected Cremona-area family tree to existing Vaiano Cremasco Connected profiles)  

2. Connected unconnected Ippolito-34 with his connected father Ippolito-106

3. Merged unconnected Coletti-36 into connected  Coletti-24  this will connect in several previously unconnected Casalvieri, Italy profiles 

+11 votes
I'll participate this month as well, I think :)
by Rakelle Teschner G2G6 Mach 5 (51.5k points)
+12 votes

Tracker doesn't appear to be working for me so will keep track here:

 1. connected Baker-24187 to Baker-24026

2. connected Calvesbert-45 to Calvesbert-7

3. connected Calvesbert-45 to Calvesbert-7

4. connected Cargill-948 to Spink-819

5. connected Cargill-153 to Swankie-25

6. connected Cargill-945 to Spink-307

7. connected Culverhouse-113 to Culverhouse-3

8. connected King-50632 to King-100

9. connected Last-657 to Laflin-170

10. connected Nathan-780 to Hart-19163

11. connected Girling-1972 to Girling-238

12. connected Girling-543 to Girling-238

13. connected Unknown-491477 to Girling-238

14. connected Glover-1660 to Glover-1654

15. connected Glover-1663 to Glover-1654

16. connected Glover-1656 to Glover-1654

17. connected Crawmer-12 to Crawmer-29

18. connected Glover-1661 to Glover-1654 (via father Glover-8797)

19. connected Glover-1666 to Glover-1654

20. connected Glover-1662 to Glover-1654

21. connected Glover-1664 to Glover-1654

22. connected Glover-1665 to Glover-1654

23. connected Glover-1678 (now Duvall-2809) to Glover-1654 (and father Duvall-1220)

24. connected Glover-1682 to Fike-310

25.  connected Glover-1683 to Fike-310

26. connected Zepp-67 to Glover-1656

27. connected Zepp-65 to Glover-1656

28. connected Zepp-66 to Glover-1656

29. connected Zepp-68 to Glover-1656

30. connected Zepp-64 to Glover-1656

by Alison Palmer G2G6 Mach 3 (33.6k points)
edited by Alison Palmer
+12 votes

Here's another connection: I connected Sarah (Fetter) Myers with her father Johann Peter Vetter. Peter might seem unconnected, but I had to change his LNAB according to his birth entry.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

I initiated a merge between Catharine Marie Gade (Gade-109) and Catharine Marie Gade (Gade-93). Once it is done, 93 will be connected.

Maria (Wilson) Harding was unconnected. I created her mother Amelia Ann (Brazzell) Wilson, who I could connect to her father David Brazzell, who is connected.

Unconnected Katherine (Povlock) Stayback got connected to her connected son Clarence Stayback.

William John Sarver was unconnected. I created his wife Elizabeth (Boss) Sarver who I could connect to her father Stephen H Boss.

I started the connection with unconnected Louise Pauline (Lerch) Dorsey, added her husband Francis Patrick Dorsey. Then I found his *also* unconnected brother James (he was in another loose tree, as he didn't have a father before I connected the brothers). I continued with the father-in-law of James' son William Clifton. I created his father Lewis, whose father, according to FamilySearch is the connected Brinkley Clifton. Considering Brinkley is in the 1820 Census on FamilySearch listed with 4 male children younger than 10 years and his children list over there lists 4 male children born through 1820, I think that this father/son connection is correct, although there is no document that names Brinkley as father of Lewis.

Michel Stauber was unconnected. I created his son Edward, Edward's wife Delia (Childs) Stauber, her father Augustus D Childs and his father Alburtus D, who I could connect to his father Ebenezer Childs.

I could connect unconnected and undated Junius Erasmus Paine to his father James Paine.

I connected unconnected Michael Angert with his connected father Lorenz Angert

Erm.... Ok, this time I went down. I started with the connected Isaac Bird, created his son John and John's wife Eliza (Reason) Bird aka Raison, Raisin. I would be able to connect Eliza with her daughter Estella "Stella" (Bird) McIntyre, if Stella's profile wasn't green locked. The PM of the profile was last active in 2011.

+11 votes

I'd like to join this month's challenge and also join the project and get the badge.

Connections made and not registered with tracker:

  1. Van_Werkhoven-44 to Van_Werkhooven-43
  2. Koeman-16 to Koeman-87
  3. Koeman-17 to Harinckman-1
  4. Koeman-15 to Koeman-14
  5. Koeman-18 to Koeman-14
  6. Koeman-19 to Koeman-14
Connections registered with tracker:
  1. VanDen_Bergh-2 to Van_den_Berg-4727
  2. Baas-435 to Baas-441
by Patrick Ehlert G2G6 (7.6k points)
edited by Patrick Ehlert
+10 votes
Will participate, thanks. Sorry for your loss. Always difficult.
by Kim Williams G2G6 Mach 6 (63.4k points)
Thank you Kim : ) I appreciate it.
+11 votes
I signed up for the Connector's Challenge for June 2022; however, it is not tracking my connections! I have connected at least 6 to 7 persons. It is difficult for me to recall each one as I am traveling in Germany and working on WT when I get some free time. Can someone check on this? Thank you so much.
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
+10 votes
I'm in for this month...
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (797k points)
+10 votes

I'd like to participate in this month's challenge.

  1. Connected James Frailey by linking him to his wife, Mary Storm.
  2. Connected Charles Grosz by linking him to his parents, Daniel Henry Grosz and Elizabeth Brown.
  3. Connected Hester Rinker by linking her to her husband, Addison Slutter.
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (730k points)
edited by Star Kline
+8 votes

I'd like to participate, and would like to be a member of the Connectors Project so I can see the yellow puzzle pieces. TIA!

Connected Houston-5872 to Gay-1635

by Linda Mearse G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)
edited by Linda Mearse
Thank you for joining us this month! I've also awarded the Connector's badge to you : )
+8 votes
I'd like to participate!
by Nicki Zigler G2G6 (10.0k points)

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