Richard Montague
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Richard Montague (1614 - 1681)

Richard Montague
Born in Warfield, Bracknell Forest Borough, Berkshire, Englandmap
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of
Husband of — married 1636 [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died at age 67 in Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts Baymap
Profile last modified | Created 27 Jan 2012
This page has been accessed 5,384 times.


Children: Mary (1642, married Joseph Warriner), Sarah (1646), Martha (1647, married Isaac Harrison), Peter (1651, married Mary Partridge), John (1654, married Hannah Smith), Abigail (1652, married Mark Warner).

Some cleanup of information from History & Genealogy of the Montague Family of America is still needed below.

Richard Montague was originally thought to be born in Boveney. In 1986, a record was found in Warfield, Berkshire, England listing Richard as being born to Peter and Ellen Montague on May 29, 1614.

RICHARD MONTAGUE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. FIRST GENERATION AND CHILDREN. RICHARD MONTAGUE was the son of Peter and Eleanor Montague, Boveney, Parish of Burnham, Buckinghamshire, England. His mother, Eleanor, was the daughter of William Allen of Burnbam, in the same parish. Richard \v;is b., about 1614, in Boveney, where his ancestors for several generations had resided. It is a small hamlet, picturesquely situated upon the river Thames, 7 miles from Windsor. The authority for the date of his birth may be found in Savage's General Dictionary of New England, which states: "in a depon. of court records of 1671, Richard Montague calls himself 57 years old," — which places his birth in the year 1614.

The date of his emigration to America is not known, but the record in the Herald's College, London, states that Peter was in America, in l634. In the case of Peter, the court records at Richmond, Va., state, that he entered land in Virginia, in 1637, but if Richard came as early as 1634, then' remain twelve years, which are shrouded in obscurity, for no certain knowledge of him has been obtained, until the year 1646, ;at which date, he removed from Wells, Maine, to Boston, his wife being received into the first church, Boston, by letter of dismission from Wells, Maine. The town of Wells, however, was not settled until 1637, although the coast of Maine had been, for some years previous, much frequented by the English, on account of the advantages there offered for fishing and the fur trade. If Richard was in New England, previous to 1637, it seems probable that he went to Wells, Maine, from some of the other settlements, perhaps from Boston, where he may have first landed, as the general course of emigrant ships was to that port. This opinion is somewhat confirmed, by a record of the Mass. Bay Colony, which states, that : i certain Griffin Montague, who was living in 1635, at Brooklyne then a, part of Boston, removed about 1637 to Wells, Maine, and settled at Cape Porpoise, a few miles distant, though no connection between him and Richard Montague has been found. Landing in Boston, it is possible, that he removed, to Salem, previous to going to Wells, Maine, for it is known, that his wife was, at one time, a member of the Salem Church, (see Annals of Salem, by Rev. Joseph B. Felt). Again, the name of Richard Montague occurs in a list of Freemen, in Marblehead, the 19th of May, 1680. Marblehead, at that time, was a part of Salem, and although he was living in Hadley, in 1680, his name may have been originally entered upon that list, during his residence in Salem, and not pub. till 1680, or there may be an error in the date upon the record. At all events, if that record does not refer to him, it is-not known to whom it could refer. There certainly were not two persons of that name, in New England, at that time. (See N. E. Hist. Reg. Vol. 3, 245). He married Abigail Downing, dau of Rev d Dr. Downing, of Norwich, England. (See introduction p. 34).

The date of their marriage is not known, probably between the years 1636 and 1641, possibly before 1637. A little light is obtained from a letter, written by Major Richard Montague of Leverett, to Rev d William Montague of Boston, under date of March 13, 1789, in which he states, that he visited Hadley, " and spent some time there searching the records," relative to this subject, and from the records, and also from papers and letters, at the old homestead, he found that Abigail Downing was a clergyman's daughter of Norwich, in England, and came from there in company with Richard Montague's brother, William, who went to Virginia. (This William returned to England).

If Richard did not marry her in England, and with her (and his brother William), came to America, it seems probable, that she came with William, after Richard's arrival here, and she would in that case have gone at once to the home of her relative. Emanuel Downing, in Salem, where they were married. If this view of the case is correct, they probably removed from Salem to Wells, Maine. But no records have been found at Wells, though search has been made. In 1646 they removed from Wells to Boston, as before stated, where two of their children, Sarah, and Martha, were born, " baptized by the revered John Wilson, pastor of the First church, of which Mrs. Montague was a member," (admitted 26th of ye 2d month, 1646. Records First church, Boston.)

In 1651 they removed to Wethersfield, Conn. Mrs. Abigail Montague received letters of dismission from the First church, Boston, to the church at Wethersfield, the 25th of May, 1651. Here they resided for the next eight years.

The records of the town of Wethersfield, during that period, make frequent mention of him as purchasing land in the town. He brought from Emanuel Downing, of Salem, Mass., (a cousin of his wife), a letter to Gov. Winthrop, of Conn.

A division in the church at Hartford and Wethersfield was the cause of the settlement of Hadley. Fifty-nine of the citizens of the towns of Hartford and Wethersfield signed an agreement to go to Hadley. " At a meeting at Goodman Ward's house in Hartford, April 18, 1659, the company there met and signed the agreement."

Richard Montague was one of the original 59, who signed that agreement, and there is no evidence that he did not remove to Hadley the same year, as he certainly did, either then or early in 1660. Judd's Hist, of Hadley suggests, that the company came by a road that had been made from Windsor to Northampton, having carts with which to transport the women and children, and utensils, or household goods.

The new settlement was named Hadley, from the English town in County Suffolk.

Here Richard settled upon the home-lot, of eight acres, upon the east side of the long, wide street (20 rods wide), about "midway between the north and middle highway to the woods." He followed the occupation of a farmer, having at the same time a trade, that of a baker, which he probably learned in his youth, in England. But there was not much use for his services in the latter employment in Hadley, except in the Indian War. Hist, of Northfield, p. 74, states, that "At an attack of Indians, Richard Montague of Hadley was impressed to bake a supply of bread, and his horse was taken by a trooper."

Village of Hadley, Mass. in 1663

Amidst seeming peace and security, he was always prepared for an attack of Indians. His rifle not only accompanied him to the field, during his weekly toil, but also to meeting upon the Sabbath. In other respects, his life was an uneventful one, flowing on smoothly and silently, as the quiet waters of the Connecticut, upon whose banks he lived, and where his mortal remains peacefully repose.

Flour, at that early period, was bolted by hand, and, "in 1680, Richard Montague's bolting mill was valued al 80 shillings, and Richard Montague sometimes bolted flour for others, by the barrel."

May ll. 1661, he was chosen hay-ward, or field driver, and again in 1662. He was to have 12 pence each for cattle and hogs, 2 shillings for a horse, and ,20 pence for 20 sheep, that he should find Loose in the meadow and bring home.

March 9, 1663, it was voted, " that Richard Montague should have four shillings for every grave he makes for a grown person, and two shillings for the grave of a child under H) years of age.

He was twice a Selectman, in 1671, and again in 1677. In March, 1681, he was made clerk of writs.

He died, Dec 14, 1681. Mrs. Abigail Montague died, Nov. 8, 1694.

A picture of the original dwelling house of Richard Montague will be found in this work, built very soon after his arrival in Hadley (1659). It stood upon the north half of the eight acres, allotted to him in Hadley, was forty by twenty-four feet, of two stories, with a lean-to added at a later date. It was built with its end toward the street, and its principal entrance was on the south side. This house stood for more than one hundred and fifty years. It was taken down in 1830. The panes of glass were very small, 6x8 inches; the chimney was very large. When taken down it was found, that. while the front part was lined with clay mortar, the rear half was lined with brick ; the supposition being that this was to render the rear bullet proof in case of Indian attacks.

The Dwelling House of Richard Montague, Hadley, Mass., 1660

A portrait of Richard Montague constitutes the frontispiece. Its history is as follows: In 1789, Major Richard Montague found, at the old homestead in Hadley, a miniature of Richard, the emigrant, taken in England, which had been preserved among the keepsakes of the family. The Major presented the miniature to Rev d William Montague of Boston, and it was preserved in that branch of the family. Some years since, Mr. George Montague of Chelsea. Mass., employed an artist, who Was considered very skillful in such work, to have several photographs taken from it. The miniature was very small, and much worn, the paint in some places being partly rubbed oil. The artist, with these photographs and the original miniature lying before him, aided by a microscope, made a pen and ink drawing, which, while it did not change the miniature likeness, replaced the portion-- worn off by the ravages of time, and restored the portrait. The frontispiece is a copy of the original pen and ink sketch.

The signature under the picture is a facsimile of his autograph, a photo-engraving taken from his signature to one of the original documents, viz., that of the agreement of himself and wife with his son, John Montague, which is printed in full herewith. His manner of spelling the name was correct at that time. In old English records the name Mountague " is often met with.

A copy of the will of Richard Montague, executed live months before, and proved three months after his death, together with the inventory, is given below.

"I, Richard Mountague of Hadley, in y e County of Hampshire in New England, being of sound minde, memory, and understanding, yet not knowing how soone that little time I have yet to Continue may terminate & Expire, doe therefore make & ordain this as my Last will and testiment, in manner and form following : — Imp 8 , I commit myself Soul and Body into the hands of y e almighty & eternal God, whose I am, and into the Armes of my deare Redeemer in whome I desire forever to repose & steadfastly to believe for Life, Righteousness & Salvation; Leaving my Body to be interred with a Comely & Christian buriall in Assured hope of a Bless d Resurrection through y e mercy of God unto eternal life at the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus at the Last day. And for y e outward estate y e Lord hath blessed me withall, my will is that after my just debts being pay' 1 anil funerall Expenses discharged, Item, I give and Bequeath to my Loving wife Abigaale Mountague, my whole Estate, wheather houses, lands or movables, that is, y e free use, improvement, enjoyment & all y e Profits of y e same during y e term or tyme of her naturall life or Widowhood, but if it happen, she see cause again to marry, then my will is y' from y e tyme of her said marriage she shall only have a third part of my estate before mentioned, wheather of houses, or lands, or movables, as aforesaid, during y e tyme of her naturall life, only my will is that y e third of y e Land- belonging to her by this my will & testiment she shall receive y* is as to y e full valine, worth & Profitt of y e Same in or Out of y e movable estate. Item,- 1 freely give to my loving wife Abigaile Mountague twenty Pounds to be pay* 1 her or to her assigns out of my movable estate, to bee to her & at her own free Cheere & absolute, dispose and liberty. Item, I give to my son Pett r Mountague, besides what he hath already Received, forty Pounds, to y e making up of which Sum I account y e thirty five Pounds I am ingaged to pay to Thomas Dickinson (for Petters house) to be a part of y e s u forty. And after y e decease of my wife within the space of one yeare, then my will is that my execut ra , pay him y e other five Pounds. I give to my son Pett e Mountague that Lot in y e meadow called Hoceanum, which I had in exchange for my Lot in great ponsett. Also I give him that two acres more or less in y e great meadow, which I had in Consideration of my Lot in Little ponsett, Bounded by William Goodwin's & Nathaniel Wares Land. I give to my son also two acres of land more or Less, lyeing next to y e divident Brook between Hadley & Swampfield. Also it is my will y* if my wife continue in her widdowhood my son John Mountague doe improve her estate for her best advantage & Comfort, his mother giving him due satisfaction for his paynes & labor,& if any agreement made between them, let it be written, to prevent trouble. Item, After my wife's decease ;m<l Thomas Dickinsons Bond discharged & my Sun Pett" five Pound pay 1 I then give to my Sun John Mountague all y Re- maind r of my Estate of whal ECinde Boe ever excepting y e legacies hereafter mentioned whicb shall be pay d out of my said estate by my said Execut™, viz- I give to my daughter Mary Worriner five Pounds, I give tu my daughtei Martha White five Pounds, I give to my daughter Abigaile Worriner five Pounds, I give to my daughter Martha Whites two children, she had by [saack Earrison, five Pounds, to lie equally divided between them & which they shall receive w D they attaine to y" age of eighteen yeares each of them. I give to all y'rest of my grandchildren ten shillings apeice to be pay d when they be of age. I give to my son John my feather bed with all furniture and Appurtenances belonging thereto to be to him and to his heirs & in ease my son Jonn should dye without issue then my will is y' my sun Pett* Mountague should enjoy my whole Estate, he making good all the legacies aforesaid and performing this my will & testimenl as afores d . I ordeine .v Constetute my Beloved Wife Abigaile Mountague & my loving Sun John Mountague as My Law full & Sole Execut" of this my Last will & estiment, Renouncing, Annulling & making Voyde all former Wills, Gifts, Legacies or bequests by me at any tyme before these presents given, named, willed, or bequeathed. In witness of which I seale & Subscribe this eight day of Jul; Anno domini One thousand six hundred Eightie une RICHARD MOUNTAGUE and a [Seal] affixed. In y e presence & Witness "t' Joseph Smith i Pktt e Sittom i March. 28, 1682, the Worship 11 Pet Sitton, Esq., & Joseph Smith personallie appeared in Cte. & made, oath that Richard Mountague, y Legate, was of sound mynde& perfect understanding when he made this Will. An i ST SAM'-i' PARTRZGG Clerk The above, together with w is annexed thereunto i-> truely Copied out of y* Orrigenall Last Will & testiment of Rich d Mountague, deceased, taken this 21 day of June L682 by me, SAM 1 - 1 PARTRIGG Clerk

A true Copy of y" Enventory of y e Estate <>r Richard Mountague, of Hadley, deceased -taken Jan'y 3d, 1682: 'I'o his wearing apparrell at U7, to a bed w'J' furniture to it. at E5 •">-.. l'J 05 00 To a trundle bed Bteade, corde, matt and coverlitt, at on in 00 To i; pillows at 16s., to a great chest 5s., to one cheat ■_'.*.. ni 03 00 £'. 8. (t. To 3 shirts at 19s., drawers 5s., to 5 bands at 2s. 6d., all 01 06 06 To 3 handcherchiefs 2s., to capps, 2d., to 5 Bd., 00 06 00 To 6 table cloaths 13d., to a diaper table cloath and napkins 12*., 01 05 00 To 3 holland napkins 10s., to 8 littering napkins 16s., 01 06 00 To 3 cotton napkins at 9*., to 5 napkins at Id., to 9 towels at 8d., 01 04 00 To 2 pillow beers at 4s* to 3 cotton pillow beers 6d., 5 pillow beers 20d., 01 00 00 To 1 pr. small sheets 2()d., to 1 pr. sheets 20s., 5 pr. sheets £5 I0d„ 07 00 00 To 2 pr. sheets at 20*., to 4 chars at 5d., 01 05 00 To 6 leather quishons at 9s., tables and forms 6s., halfbushell 2s., 00 17 00 To seed lipp and half peck Is., to 3 wheels I2d., to 20s., 01 13 00 To 2 scamels 30 s., pot and pot hooks 30s. great pot and pot hooks 20d., 02 00 00 To iron kettell and skillit 6s., to 2 brass kettles 20s., skillets 10s., 01 16 00 To 2 pr. brass scales and beame and weights 12s., ladle Is., 2 pounds pewter 35s., 02 07 00 To box iron and heaters 2s. Qd., dripping pan and tunnel 2s., earthern ware 5d., 00 07 00 To brushes and combe 2s., wooden ware 6s., trenchers 2s., to 5 bolls 2s. Qd. 00 11 06 To several books at £1 5s., spice 3s., jug 6s., several pots at 3s., 01 14 00 To a warming pan 9d., pillow 2s., several carpenters' tools 20s., 01 02 00 To a shave 2s., gridiron 3s., ham. and gimlets, awls, 2s. Qd., 00 07 06 To a frying pann 3s., iron tools 5s., old iron 5s., spades and stubbing hoe 4s., 00 17 00 To two shovels 2d., lamp 2s., 4 lbs lard 5s., to 2 tubs 6s., spoons 4d., 00 18 00 To spitt 2s., bellows 2s., shreeding knife 2s., a tub and baskets 2s., 00 07 00 To 3 payls3s., carpet 5s., bolting stuff 15s., armes and ammunition, £2 10s. 03 13 00 To oatmeal Is., bolting mill £3, 2 pr. hooks 3s., stock cards 2s., 03 06 00 To a ffan 4s., to 2 sides Is., to 2 sives at Is. 6d., to baggs at 20s., 01 06 06 To a hetchett 10s., wool 20s., cutting knife 3s., stiliards 15s., 02 08 00 To flex seed Is. Qd., salt and box 4s., mauls 4s., hopps 4s., 00 13 06 To 40 bushels Indian corn at£4, bedsteads 2s., 04 02 00 To a rele at Is. Qd., to 2 trundle beds with furniture £1 4s. Qd. 01 06 00 To a cart rope, iron rake, sith, bar n sadle, coll* 12s., a bar 11 2s., 00 14 00 To a half bar 11 1 s., coopry ware £1 13s., 4 chees molds 3s., earthern pot 5s. 02 02 00 To cheeses 20s., candles 2s, sope and tubs 3s., cann 2s., tobacco 2s., 00 16 00 To salt Is., to hoes, axes, betle and wedges 15s., cheese press 2s., 00 18 00 To grind stone Is., slead 3s., cart and wheels with irons £1 10s., yoaks 3s. 01 17 00 To 2 pr. chains 20s., colles and seales 5s., plow and irons 16s., 02 00 00 To a sith and tackling 5s., flax 20s., corne and hay, y e half of it, £9, 10 05 00 To forks and racks at os., to 13 sheepe ot £4, to 3 oxen £15, 19 00 00 To horse £6, to 2 cows and 2 calves at £7, to 2 steers and heifers £8, 21 00 00 To a plow chain and harrow teeth 12s., hoggs £10, 10 12 99 To a blanchet 2s., to houses and homesteade at £70, 70 02 00 To land in Hadley £78, several small things at Is., 78 01 00 To 1 looking glass at 2s. Qd, to a bayle of a payle Is., to 2 1-2 wool 2s. 6^. 00 00 00 £•277 17 00 Debts due from y e estate, 22 13 05 Debts due to y e estate, 11 02 02 Leu ft Philip Smith S.\M IL PoRTEB Sen s wi"- Partigg March 28 1682 Abigaile & Jno Mountague made Oath y y aboves d is a true Inventory of Richard Montagues Estate & if more appears they will Eteadyly discover it — attests SAMLi- PATRIGG Clerk The Court at Northampton March 28 1682 did accompt y c half of y e lands & houses of Rich 1 ' Mountagues, now to be his son Johns right c\: not soewell accounted in this Inventory but to he his. attests SAMi-L PARTRIGG Clerk The above in every Particular thereof is truly copied out of y e orriginal Inventory of Rich d Mountagues, his Estate this 23d day of June 1(582 as attests SAMLi- PARTRIGG Clerk

Tins Indenture, made the sixteenth day of March one thousand six hundred and eightie, between Richard Mountague, Sen 1 ', of Iladley, w a the Consent of Abigaile his wife of y e one part, & Chileab Smith and Hannah his wife on y other part, Witnesseth, y f for y e encouragement & advancement of John Mountague, natureall son of him, y e s (1 Richard Mountague, and Abigaile his wife, for & in y* Consideration of y c great fatherly love & natureall affection w° h he y* s' 1 Richard Mountague, & Abigaile his wife, beareth to y e s' 1 John Mountague, their s (i son, to y 1 ' intent & purpose y' the Moiety of Lands & tenaments hereafter mentioned, shall & may be & continue in y stock, blood & kindred of y s' 1 Richard Mountague, & for & in Consideration of a Marriage, by God's permission, shortley to be had & solemnized between y s d John Mountague & Hannah Smith, daughter of y e s' 1 Chileab Smith & Hannah Smith his wife of Iladley afore 1 . & for divers others good causes & considerations him thereunto moving : It is agreed, concluded, covenanted, granted by & between the s d party 8 to these presents. And y s' 1 Richard Mountague with Abigaile his wife, on their parts, for themselves, their heirs. Exectrs, Administra trs , doe by these presents Covenant and grant to & with y s' 1 Chileab Smith & Hannah his wife, & either of y" 1 & y L " Exectrs & administra' rs of them or either of them, that lor y considerations afores' 1 , he. y s 1 Richard Mountague with Abigaile his wife, & their heirs, Exec ™, & all & every other person or persons now standing or being seized, or hereafter shall stand seized of. and in all y"' one half of y' 1 honielot situate in Iladley, as it lyes Rounded by l.eiuft. Phillip Smiths homelot north, y" other half of V honielot south, y 1 ' town Street west. \ y Comons east, together with y r new end or addition to his or their house, with halt' y Harne & niit houseing partly standing & being upon y s' 1 Richard .Mountagues honielot in hadley, y halt' of which aforementioned, as alsoe y one-half or equal division of all y s' 1 Richard Mountagues lands Lying & being within y precin" of Iladley. togeathex with all Leasons, Comons, woods, underwoods, avowsons, Reversions, Rents, Services, waifs, Estrays, Royalties, Liberties, priviledges, Jurisdictions, hiriclaments & all other y e Rights, members, Appurtenances what Soe ever, & y" B d homclot, viz: y e half of it & y e s' 1 new end or addition of an house with half v' Barne & outhousemgs & y 1 ' half of all y e s d Lands in hadley & to them belonging and any wise appertaining or accepted, reputed taken, or known, or occupied, demised, or Letten as part persell or member thereof, shall from thenceforth stand & be seized of & in y e same Lands, tenements, haridetaments & all other y e premise. & of & in every part or persell thereof with the appurtenances to y e uses, intents & purposes hereafter in these presents mentioned and Expressed, & to none other use. intent or purpose what soe ever ; That is to say, unto & for y e use of y e s d Richard Mountague with Abigaile his wife until y e s d marriage shall be had & solemnized between y e s' d John Mountague & Hannah Smith. And immediately from & after y e s d marriage soe had, to y e use & absolute Right of y'-' s d John Mountague and Hannah Smith alias Mountague, and of y e heirs males of y e s d John Mountague on y e body of y e s d Hannah Smith alias Mountague, Lawfully begotten, and for default of such heirs males to y e use of y c Right heirs of y e s d Richard Mountagne forever. And further, y e s d Richard Mountague with Abigaile his wife, cloth by these presents Covenant & grant for him, his heirs, Exee trs , administrate & Assigns & every of them, to & with y e s d Chileab Smith & Hannah his wife, and either of them, their hefrs, Execut rs , Administra trs & Assigns for manner & form following, that is to say y 4 the s d houseing, Barnes, homelot, or half homelot, with one- half of all his lands of what Sort soe ever in Hadley, togeather with this Condition, y* y e other half Homestead not by these alianated only mentioned togeather with all of y e Remainder of edifices buildings thereon & thereto belonging, with all appurtenances whatsoever at the decease of y e s d Richard Movmtague with Abigaile his wife Shall be at y e desire & full allowance -of y e s d John Mountague or Hannah Smith, or y h heirs, Executors, Administrators, to y e person or persons concerned as to y e Remaynder not yet alienated part of y e s d homelot & Buildings thereon, with all appurtenances thereto belonging, that then it shall, & by these I covenant it shall be alienated at such tune to y e s d John Mountague & Hannah Smith alias Mountague, their heirs, Executorss, Administra trs & Assigns, & they are & be forever hereafter shall be acquitted, exhonerated, discharged, kept harmless, by y e said Richard Mountague with Abigaile his Wife, their heirs, Executors, Administrators & A-Ssigns from all manner of former or other Bargains, Sales, Gifts, grants, Leases, joyntures, dowers, uses, Wills, intails, Rents, Charges, Arereages, Recognizances, Statutes, incumbrances & demainds what soe ever, Committed or done by y c s d Richard Mountague or Abigaile his wife, Warrenting & by these presents Ratifying y B premises as good & sure estate in ffee simple to y e s' J John Mountague & to Hannah Smith alias Mountague, their heirs, Executors, Administra trs & Assigns to have and to hold for ever more, w ch they may enrole or record to themselves, then hens, Executors, Administra trs , ffmally y e s d Richard Mountague, with Abigaile his wife, shall and will at this time, and from time to time, and at all times, and as often as y e s d John M ountague with Hannah Smith alias Mountague, their hens, Executrs, Administrator 3 or Assigns shall Reasonably require it, to make, Knowledge, Levy, act & Execute all & every such further act or acts, thing or things, device & devices, Assurance & Assurances in y e Law r what soe ever, vouch or vouchers & Continuation with warrenty against y e s d Richard Monutague or Abigaile his wife, then heirs, Executors, Administrate™ or Asi without warrenty soe many v - by the Learned Counsell of y* s 4 John Mountague & Hannah his wife, j As- signs shall be Reasonably devised or advised and required at their Charg Bbr y Bui iln i & Per,*** & more perfeel Assurance, Sureties, sun makinj veyance of y* Premises in all and everj pari & perseU & Appurtenance or Appurten :es thereof unto y* 3 d John Mountague 6* to Hannah Smith alias Mount their heirs, Executors, Administra 11 & Assigns to Richard Mounl with Abigaile his wife for themselves, their hi Idministra 11 oi As- - have subscribed vv Sealed these pr< « uts aa their ad & deed . RICHARD MOUNTAGUE, n il.] ABIGALL MOUNTAGUE, [sbai..] Signed, Bealed and delivered in y Presence ,\ witness of Peteb Sbtton, Sam il Pahtbigg. M ch _>_\ 1680. This Instrument was Owned & Acknowledged by Richard Moun- tague, with Abigaile his Wife, as their own personal act and deede the day of the date aforesaid, before me. [Note. — The above Instrument is in the handwriting of Sam'l Partrigg. The signatures, however, are genuine Autographs of Richard and Abigail Mountague.]

Articles of Agreement betwixt Richard Mountague Sen" with hi- Wife Abigaile ft John Mountague their son as folio weth; — Whereas y s i1 Richard Mountague & Abigaile his wife upon diverse Considerations have alianated & given unto y r son John Mountague with Hannah Smith daughter of Chileab Smith their heirs Execut" Administrators & Assigns \ one half of their homelot ft new end of their now dwelling house with half j ft outhousing and also y halt' part of all y'" Lands >\ Rights of Lands ft Appurtenances belonging thereunto in Hadley a> hy an instrument under y hands ft Beales and every way confirmed according to law, upon w ft together with which the S* Richard Mountague ft Abigaile Mountague for themselves, their heirs. ! Assigneshave ft doe by these, mutually Agree, Covenant t<> ft with theirs 1 son John Mountague his heirs, Executors, Administrators, \ \~ - -. or an 3 By, Erom or under him y may have Right any ways to Act or hnprove themselves in y Affairs ft managenV of Lands or other Estate hereafter mentioned, y 1 it shall be managed or unproved i" y use ft behoofe of y afores* partys a- is hereafter expressed: l-t. That >' managem', improvement of y whole of j - l; bard Mount Lands or houseings, Cattell, horses, Husbandry, implements, vis. all th ry for y use ft improvement of y aforea 4 houseing ft Land ftc \i/. the half part of y whole w ■ '■ i- alianated as afores* by y -' Richard Mountague ft y other half he s in his own hands Bhallbe managed ft carried on Principly by y 3 d John Mountague >v his heirs aforeB d the s A Richard Mountague afores d affording together w" 1 Abigaile his wife such help & Assistance as themselves and those with them can & may with convenience (their age & other respects considered) be in a a capacitie ti> doe & performe. 2d. That all Benifitts, incomes, increases, advantages, Rents, dues to be had, obtained, or procured by either partys above named in y forementioned bnprments of Lands & houseings afores d shall be equally devided the one half to y s' 1 Richard Mountague or Abigaile his wife or their heirs Executors & Assignee & all debts & dues at p'sent due from y e s' 1 Estate or that may grow to be due in one Respect or other upon y e afores d Estate shall bejoyntly Borne & pay' 1 by both partys & y r like shall be for all repairs of buildings, ferreings, implements or any other necessary y" is, or may be, needful in y" management of y' Premises, Provided not- withstanding y" afores' 1 Agreement it is to be understood y' whatsoever, Estate y" s d John Mountague with Hannah Smith alias Mountague can have or obtaine by their Industry or by Gift or otherwise over and above y ir advantage they have by y e afores' 1 improvem ts it is not Comprized, nor is not to be accounted in this division or any part of it. 3d. That upon y 1 ' conditions aforementioned Well & truely performed by his Son John Mountague or Hannah Smith their heirs Execut rs , dministrate & Assignes to y e s' 1 Richard Mountague or Abigaile his Wife, y ir heirs, Executors, Administrators & Assigns for y e full terme of his, y e s d Richard Mountagues natureall Life, with his wives natureall Life, they doe Alianate y e s d half home lot, new end of their house & Barnes & houseings in Hadley with half their Lands ; else or in y" failure of performance as afores' 1 by y e s' 1 John Mountague or Hannah Smith or y lr heirs, then to be at y e full dispose of Richard Mountague or Abigaile his wife, till his, or y ir natureall Life, or Lives shall expire and then to returne according to y e Instrument signed & Sealed & Confirmed as afores d to the s d John Mountague & y e s d Hannah Smith alias Mountague their heirs Execut rs , Administrators & Assignes together with y e Remaind of his y e s' 1 Richard Mountagues houseings & Land in Hadley as in y e Instrument aforementioned is specified to all which y e s d Rich ard Mountague with Abigaile his wife & y e s' 1 John Mountague with Hannah Smith alias Mountague have enterchangeably for themselves, their heirs, execut rs administrate & Assignes have mutual y set to their hands & Seales this 21th, March 1680. RiCH d Montague, her Abigaile ]\5[ Montague, mark John Montague, her Hannah JJ Montague, mark To this instrument were four Seales Affixed. Signed, Sealed & delivered in y e presence and witness of PETT r SlTTON, Sam 11 Partrigg. March 22, 1680. This [nstrumenl was Owned and Acknowledged by Richard Mountague w" 1 Abigailehis Wife, & John Mountague as their own proper act and de< de j " daj of y date afores* before me, 1 ' i . i i r SriroN, Assistant.

December 29, 1681. This Instrument was Owned & Acknowledged by Han- nah Mountague, wife to John Mountague, before me, Pett* Sitton, Assistant. This Instrment, togeather with y e acknowledgements of y* same was here Recorded Jany 9, 1681, by me, Sam" Pabtrigg, Recorder. The above s' 1 , togeather with y acknowledgements of y same & Clerks Attests. are truly transcribed out of y e County Booke of Records, folio 83 & 84, this 24th of June, 1682. As attests : Sam 1 Paatkigg, Record'.

The condition of this Instrument is such that whereas I, Peter Mountague of Hadley, in y e County of Hampshire, within y e Province of assachusetts Pay in New England, one of the Sons of Richard Mountague late of Hadley, afores' 1 . deceased, hath taken & Received the full & just sum of fortie pounds, of w 1 ' sum thirtie-five pounds is to make good y' I was to pay for to Thomas Dickinsons debt for my house; as also a Lott hi Hoceanum w 1 ' was in exchange for a Lot in great ponset ; as also a Lott in y e great meadow in Hadley afores' 1 , containing two acres wch was in consideration of a Lot in little ponset Pounded by Mr. 'William Good- wins & Nathan" Wards Land, as also two Acres of Land, more or less, lying next y 6 divident Brook between Hadley afores d & Swampfield, ffor all of which sum or sums of money, plate or goods, or persell or persells of Land above mentioned, I, Pef Mountague of Hadley afores' 1 , doe for myself, my heirs, cxceut'\ administrators or Assignes Doe hereby aequitt, exonerate and discharge my Brother, John Mountague, as Executor to My father. Richard Mountague aforenamed, deceased & Doc & shall from tyme to tyme & and at all t vines hereafter cleercly aequitt. exonerate & discharge or otherwise upon Request make well & Sufficiently save, keep harmless & indemninethe within named John .Mountague a- ExecF afore mentioned, his heirs, Executors, Administrators " r Assignes & his ,.<: their goods. chatt lu . Hiriditaments & every of them, as alsoe of & from all actions, Suits, costs, Losses, Charges, Sum & Sums of money or persell or persclls of Land or Lands whatsoever which shall or may at any tyme or tymes hereafter happen to arise or Grow or to he demanded or Recovered of & from V s' 1 John Mountague. his heirs, Execut™, Administrate or Assignes, or any of them, for or by Reason of the Same several] sum or Sums of money. ( roods, ( 'hatt IK or Lands by y° s' 1 Peter Mountague taken ,.<. Received as afores* , & every of them, without firaude or Covin Co which 1. Peter Mountague, for myself, heirs. Execut™, Administrate or Assignee have Subscribed & Sealed this of June, 1695, and in the Seventh yeare of y e Keigne of WILLIAM & MARY of England, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland, KING & QUEEN & defenders of y c faith. PETER MOUNTAGUE, [sEALE] Signed, Sealed & delivered in y e presence & witness of Joseph Smith, Sdne Sam 1 Church, Joseph Smith.

The town of Hadley purchased from the Indians, in July, 1660, the land on the west side of the river, now known as Hatfield. The name of Richard Montague appears as one of the witnesses of this deed. The first meeting-house was surrounded with a palisade, and stood in the middle of the Hadley street, just south of the home-lot of Richard Montague, and exactly opposite the home-lot of John Dickinson. (See plan of home-lots.) Swampfield, mentioned in Richard Montague's will, is the present Sunderland. The great meadow included all the land upon the peninsula, or neck, west and south of the home-lots. On the west side of the river, the meadow adjoining the street, at the south end, in what is is now Hatfield, was called Great Pansett ; it contained about 430 acres ; the east side proprietors had the west part, called 205 acres, and the west side had the east part, about 225 acres.

The southwest meadow, which Northampton sold to Hadley, and separated from Great Pansett by Mill river, was called Little Pansett ; it was also known as Capawohk, also Amponchus, and Little Pontius. The west side inhabitants had the upper part, denominated the Plain. The east side had all Capawonk, except the Plain. These meadows are at the southern end of the present Hatfield street.

Note. — The word Freeman, as applied to early New England settlers, is defined as follows : "Those who wished to become Freemen were required to be members in good standing of the Congregational church, and to take a solemn oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth, binding themselves to maintain the laws thereof. None but Freemen were allowed to hold office or to vote on public affairs." "In 1664 this regulation was so modified as to admit all those who could procure from the clergy certificates of being sound in doctrine and correct in morals. This law continued in force in Massachusetts till about 1820." — Damon Memorial, by Rev. Samuel C. Damon, Sandwich Islands.


River, Samuel Gardner. North Highway to tlic Meadow, Chileab Smith. " 1 8 Joseph Baldwin. 8 Robt. Boltwood. 8 Francis Barnard. 8 John Hawks. 8 Richard Church. «  Edward Church. 8

Middle Highway to the Meadow. Henry Clark. ~l 8 Stephen Terry. 8 Andrew Warner. 8 John Marsh. H Timothy Nash. -H •J oil n Webster. 5.1 Win. Goodwin. 8 John Crow. 8 Saml. Moody. n Nathaniel Ward. 81 William Markham. 8

Smith Highway tO the Meadow. Joseph Kellogg.

Aqua Vitse Meadow. River. North Highway to the Woods. William Partriffar. 8 Thomas Coleman. 8 Saml. Smith. 8 Philip Smith. 8 Richard Montague. 8 John Dickinson. * Samuel Porter. 8 Thomas Wells. 8 John Hubbard. 8 Town Lot. 8 Mr. John Russell, Jr.

Middle Highway to the Woods. John Barnard. 8 Andrew Paeon. 7 Nathaniel Stanley. 5 Thomas Stanley. John White. 8 Peter Tilton. 8 William Lewis. s Richard ( roodman. * William Westwood. 8 Thomas Dickinson. 8 Nathaniel 1 Hckiusou. 8

South Highway to the Woods. John Russell, Sr. 8 •■ M," in the >treet, is where the first meeting-house stood, The figures denote die number of acres in home-lot.


  • New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volume 142 no. 2 (April 1988): pages 149-164. "The English Origin of Peter and Richard Montague," by Myrtle Stevens Hyde.
  • Montagu Family of America 1886 p. 43, 57, 59
  • History of Hadley S. Judd 1905 p. 95
  • a blog listing much information & some pictures dealing with Richard Montague
  • Montague, a website listing all of the Montagues of Richard's family from the 1400's forward.
  • Genealogical Notes & Anecdotes, Fowler Mallett, 1953
  • Find a Grave (grave stone shown on it) as found at [1]

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Comments: 14

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Should this profile be included in the PGM project? Emig 1634...

Richard and Griffin Montague-1869 are mentioned page 323 Great Migration, Vol 4, I-L Griffin is already PGM

posted by Beryl Meehan
edited by Beryl Meehan
Correction: Peter came to Jamestown, Va in October of 1621 aboard the "Charles" It's believed Richard was born in Dorney, not in Boveney. They are just across the Themes from each other. Montagues had land on both sides of the river.
posted by Curt Montague
Keep in mind that the only thing needed for a merge to proceed is that the profiles be the same person. Date difference and other data can be worked out after the merge. It is best to resolve different parents before merging.
posted by Paula J
It is difficult to claim they are different if the same photo is on both profiles. Lets merge these and work out the children. They are clearly the same person.
posted by Paula J
If you want to keep all of this bio intact, I suggest you make a space page containing this which you can attach to the profile. That way you can write a concise bio with inline citations.
posted by Paula J
Janet makes a valid point. There are many references out there and it would be good if we could add them. Plus, at WikiTree we do not cut and paste large sections of other people's work.

Let's see if we can get this profile to reflect this individual clearly.



WikiTree Leader

posted by Paula J
Montague-281 and Montague-292 do not represent the same person because: the children of Montague-281 are different than the children of Montague-292. None are the same, both families have different set of children, Callahan-1605 on Jan.11/2016.
posted by [Living Callahan]
My understanding is that a Family History is not necessarily a proven source. Most of the above seems to be copied from The History of.........which I have in my possession. The Great Migration contributors have done much sourcing and are not always in agreement with above. J Blackford
Montague-281 and Montague-292 appear to represent the same person because: Same Individual. Thank you
posted by [Living Sheffield]
The Montague line is only valid back to 1500. It has never been proven prior to that. Refer to records at the New England Historical and Genealogy Society, specifically the documents by Myrtle Stephens Hyde, Professional Genealogist, Salt Lake City, Utah. All record entries beyond Robert Montague, born 1505 can not be validated. Without the authentication entries following should be removed.
Montague-292 and Montague-364 appear to represent the same person because: I know that this is a PPP merge--but this looks like an obvious match.
posted by Linda (Ward) Ellinger

This week's featured connections are French Notables: Richard is 13 degrees from Napoléon I Bonaparte, 17 degrees from Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, 19 degrees from Sarah Bernhardt, 25 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian, 19 degrees from Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, 15 degrees from Pierre Curie, 23 degrees from Simone de Beauvoir, 14 degrees from Philippe Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, 12 degrees from Camille de Polignac, 14 degrees from Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 15 degrees from Claude Monet and 18 degrees from Aurore Dupin de Francueil on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

M  >  Montague  >  Richard Montague