Doug McCallum UE
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Doug McCallum UE

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 11 May 2012 | 15,804 contributions | 876 thank-yous | 2,569 connections
Doug R. McCallum UE
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
[sibling(s) unknown]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Doug McCallum private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 10 May 2012
This page has been accessed 9,293 times.



Scotland's Tartan Trail
Doug McCallum UE is a graduate of the Scotland Tartan Trail III.
Scotland's Tartan Trail
Doug McCallum UE is a Scotland Tartan Trail Guide.
UEL Badge
Doug McCallum was a United Empire Loyalist.
UEL Status:Regular (UELAC Member)
Date: 23 June 2018
Doug McCallum UE is a member of Clan MacCallum.
Doug McCallum UE is a member of Clan Donnachaidh.
Scottish flag
Doug McCallum UE has Scottish Ancestors.
Doug McCallum UE has French origins.
Descendant of PGM migrant Abraham Perkins.
Doug McCallum UE is a descendant of Mayflower Passenger Mary (Chilton) Winslow.

Originally from Massachusetts but I've been in Colorado for the past 30+ years. My father was born in Tabusintac, NB. I've been researching Tabusintac families for about 30 years while researching my father's family. My mother's family is Massachusetts, Vermont and Quebec.

I came to Colorado by way of graduate school in Texas. I spent 30+ years as a software engineer.

Doug McCallum UE participated with Nor'Easters during the 2018 Clean-a-Thon.
Doug McCallum UE participated with Nor'Easters during the 2018 Source-a-Thon, adding sources to some previously unsourced profiles.

I am also involved with the Clan MacCallum/Malcolm Society and act as the Colorado Convener. I'm currently adding profiles for all New Brunswick, Canada soldiers who were Killed in Action during WWI. This is an ongoing effort. I also spend a lot of time with the Categorization team, Canada Managed Profiles team and Scottish Clans.

For fun, I'm a botanical illustrator, spinner, weaver and currently studying landscape design, horticulture and advanced genealogy topics.


I'm actively involved in a number of Projects,


Other Projects

  • Categorizaion where I am a Project Coordinator for Category maintenance.


So far have proven descent from:

I'm working on a few more.


  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between Doug McCallum and his sister (DB). Their MRCAs are their parents Charles McCallum and Lorraine Caplette. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: Immediate family - close family, based on sharing 2,318 cM across 53 segments ; Confidence: Extremely High.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an AncestryDNA test match between Doug McCallum and his sister (DB). Their MRCAs are their parents Charles McCallum and Lorraine Caplette. Predicted relationship from AncestryDNA: Immediate family - close family, based on sharing 2,318 cM across 53 segments ; Confidence: Extremely High.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an Ancestry test match between Doug McCallum and his maternal half first cousin once removed LPC. Their most recent common ancestor was Albert Henry Perkins, great-grandfather of Doug McCallum and grandfather of LPC. Predicted relationship 1st-2nd cousins based on sharing 434 cM across 17 segments; Confidence: Extremely High.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by an Ancestry test match between Doug McCallum and his maternal first cousins LG and DC. Their most recent common ancestors are their common maternal grandparents George Caplette Flora Perkins. Predicted relationship from Ancestry 1st-2nd cousins sharing 1,070 cM across 45 segments and 994 cM across 46 segments respectively.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed through Y-chromosome DNA testing. Douglas McCallum, haplogroup R-FT32273, FTDNA kit #122713 and his 4th cousin once removed, AJGM, F, match at a Genetic Distance of 2 on 67 markers thereby confirming their direct paternal lines back to their MRCA [McCallum-123|John McCallum].

Advanced Directive

To aid WikiTree in the administration of my account should I be incapacitated, or in the event of my death, I hereby give permission for all private profiles I'm managing to be transferred to the following WikiTreers, whether or not they are currently on the Trusted Lists:


McCallum-175 00:43, 1 September 2020 (UTC)

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Doug's formal name
  • full middle name (R.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (2)
  • spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Doug McCallum's full information you must be on Doug's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
  • Doug McCallum: Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 111 markers, haplogroup R-FT87684, FTDNA kit #122713, MitoYDNA ID T10492 [compare]
Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Doug McCallum: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup H1-T152C!, FTDNA kit #122713, MitoYDNA ID T10484 [compare]
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Doug: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 82

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Hi Doug - I've hopefully set the Scotland project as manager for Clan Innes, if it hasn't worked, please let me know and I'll try again :-)
posted by Liz Bradshaw
Perfect. Thank you for making the update.
posted by Doug McCallum UE
Hi Doug,

Thanks for your contributions to Puritan Great Migration (PGM) project profiles.

Like all WikiTree projects we check in with team members periodically to find out about their continued interest in the project. Would you please respond by February 12, 2024, to let us know about your interest:

1. Would you like to continue as a PGM project team member?;

2. Do you have any suggestions for PGM Project priorities in the next year (optional)?;

3. Do you have interest in taking a more active role within the PGM project, and if so, what you might be interested in doing (optional)?

Please respond to this comment on your profile, or if you'd like, send a private message to either Bobbie (Madison) Hallor S (Hill) Willson.

Thanks for all you do for PGM and WikiTree!


Bobbie and Sharon, Co-Leaders, Puritan Great Migration Project

posted by S (Hill) Willson
I definitely want to continue.

I think resolving some of the PGM adjacent profiles should be a priority. I don't have a lot of extra time but would be willing to spend some on the PGM adjacent cases.

posted by Doug McCallum UE
Many thanks, Doug. We're happy to have you stay with PGM!


posted by S (Hill) Willson
Hi Doug

This is the time for the annual 2024 check in with members of the Military and War Project. Have you been active during the last six months in the Military and War Project? Do you want to remain working with this prouject? Note that it is a requirement to respond to the Military and War Project Check-ins. Please respond to this message by clicking the reply button below this message, to post your answer. I look forward to hearing from you..

Many thanks,

Mary, Project Coordinator, Military & War

posted by Mary Richardson
I do want to stay involved. I'm still slowly adding WWI soldiers from New Brunswick, Canada, who were KIA. Will eventually add beyond the KIA.
posted by Doug McCallum UE
Thanks for checking in. You have a lot of other activities as well as the KIA WWI soldiers of Canada. I marked you active.


posted by Mary Richardson
Hi Doug, this category sent to be renamed has a number of links on profiles from a template, that will need to be changed manually. There is also a couple of living profiles that Editbot won't be able to access, that will need to be changed manually.

Thanks, regards Margaret, Categorization Project

Thanks for the heads up. I'll do the manual part.
posted by Doug McCallum UE
Hi Doug, do you still coordinate "the Category Doctors"? If so do you know when they are likely to appoint a new Project Leader to the "Categorization Project".

It seems they stopped taking new members and shut it down as far back as 2021.

As an ex-submariner, I would have liked to have joined, as I'm interested in adding missing Ship, Submarine and Shore Establishments to the British Royal Navy category.

Best wishes for the holiday season. Bob.

posted by Robert Mosdell
Hi Doug,

It is once again time for our annual Scotland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:

•If you would like to continue as a project member •If you are happy with your current teams or would you like to join a different team •How much time per month (on average) you spend working on Scottish profiles •Anything you’d like the Scotland Project to do more of in the future

You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you are no longer able to participate in the Scotland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.

On behalf of the Scotland Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve Scottish profiles!

Sheena - Scotland Project Membership Coordinator

Hi Doug, did you know you have a red category from one of the clan stickers? Regards, Margaret :)
Category:Clan Donnachaidh ...should have an "h" at the end of it.


posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott
I have been doing some England location cleanup - looking for towns that lack a country as recognized in wikitree+ (which can mean the absence of a comma or an abbreviation that is not recognized). Today I did a search for Carleton and there are a whole lot, mostly Canadian. It looks like a lot of New Brunswick, some Ontario, some Quebec. I wanted to let the Canada project know about this and it looks like you specialize in New Brunswick so I am contacting you. I just fixed the ones I could ID as England (which means after the weekly data dump), but this search should be pretty close, in case you folks want to do some location cleanup (to ensure these profiles are in all your reports etc)
posted by W Robertson
Thank you for replying to the Great War Project July 2022 check in (subproject of the Military and War Project), Doug. I have marked you as active. I had another project member asking how she could track the profiles other than a list on her page. I gave her the Great War category list.. But since you answered quickly with the comment that you update them periodically, do you use the watchlist?

Mary, Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson
edited by Mary Richardson

It is time for a July 2022 check in for the Great War Project. I am sending this message on the behalf of the leader of the Military and War Project. Have you been active in the Great War project in the last six months?

Please note that it is a requirement for membership in the Military and War Project that you respond to these check-ins. To make bookkeeping easier, just click Reply to this message on your own page, add your reply, then SAVE or post reply. I look forward to hearing from you..


Mary~ Project Coordinator, Military and War Project

posted by Mary Richardson
I'm still interested. Time to add a few more soldiers from New Brunswick, Canada who died in the war. I do periodic updates.
posted by Doug McCallum UE
Hi Doug

I think there is a flaw in the Merge system. I am trying to merge Mounger -723 and Mounger -696, First ; The system cannot locate either one. Then I went to profile page and system could not find other profile. I know for sure they are same person, for I was working with Wendy . Please help Lang at Howse 124

posted by Langley Howse V

Rejected matches › Doug McLain

This week's featured connections are American Founders: Doug is 16 degrees from John Hancock, 13 degrees from Francis Dana, 17 degrees from Bernardo de Gálvez, 16 degrees from William Foushee, 17 degrees from Alexander Hamilton, 14 degrees from John Francis Hamtramck, 17 degrees from John Marshall, 17 degrees from George Mason, 17 degrees from Gershom Mendes Seixas, 16 degrees from Robert Morris, 16 degrees from Sybil Ogden and 16 degrees from George Washington on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.