Daniel LeBlanc
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Daniel LeBlanc (abt. 1626 - abt. 1696)

Daniel LeBlanc aka Leblanc, Le Blanc
Born about in Martaizé, Poitou, Francemap [uncertain]
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of — married about 1650 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap
Descendants descendants
Died about at about age 70 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap
Profile last modified | Created 21 Nov 2010
This page has been accessed 44,020 times.
There are disproven, disputed, or competing theories about this person's parents. See the text for details.
The Acadian flag.
Daniel LeBlanc is an Acadian.
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NOTICE: This profile is project protected by the Acadian Project because of frequent duplication, attempts to assign parents without proof, and some controversy about his origins. It is also in the Top 100 most viewed Acadian profiles. You may make cosmetic or other minor edits. Significant edits should be brought to the attention of the Acadian Project. See Research Notes for details.
This profile won Profile of the Week the First Week of January 2014.
Flag of France
Daniel LeBlanc migrated from France to Acadia.
Flag of Acadia

The largest Acadian family stems from one pioneer named Daniel LeBlanc.[1] He is said by many to have been born in France around 1626, but that hasn't been proven.[2] His exact origins and parents are unknown. One theory is that he came from Martaizé.[3][4] Another theory is that his parents were René LeBlanc and Jeanne Gaudet. Another theory is he was from Scotland, based on descendants' DNA test results.

Daniel arrived in Acadia sometime before 1650. According to some sources, he came to Acadia in about 1645 and settled on the north bank of the Port-Royal River (now the Annapolis River), to the northeast of the marsh at Belisle, about 15 kilometers above the fort at Port Royal and about a half mile below the chapel of St-Laurent.[5]

Daniel (23), a farmer, married Françoise Gaudet (26) (born about 1623 in France; daughter of Jean Gaudet and Unknown (Inconnu) Gaudet) in 1650 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France. She had been married to a man called Mercier.[1] Their known children were:

  1. Jacques LeBlanc (abt. 1651–aft. 1731) .
  2. Françoise LeBlanc (abt. 1653–bef. 1687) .
  3. Étienne LeBlanc (abt. 1656–bef. 1686) .
  4. René LeBlanc (abt. 1657–1734) .
  5. André LeBlanc (abt. 1659–1743) .
  6. Antoine LeBlanc (abt. 1662–bef. 1730) .
  7. Pierre LeBlanc (abt. 1664–abt. 1717)

Between about 1651 and 1664, the couple had 6 sons (Jacques, Étienne, René, André, Antoine, Pierre) and a daughter (Françoise), all born in Port-Royal.[6][7]

Daniel and Françoise, like many of the Acadian pioneers, lived off the land, farming to feed their family. Their homestead was located east of the fort at Port Royal (Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada). The farm was on the north bank of the Dauphin (Annapolis) River to the northeast of the marshlands of Belisle.[8][9][10]

In 1671,[11] the homestead was comprised of 10 arpents of cultivated land (close to 8.5 acres).[12] This acreage was fairly large for the settlement. Of the 56 households reporting cultivated land, only 12 had 10 or more arpents. The family also had 18 cattle and 26 sheep.

The 1678 Census reported Daniel and Françoise with 12 cattle & 12 acres [sic], and three boys.[13]

In 1686, at Port Royal, Daniel LEBLANC, aged 60, was living with his wife, Francoise GODOT [sic], aged 60. They owned 2 guns and were living on 6 arpents of cultivable land with 15 cattle, 20 sheep and 7 hogs. By this time, five of Daniel's and Françoise's sons were married and settled in Port-Royal.[14] Étienne no longer lived there. Their daughter Françoise had died. Within four years, the family's relative peace would be shattered by King William's War (1689-1697) with France.

In May 1690, Sir William Phipps[15] captured Port Royal, destroyed the church, plundered the settlement, and forced the inhabitants to swear an oath of allegiance to the English crown. He appointed Charles La Tourasse, a former sergeant of the French garrison, to serve as English commandant and leader of a council to keep the peace and administer justice.[16] Inhabitants were asked to choose six leading men to serve on the council and Daniel LeBlanc was among the chosen leaders.[8] Phipps left Port-Royal within 12 days of arrival. Before the end of the summer, seamen from two ships looted Port-Royal and burned and looted between 28 and 35 homes and habitations including the parish church.[17]

An English garrison was never established, possibly because the inhabitants refused to guarantee that the Indians would not attack if one was formed.[16]

Dunn describes the feelings of the residents during this unsettling time:

Throughout this period of nominal English rule, French and English vessels anchored at Port-Royal at will, contributing to a sense of unease among the residents. New England vessels came to trade, to check on the inhabitants, and to take French prizes. When the English were not around, French privateers operated out of the port, attracting local young men as crew with the promise of plunder, and outfitting the ships from local suppliers... Port-Royal residents did not always appreciate the presence of the French privateers.

In 1693, an encounter between the vessel of French privateer Pierre Masisonnat dit Baptiste and an English frigate brought further misery. English investigations into the role of Acadians' assistance of privateer Baptiste resulted in the burning of nearly a dozen homes and three barns of unthreshed grain. In that year, the only remaining LeBlancs in Port Royal were 66-year-old Daniel, Françoise, and their youngest son Pierre and his family.[18] Were their four sons convinced to move by the raids at Port Royal and the lure of available land in some of the newer villages?

In 1695, Daniel took the oath of allegiance to the King of England at Port-Royal; he made his mark on the document.[19]

Daniel died in Port Royal in his late 60s sometime between 1695 and 1698.[20] His wife Françoise is listed as a widow, 80, living alone, on the 1698 census.[21] During his life in Acadia, he had witnessed three changes in rule, from French to English (1654), to French (1667-70), and back to English (1690). Despite these disruptions, his family thrived.

Daniel's legacy in Acadia is profound. Five of his sons created families of their own. After they took wives, the four older LeBlanc sons moved to the Minas area, where they created a large extended family. The youngest son remained on his father's lands near Port Royal. (According to family genealogist Lucie LeBlanc Constentino: "... as was the usual way for the Acadians, the youngest son inherited the father's land.") His 31 married grandsons would have large families, and the LeBlancs would represent the most common name in Acadia.[22] His daughter and granddaughters would marry into other large Acadian families, including Blanchard, Cormier, Boudrot, Haché, Landry, Doiron, Robichaud, and Allain.

Descendants placed a monument in 2014 near the ancestral homestead of Daniel and Françoise, near what is now Gesnor's Brook. See monumentleblanc.com.


c1626 Birth, in France
1632 Treaty Saint-Germain-en-Laye cedes Acadia to France; Razilly brings ~300 settlers[23]
Before 1650 Arrival in Acadia
c1650 Marriage to Françoise Gaudet
c1651 Birth of son, Jacques
c1653 Birth of daughter, Françoise
1654 British capture Port-Royal; French settlement ceases[24]
c1656 Birth of son, Étienne
c1657 Birth of son, René
c1659 Birth of son, André
c1662 Birth of son, Antoine
c1664 Birth of son, Pierre
1667-70 Treaty of Breda cedes Acadia to the French; settlement resumes[25]
1671 Daniel, Françoise, and their seven children live in Port-Royal
1670’s-1680’s Available farmland decreases; some leave Port-Royal to establish new villages.[26]
1686 Daniel, Françoise, 5/6 sons live in Port-Royal; daughter died
1678Daniel, Françoise and their 3 sons live in Port-Royal.[27]
1690 Phipps captures and sacks Port-Royal, coerces inhabitants' oaths of allegiance to English Crown, sets up local Peacekeeping Council and leaves within 12 days.[15][28][16]
1690 Daniel chosen by inhabitants to serve on Peacekeeping council.
1690-93 Port-Royal subjected to raids (1690; 1693) with looting and burning.[17]
1693 Daniel, Françoise & son Pierre’s family are the only remaining LeBlancs living in Port-Royal
Between 1695-98 Death, in Port-Royal, Acadia

DNA Analysis

The following e-mail is related to a claim by Robert LeBlanc that Daniel LeBlanc was the son of Sir William Alexander the younger from Scotland. [29] Much of the DNA evidence given by Robert LeBlanc to support his claim was addressed in 2014 by Arthur Owen,[30] and his conclusion is that the common ancestor of Daniel and the Alexander family existed 1000 to 5000 years before present, and thus Sir William Alexander the younger could not be Daniel's father.

Based on the most recent DNA results, Daniel's Y-DNA terminal SNP is R-BY592 (R-L21>DF63>BY592),[31] while for the Alexanders who claim a connection to Sir William Alexander the younger, it is R-BY11751 (R-L21>DF13>A848>BY3134>BY11751). [32] The formation of subclades DF13 and DF63 are believed to have occurred 4300 years before present.[33]

E-mail message posted by Karen Theriot Reader-22, Rootsweb.com; From Rob White dit LeBlanc (rwhite at wesleyan.edu) in Jul 2011.

Text: Some of us who have had our DNA tested have found that our place of origin is not France but Scotland or Northern Ireland. Several of us have come to the realization that Daniel LeBlanc may have had a Mic Mac mother and a Scottish father named Alexander. Do you know of any Metis history which may offer us some clues to this mystery.
  1. The name Daniel is not common in Acadian history.
  2. None of his children named their children after him.
  3. Family tree has acknowledged that the chance of Daniel being an Alexander is 95 percent.
  4. LeBlanc means "the white" which might indicate that he was a white child born in Acadia (possibly the first). One LeBlanc family has heard this story carried down via oral family tradition.
  5. Another "story" in the family tradition says that Daniel wore a kilt.
  6. Daniel's origins have never been proven to have been from France, according to several researchers who have tried to show where he came from. They have only made suppositions, never proven, including Geneviève Massignon and d'Entremont.

Since we have no way of doing DNA on the female line on Daniel's side we have run out of ways to explore this avenue to come to the "truth" of the story.


La plus nombreuse famille acadienne n'a qu'une seule souche, Daniel LeBlanc.[1] Daniel est né en France vers 1626.[2] Le lieu exact de sa naissance et l’identité de ses parents restent inconnus. Selon certaines sources,[3][4] il était possiblement originaire de Martaizé. Une autre théorie suggère René LeBlanc et Jeanne Gaudet comme étant ses parents.

Daniel est arrivé en Acadie avant 1650.[1] Vers 1650, il épousa Françoise Gaudet, fille de Jean Gaudet. Françoise était veuve d'un Mercier inconnue. Entre 1651 et 1664 environ, le couple a eu 6 garçons (Jacques, Étienne, René, André, Antoine, Pierre) et une fille (Françoise).[6][7]

Daniel et Françoise, comme plusieurs pionniers acadiens, étaient des fermiers qui vivaient de la terre pour nourrir leur famille. Leur ferme était située à l'est du fort à Port-Royal (aujourd'hui Annapolis Royal, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada), sur la rive nord de la rivière du Dauphin (Annapolis), au nord-est des marais de Belisle.[8][9][10] S'étendant sur 10 arpents en 1671[11], leur ferme était une des plus grandes dans la région. Des 56 ménages énumérés avec de la terre au recensement de 1671, seulement 10 possédaient 10 arpents ou plus.

Daniel semble avoir joué un rôle important dans la communauté en tant que gardien de la paix.

"Daniel LeBlanc fut l'un des notables à Port-Royal, et quand le 24 mai 1690 (N.S.), Sir William Phipps, qui venait de s'emparer de la place, exigea de la part des habitants de Port-Royal et de ceux de la rivière du même nom, de choisir six d'entre eux pour former un conseil afin de garder la paix parmi eux et d'y administrer la justice, Daniel Leblanc fut l'un de ceux sur qui le choix tomba."[8]

Par l'an 1693, tous les enfants de Daniel et Françoise, sauf leur plus jeune Pierre et sa famille, étaient partis de Port-Royal.

Daniel est mort à Port-Royal[34] avant le recensement de 1698, mais après d'avoir prêté le serment d'allégeance au roi d'Angleterre en 1695.[20]

Les 31 petits-fils de Daniel qui se sont mariés ont eut de grandes familles qui ont assuré que le nom LeBlanc est aujourd'hui un des plus communs en Acadie[22]. Ses filles et petites-filles se marieraient dans d’autres grandes familles acadiennes, y compris Blanchard, Cormier, Boudrot, Haché, Landry, Doiron, Robichaud, et Allain.

Research Notes

Disputed Origins, Spouse and Parents
Origin in France. Daniel has been suggested to be from the Martaizé region in Poitou (currently Vienne), France, due to being linked with the Gaudet family - but his precise origin in France remains unproven.[4]

A recent article by Gregory Kennedy, "The Value of Historical Maps: Solving At Least Part of the Mystery of the Origins of the Acadians", demonstrates that old maps support this theory.

Potential previous marriage and daughter in France. One of the declarations at Belle-Île-en-Mer may lead us to believe that Daniel was previously married before his union to Françoise and even brought a daughter from that alleged first marriage to Acadia.[35] In his article titled Origins of the Pioneers of Acadia, Stephen White notes that Father Archange Godbout has shown in an article entitled “Daniel Leblanc,” published in 1952 in the Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française (Vol. V, pp. 4-9), that Françoise was indeed Daniel's first wife, and the Marie mentioned is actually Marie Mercier, Françoise's daughter from a previous marriage.

Parents: Some family trees link this LeBlanc to René LeBlanc (1600-). This is not true per Stephen White:
"The place of origin and the ancestors of Daniel LeBlanc are unknown to us. Some have claimed that Daniel was descended from a noble Dauphine family, based on the research of H. Leandre D'Entremont (see J. Alfred Leblanc, The Origins of the Leblanc Family, Footprints of the Exiled: A LeBlanc Family Newsletter, Vol I, 1986, P. 7). But the proposed line (René to Alphone to Pierre) is from a Blanc or de Blanc family, rather than LeBlanc. (See MM. de La Chenaye-Desbois & Badier, Dictionnaire de la noblesse, 3rd ed, Paris, 1863, Vol III, P 314-317)." (translated) [7]

The name Le Blanc was written as two separate words until about 1800, when it was combined into one word.[36]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 White, Stephen A. La généalogie des trente-sept familles hôtesses des ""Retrouvailles 94"", Les Cahiers de la Société historique acadienne, vol. 25, nos 2 et 3 (1994). LEBLANC, 37 Families
  2. 2.0 2.1 Recencements 1671, 1686 et 1693 / Calculated based on his age as given in the 1671, 1686, and 1693 censuses.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bona Arsenault, Histoire Et Généalogie Des Acadiens, (Leméac, 1978), Vol. 2 Port Royal, p.648.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Massignon, Geneviève. "Les parlers français d'Acadie, enquête linguistique", Librairie Klincksieck, Paris, 1962, 2 tomes.p. 42
  5. Karen Theriot Reader, Daniel LeBlanc;
    Bona Arsenault, HISTOIRE ET GENEALOGIE DES ACADIENS; 1625-1810, (Ottawa, Editions Lemeac, 1978) vol. 2, p. 648 (Port Royal);
    Daniel LE BLANC, born in 1626, originally from Martaizé, department of Vienne, France [sic] (footnote has reference: Genevieve Massignon LES PARLERS FRANCAIS D'ACADIE, vol. 1, p. 42). Daniel arrived in Acadia around 1645 and married around 1650 to Francoise GAUDET (widow of one MERCIER), daughter of Jean. There are seven children listed, born from 1651 to 1664. Another footnote says that according to Placide Gaudet, Daniel LeBlanc settled "on the north bank of the French River, to the northeast of Belisle marsh, about nine miles upstream from Port-Royal [Acadia] and a half-mile farther below St. Laurent chapel. (Reference: J. Jore, article in MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE GENEALOGIQUE CANADIENNE-FRANCAISE, vol. VI, nos. 6 & 7 (Apr-Jul 1955), p. 264).
  6. 6.0 6.1 Tim Hebert, Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 3-14;
    Daniel LeBLANC, farmer, 45, his wife Françoise GAUDET 48; their seven children: Married: Françoise 18; Unmarried: Jacques 20, Estienne 15, Rene 14, Andre 12, Antoine 9, Pierre 7; cattle 18, sheep 26, 10 arpents of land.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Stephen A. White, Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert. Dictionnaire Généalogique Des Familles Acadiennes. Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D'études Acadiennes, Université De Moncton, 1999, Print.p. 983-984
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Le Bulletin des Recherches Historiques, vol XVIII, 1912, p. 357. (archive.org)
  9. 9.0 9.1 1707 homestead location of Pierre LeBlanc (last son to live with father Daniel before he died). In Au Coeur de l'Acadie Acadian Settlement on the Annapolis River 1707 Map Parks Canada.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Circa 1609 Map of Port Royal showing rivière du Dauphin. Map originally published in Canada: the Empire of the North by Agnes C. Laut.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Charles Trahan's translations adding land holdings to 1671 Census
  12. Statistics Canada 1 arpent= 0.845 acres
  13. Tim Hebert, 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census, noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census
    Daniel LeBlanc & Francoise Godet; 12 cattle & 12 acres; 3 boys: 20, 1658; 17, 1661; 15, 1663
  14. Tim Hebert, Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.
    at Port Royal: Daniel LEBLANC 60, Francoise GODET 60; 2 guns, 6 arpents, 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 7 hogs. In the original 1686 census at Port Royal Gaudet was listed as Godet.
  15. 15.0 15.1 C.P.Stacey, “PHIPS, SIR WILLIAM,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003, accessed November 20, 2013
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 C.Bruce Fergusson,“LA TOURASSE, CHARLES,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003, accessed November 20, 2013
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Dunn, Brenda. A History of Port Royal / Annapolis Royal 1605-1800. Nimbus Publishing, p 40,43
  18. Tim Hebert, Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 62-108;
    Daniel LEBLANC, 66; Françoise GODET, his wife, 76; Pierre their son, 28; son of Pierre, Pierre, 7; Jean LAFORET, servant, 15; Marguerite LAPRINCESSE, 12; 20 cattle, 35 sheep, 9 hogs, 18 arpents, 3 guns.
  19. Roberta Estes, "Acadian 1695 Loyalty Oath Signatures – 52 Ancestors #395." DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy, Posted on April 22, 2023, accessed online on XXXX at https://dna-explained.com/2023/04/22/acadian-1695-loyalty-oath-signatures-52-ancestors-395/
  20. 20.0 20.1 Karen Theriot Reader Daniel LeBlanc E-mail posting at <ACADIAN-CAJUN-L at rootsweb.com> #273 on 27 Jun 1999 by Lucie M. CONSENTINO (LucieMC at mediaone.net). Daniel LeBLANC promises fidelity to the king of England at Port-Royal dated Aug 1695; if made his mark [?]. (Reference: Massachusetts Archive; vol. II, fol540). [Check. Wasn't his wife a widow by Aug 1695?]
  21. Tim Hebert, Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 110-166;
    Francoise GOUDET widow 80.
  22. 22.0 22.1 The First Acadian Pioneers. Translations of Stephen White's Genealogy Research by Lucie Leblanc Constantino
  23. George MacBeath, Biography – RAZILLY, ISAAC DE – Volume I (1000-1700) – Dictionary of Canadian Biography Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013
  24. William I. Roberts, 3rd, “SEDGWICK, ROBERT,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013
  25. In collaboration, “MORILLON DU BOURG,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 1, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed November 20, 2013
  26. Pioneer Families in 1755, L’Histoire et les Histoires, University of Moncton
  27. Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census
    Daniel LeBlanc & Francoise Godet. 12 cattle & 12 acres. 3 boys : André 20, Antoine 17, Pierre 15.
  28. Biography of William Phipps
  29. http://www.danielleblanc.lglackin.com/
  30. https://www.ancestry.co.uk/boards/surnames.leblanc/1014.
  31. Re kit 167223. Broken link recuperated at https://web.archive.org/web/20180523075836/https://www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/leblanc/results
  32. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ALEXANDER-Y-DNA?iframe=ycolorized, kit #103207
  33. https://www.yfull.com/tree/R-L21/
  34. Déclaration de Jean LeBlanc à Belle-Île-en-Mer, Collection de documents inédits sur le Canada et l'Amérique, Tome 3ieme, Québec, 1890, p.42. (Archive.org)
  35. Déclaration d'Honoré LeBlanc à Belle-Île-en-Mer, Collection de documents inédits sur le Canada et l'Amérique, Volume 2, L.-J. Demers, 1889, p.170. (Google Books)
  36. Michel Marcotte. French name standardization.

See also:

  • Find A Grave, database and images (accessed 20 September 2019), memorial page for Daniel LeBlanc (1626–1696), Find A Grave Memorial no. 136480265, citing Garrison Graveyard, Annapolis Royal, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada ; Maintained by AW (contributor 47829810) Find A Grave: Memorial #136480265

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DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers: It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Daniel: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.

Comments: 22

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Looking at this profile with respect to Biography help (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Biographies) for layout and the available Research Notes boxes, I would suggest:

Change = Timeline = to = Timeline = and change = DNA Analysis = to = DNA Analysis = Organize in sequence Biography Timeline DNA Analysis Biographie Research Notes

There is not a perfect Research Notes Box for the Discussion. There is no Disputed Origins Research Notes Box. It would seem that
There are disproven, disputed, or competing theories about this person's parents. See the text for details.
might be the best fit. Then move the Discussion section as the first thing under = Biography = as a subsection (using =) named either Disputed Parents or Discussion. The phrase Disputed Origins is used frequently in PGM managed profiles.
posted by Kay (Sands) Knight
Many thanks for your suggestions, Kay. I made the proposed changes. Let me know what you think. Eventually, we will review all of the PPP profiles managed by Acadians Project for the standard format. We used what was suggested at the time.
posted by Gisèle Cormier
[Comment Deleted]
posted by Kim LeBlanc
deleted by Kim LeBlanc
Hi Kim,

You could always ask the question on G2G, using the tags "DNA", "LeBlanc", "Acadian". There are WikiTree members on that forum who know their stuff about DNA. Also, I know WikiTreers who contacted one of the administrators of French Heritage DNA with questions similar to yours and were satisfied with the guidance provided by Denis Beauregard. Best of luck with your research, and with your brothers!

posted by Gisèle Cormier
Is there a reason no one has merged Gaudet-14 and Gaudet-1743 ? thanks
posted by Donna Fournier
The profile managers haven't approved the merge. The merge will likely stay in this status until 30 days have elapsed and it will then automatically default to approved and can be merged.
posted by Jacqueline Girouard
I'm just noticing that this whole line is named "LeBlanc" according to Acadian standards.

May I point out that this person was born in France and that, though covered (and managed) by the Acadians project, French standards should apply. The France project does not use standardized spellings, preferring to rely on primary sources, with possible exceptions when the clerk used a different spelling than what the family, or the community, used AT THE TIME.

We tend to object to the mixed caps style as an "Americanization", and concerning people born in France, I think it should only be used if it is proven to have been used in primary documents at the time of birth.

Since there is a pending merge on this profile, please consider before completing the merge.

Thank you!

posted by Isabelle (Rassinot) Martin
edited by Isabelle (Rassinot) Martin
Hi, Isabelle, thank you for your observation, and we will try to use that when possible. The profile says that his origins are unproven, which probably means that a baptism that would have his french LNAB is not available. Are there other original french sources that would give us the correct spelling according to the French standards? I would be happy to change it based on those primary source records.

Otherwise, lacking that, it should be left because the Acadian project does use standard spellings (long ago approved) due to so many creative writing entries of names during the 1600-1700's. The standard spelling list was developed by Canadian french speaker and noted genealogist well versed in Acadian french and use of names during that time, Stephen A White. While people in France may view this as an Americanization, that is not actually true in this case.

The merge was already completed, but we can still change the name with the appropriate primary source.

Thank you, Cindy

posted by Cindy (Bourque) Cooper
Thanks for your note. This one does present a different situation from what we usually encounter in that Daniel is one of the original pioneers who came to Acadie from France. If there is a primary birth document for Daniel, we would love to see it, but at this time, we don't even have proof that he was born in France, though that is largely accepted as true. One unsourced theory which is in his WT biography says he came from Scotland. I have changed his surname and birth location to "uncertain".

In Acadie, the records were baptismal records, not civil records. The Acadians were generally uneducated and illiterate and the priests would often spell a name differently in the same document. The censuses were done by English-speaking officials.

The Acadian project long ago decided to standardize the name spelling using what noted historian Stephen A. White of the University of Moncton used in his enormous work "Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Acadiennes". We recognize that there are problems with that but we believe it to be the best policy considering the enormous interest in Acadians and the many, many duplicates we find using all sorts of spellings.

Here's a bit more about SAW. http://stephenwhite.acadian-home.org/frames.html

posted by Jacqueline Girouard
Thank you both. Since the merge was already completed there is certainly no occasion for changing the name again.

I note that the attached 1671 census uses the "Leblanc" style however it looks like a later copy? I am familiar with the situation of spellings changing from one document to another and sometimes even within the same document. The same issue is found in France, in Québec, etc.

Leblanc-10431 and LeBlanc-100 appear to represent the same person because: Same name, dates, spouse and son Jacques, also duplicates. Merging into LeBlanc which is the standard spelling per Acadians Project guidelines.
posted by Gisèle Cormier
I'll just weigh-in with my two cents on the whole Alexander thing, for what it's worth.

Some months ago, I came across the Wikipedia entry for Daniel Leblanc and there was a link to the "newsletter" in reference 30, discussing the possibility of his father being Sir William Alexander. I see the link has apparently since been removed from the Wikipedia entry. I think reference 31 on this page does a wonderful job of breaking down the various DNA analyses as a refutation of the William Alexander hypothesis. It is quite technical, but the author's expertise seems credible.

When I first came across the newsletter, however, I was immediately filled with skepticism. The reason being that the language style used throughout the newsletter is reminiscent of that used by conspiracy theorists and other peddlers of false information. He uses examples of DNA trumping other types of evidence in court, and other language directed in a polemic way towards paper genealogical records in order to frame an "us vs. them" narrative as a basis for proving his point. In reality, both DNA analyses and paper records are merely clues to a larger puzzle of an unseen past. While he has clearly absorbed some concepts of DNA testing, his language in general seems it could indicate he lacks understanding of the probabilistic nature of DNA recombination and human coupling, and may not be trained in scientific thinking in general.

As an example, there seems to be an emphasis on using this hypothesis to explain the results of his DNA test saying he is more British and Scottish than French, as he had been lead to believe. However, he is focusing just on his patrilineal heritage. His father, a Leblanc, had a wife. She had two parents, each of them had two parents, and so on. His father's father had a wife with two parents and four grandparents, etc. His father's father's father had a wife...and so on. So focusing on just tracing back to Daniel Leblanc to explain your DNA makeup focuses only on ONE line, where as the exponential nature of your ancestors means there are many, many lines that for him (and I suspect anyone else reading this) come from his French-Canadian heritage. So even if Daniel Leblanc's father was Scottish, that does not explain the parentage of all of those other lines.

The author of the refutation in reference 31 explains how there are not many Europeans with DNA kits. I would like to further dissuade the reader from the notion that there even IS such a thing as "French DNA." In calling oneself French, you must unpack the human construct of what it means to be "French." The French today, according to their Constitution, would say to be French is to be a citizen of France. By that definition, I am definitely not French, I am American. Persons coming from other geographically distinct regions, such as India, but who have attained French citizenship, would thus be called French. Throughout history, peoples have moved around quite a bit. Additionally, the countries as we know them today have not always been that way. The region we now call "France" wasn't always so. At one point in time, there were several kingdoms overlapping the region. Before that, there may not have been any borders such as we know them. Borders are a human invention; they are not encoded into DNA. The region of France itself was once home to a group of Celts, who were then invaded by the Romans, and later the Germanic Franks also moved in. The region known as Normandy had influences from the Norse.

The way the DNA ancestry tests work, to my understanding, is by comparing your DNA to groups of people with "known" ancestry from the regions a particular company has deemed relevant. Furthermore, the algorithms and sample groups they use to determine the connections can change over time, and you might find your ancestral breakdown gets suddenly reassigned every once in a while. Additionally, the specific breakdown might default at something like a 50% confidence interval! Sliding the options to a larger confidence interval, such as 90% will likely result in your ancestry breakdown becoming "Broadly European" or "Broadly Northwestern European." So there are many reasons why your DNA test results might not reflect what you thought your ancestry was. It could be that the genetic makeup of people in France has changed a bit in the 370 years since all of your ancestors came to Canada. It could be that some of the distance relatives your ancestors left in France ended up having descendants moving to England or Scotland. It could be that your ancestors who came from France had English or Scottish roots themselves some generations back. It could be that most of your "French" DNA looks like this "Broadly European" category because the test can't nail down the origins due to admixture. It could be that not enough Europeans have been tested yet, and so on. But those of us who have done extensive research into ALL available French-Canadian lines can see that we've had hundreds of ancestors who came from France. Not all of those paper regards are a lie. In some cases you may be able to confirm those family lines were in France for at least a few generations. That makes those ancestors French, as French as anyone else living there at that time.

As for using the DNA for the Alexander connection. Interestingly enough, I do have a person claiming the surname "Alexander" on my 23&Me relatives list. I have two people who claim the name "Leblanc," and many "Whites." Although some of the Whites are from different sides of my family, there are at least a few who have relatives in common that are on my French-Canadian side, so it's possible they were once Leblancs, though it's also possible that Whites from somewhere else married someone of French-Canadian descent. In any case, the Alexander does not show the two Leblancs as common relatives, nor the Whites. This COULD be a coincidence, as only about 50% of 4th cousins will show up as a match, with the chances of a match decreasing as the relationships get further apart. But in searching the nosorigines website for the name Alexander, I've found that there was a male Alexander who married a female Lalonde, which is a name that also shows up a few times among my DNA relatives. Indeed, one of the Lalondes on my relatives list has put down Alexander under "other family names," and does show the Alexander on my list as being a common relative (and is also not related to the Leblancs). So it could be that this Alexander relative of mine is related to me because they are also a Lalonde, and not related to the Leblancs.

I hope it was helpful for someone to peruse through my musings on this subject. Again, I found reference #30 from this page on the DNA breakdowns to be quite helpful.

posted by Joseph Newton
edited by Joseph Newton
Joseph please be careful when lumping everyone into the “ French Canadian” category as we here in Canada understand that there are Acadian families such as Daniel Leblanc who came directly from France to eastern Canada which now are referred to as the Maritime provinces ( Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island) and yes Newfoundland then there are québécois people who came to Canada and settled into now what is known as Quebec and Ontario while many would remark what is the difference people of each society understand the difference right down to the language difference between Acadian French and Québécois French while we are very close cousins we are not and should not be interchangeable in discussions as we both have our own unique customs and culture and even the food we eat
posted by Edwin Robert James Fox
Jackie here ... my GEDmatch kit is BL4984026...

I match with some of the people listed and not with others ... Wondering what that indicates? We traced one great-grandmother to having both sides of her family with origins at Daniel LeBlanc ... generations removed but still. I tried our DNA against those with William Alexander however and nada ... so if there's a link there it doesn't match ... I haven't tried Rene yet though.

LeBlanc-100 and Leblanc-5849 appear to be the same person. They both show same birth year and location, and both have the same spouse.His eldest son Jacques has also been duplicated (see Leblanc-5848 and LeBlanc-70
posted by Joe Mantia
Leblanc-5849 and LeBlanc-100 appear to represent the same person because: Same birth year and birth location; same spouse
posted by Joe Mantia
There is another possibility of Daniels origins that is supported by y-DNA testing.

http://www.danielleblanc.lglackin.com/ Does a very good job of explaining it. If this information can be verified it is an amazing discovery and Wikitree with its new relationship finder could unlock this mystery. Both my wife and myself are descendants.

posted by Darrell Parker
Image:Profile_Photo_s-268.jpgDecember 7, 2014
posted by Paula J
What a fantastic profile. A wonderful example of the best of what's possible on WikiTree. Thank you Annette, Roland, Lianne and other contributors. Bravo.
posted by Chris Whitten
Wonderful job on making this bilingual.
posted by [Living King]

- change refs to census to something like "1671 Census" and remove links in refs, leaving the links in the sources section of the relevant section.

- review Godbout's article on Daniel LeBlanc and update discussion/bio if necessary

posted by Roland Arsenault

This week's featured connections are American Founders: Daniel is 12 degrees from John Hancock, 14 degrees from Francis Dana, 12 degrees from Bernardo de Gálvez, 14 degrees from William Foushee, 15 degrees from Alexander Hamilton, 9 degrees from John Francis Hamtramck, 13 degrees from John Marshall, 14 degrees from George Mason, 14 degrees from Gershom Mendes Seixas, 14 degrees from Robert Morris, 13 degrees from Sybil Ogden and 14 degrees from George Washington on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.