When to show military rank as prefix?

+13 votes
Is it always appropriate to show military rank is a prefix to the name?
For example – should my listing be Sgt. Joseph Wayne Oldroyd?
From my perspective, the rank of a commissioned officer should always be shown as that person holds that commission for life. NCOs on the other hand get to walk away for good.
If the person dies while in the service I would think that the rank should be shown.

Much ado about nothing?
in The Tree House by Wayne Oldroyd G2G6 Mach 2 (22.1k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I my opinion, it really depends. If the person was a career military officer or NCO, then I would say yes, otherwise no.
It depends mainly on which state the person comes from. In Germany, former soldiers and reservists may use their last rank with the addition d.R. (of reserve). Professional soldiers may use their last rank with the addition a.D. (out of service) after their retirement.
In Germany, however, it is absolutely unusual for military ranks to be worn in civilian life.

2 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer
You will get different answers but it my opinion, it depends.  if a person dies in service, or retired from the regular force, or was a long term reservist, or for any other reason used the rank during his life, then use his rank.  It grinds my gears when people bring their own prejudices into who deserves the title or not.

Also, use appropriate abbreviations without a period at the end.  Use the country specific abbreviation.  For example, I was a Capt, not a CPT.
by Stu Ward G2G6 Pilot (148k points)
selected by Kenneth Evans
Thanks Kenneth
Where possible, I use the rank in full rather than the abbreviation. With the limitation of the Prefix field, however, longer ranks such as Lieutenant Colonel or Lance Corporal will require the abbrev.

In the US, the abbreviation also depends on the service branch.

Army CPT = Air Force/Marine Capt.

LTC = LtCol

and others

+5 votes

I was a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force but I got out after 10 years so I'm not entitled to retirement.  Only friends from my AF days would ever call me "sarge" now but I wouldn't list it as a prefix now or after my death on my profile but could be placed in the bio.  However, if you spent 20+ years in service of your country I think you're entitled to (e.g. "Rank" Ret or Retired).  It's a sign of respect
by Kimberly Morgan G2G6 Pilot (152k points)

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