Should Thomas Richard's mother, Alice Hulins, be detached?

+2 votes

Thomas Richards' mother is listed as "Alice Hulins". This Alice Hulins was the daughter of Henry and Joane Hulins of Rodborough, Gloucestershire. The Richards are from Somerset. I think Alice Hulins (and husband Thomas Richards, as mentioned in Joane's will) were conflated with the PGM Thomas Richard's parents. There's no reason to think they are the same couple. There was a Thomas Rickardes (probate 1615) of Tortworth (18km/11miles from Rodborough) who had a wife Alice, and if anything is a more likely candidate than a Thomas in Somerset.

Anderson doesn't mention any mother's name, and the source in the biography links to a baptismal index including only the father's name.

I think Alice Hulins should be detached as mother and husband of these Thomas Richards, and have a new Thomas Richards husband created for her, and that perhaps a new Unknown or Alice (if there is a source on her given name) profile be created as mother for Thomas.

WikiTree profile: Thomas Richards
in Genealogy Help by Thomas B G2G6 (8.8k points)
Hi, I like to look at the evidence for myself when considering a question like this.  Can you give references, links to online sources, quotations?
I don't think there is anything.

Like I said, the sources on Thomas Richard's page don't mention his mother's name. He originally had a "Mrs Richards" mother who was merged into Alice (Hulins) Richards of Rodbourgh in 2016 with the reason "same person".

A google search sometimes has Thomas Richard's mother as Alice Hulins (no sources given), other times as either "Alice" or no name given. But I don't ever see sources presented.

1 Answer

+6 votes
I'd think it would be simpler to change Alice's name to UNKNOWN. But this is a PPP profile and a horrendous mess, and you can't do that.

Since your real interest seems to be in the Hulins family in England, why not just start there, add your Alice Hulins and her husband Thomas Rickardes, with a Research Note saying this is not the same Alice who is the mother of Richards-189.
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (175k points)
Since Hulins-25 was originally created in 2014 as a part of the Rodborough Hulins family, and merged in 2016 to this Richards family, I thought that she should probably be detached from this later family. However since she's been the profile for Thomas Richard's 'mother' for so long, it may be better to leave her profile ID associated with that role (and change her LNAB, which would be the simpler solution)

So you'd suggest detaching Hulins-25 from her parents, make a new Alice Hulins profile (with husband), then edit all profiles involved with notes and explanation?
That would be one way to do it, that ('t involve a PPP problem.

The Richards profile has clearly been thru a lot of changes and merges, and I suspect nobody wants to open it up again, despite the obvious need for this. Perhaps someone who knows this history would explain how it came to pass and what the reasoning was for the merge, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

But since you (I assume) don't care about that profile and want to straighten out the other line, you should think about the ways to get this done.

What you don't want (I assume) is another merge. If you create a new profile for Alice, then you are the PM and it can't be merged without your agreement when people see the two profiles and say "They're the same person."

So H-25 should be divested of the parents you believe belong to the other Alice, so people won't be likely to think that.

To change the LNAB for a profile, you have to be a PM.
If no one else comments on this problem, I guess I'll make a new Alice Hulins profile and make notes on the biographies so that they're not confused again. I'll also send a PM to the Hugins-25 managers asking for a LNAB change to 'Unknown".
Good luck straightening it out

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