Kylie Haese
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Kylie Haese

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 17 Jan 2018 | 19,861 contributions | 1,084 thank-yous | 1,461 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with cousins and anyone else with an interest in genealogy. Here is my family tree.
Kylie R. Haese
Born 1980s.
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and [private mother (1960s - unknown)]
Sister of [private sister (1980s - unknown)] and [private brother (1990s - unknown)]
Mother of and [private son (2010s - unknown)]
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Kylie Haese private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 17 Jan 2018
This page has been accessed 9,767 times.

Kylie's frequently used source citation examples


Wikitree Projects

  • I started the Haese Name Study, to hopefully break down a brick wall, so if you are also researching the Haese name or it's variant's (you can find them on the page) then I would love to hear from you!
  • And for the Gorman One Name Study I add and research the Gorman's who are listed in the Western Australia pioneer BDM index.


Profile Improvement Voyager
Kylie has completed the Profile Improvement Project's Voyage
England Orphan Team
Kylie Haese has completed the England Project's Orphan Trail.
This profile is part of the Haese Name Study.
Western Australia flag
Kylie Haese was born in Western Australia, Australia
Kylie Haese has German Roots.
Kylie was featured in a Meet Our Members Post on the WikiTree Blog!
Kylie Haese is a member of the One Name Studies Project.
Kylie Haese is a member of the Haese Name Study Project.
Kylie Haese is a member of the Germany Project.
Kylie Haese is a member of the McGuire Name Study Project.

I have wondered about who my great great great grandparents were since childhood. In my mid twenties i went back to school once my son started primary school. It was during my first semester at uni that we were given an exercise of creating a 5-gen family tree. With the family I could find in a day or two I discovered I was at least fifth generation Australian.

English flag
Kylie Haese has English ancestors.
Kylie Haese has Irish ancestors.
My ggg grand-father Charles Jordan
West Australian for generations!

The origins of my surname and how it ended up in Australia and more importantly, a little town in Western Australia, gnawed at me. With graduation came the free time to research and discover my own personal roots. And I am proud of both my west Australian pioneering family members, my convict, my pensioner guards and warders, and my Prussian Lutheran ancestors who all very interestingly ended up in the exact same district three - five generations ago!

Proud Prussian Descendant.

WikiTree Connections and Relationships

Note To Potential Fellow Descendents

I have many long lost family members who have got in contact with me via other online family trees (; myheritage and ancestry for example) who have very graciously told me about the inaccuracies of my tree. Wikitree, this family tree, is the only one of my online trees that is accurate.

The reason why I have chosen to use this site to house the accurate tree and the other sites have been left inaccurate, is because i tried to correct those trees, without any luck. Too many people have inaccurate trees and simply copy or follow inaccurate hints. It was impossible to do. It was also time consuming without anything protecting the long task. Therefore, I decided to use wikitree because it had the same goal as myself. One accurate global tree, and there were people monitoring the activity on here continuously to stop any potential changes large enough to threaten the entire load of effort and energy I had put in, and vice versa.

So if you are some distant relative, I am glad you are reading this because I believe this tree is correct. If it is not please do not hesitate to contact me. Any mistakes are not intentional. And I need your help to ensure it is accurate.

The best part about WikiTree is collaboration. So please don't hesitate to contact me if you have info or sources and want to contribute to any of the profiles I manage, and if you want to help manage some profiles I won't hesitate to add you.
NB: I work best by doing little bits at a time, so the profiles I work on are a constant evolution of bigger, better and more accurate families and information.

Digital Afterlife

It may seem morbid, but in the event of my untimely demise I want to be sure that none of my hard work on WikiTree ends up being deleted. While I fully intend on being around to manage all my profiles for the next 80 years or so, in the event of my sudden death I hereby give permission for all of my private profiles to be transferred to any of the following slightly-active WikiTreers in my family, whether or not they are currently on the trusted lists:

Brayden Madunic
Megan Fort

I am also the sole profile manager of a large number of profiles that I am unrelated to. The living ones are private only because WikiTree requires it; they contain only information easily available on the web. They can be passed off to any interested WikiTreer.


  • First-hand information. Entered by Kylie Haese at registration.
Perfect little type for a transcription perhaps. This is here as an example for myself, and so it is easy for me to find in the future. If you are reading this then please ignore it. If you cannot ignore it then I leave you with this wonderful quote... "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway also said "Write drunk; edit sober" What can I say - the man was a genius!

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Kylie's formal name
  • full middle name (R.)
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (2)
  • private siblings' names
  • private children's names (2)
For access to Kylie Haese's full information you must be on Kylie's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Kylie: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 140

Leave a message for others who see this profile. If you prefer to keep it private, send a private message to the profile manager. private message
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Thanks Kylie for your kind words.

I do scroll around the profiles I have created like

I hope the minimal biography does help in the future.

I only 1/2 apologise for the plethora of Wikitree profiles when I joined Wikitree 7 years ago. As I found my feet in the next year I never created a profile unless I found supporting evidence in SA records. For better or worse I did not add much supporting evidence to the profiles - my point is that I can add more to the profiles I manage.

posted by Steve Thomas
Hello Kylie,

We recently left a message on your profile to check in with the Profile Improvement Project (PIP). If you would like to continue with the Project, please let us know.

We would like to hear from you with any ideas or suggestions. If you do not wish to participate in the Project, please let us know. If we don’t hear from you within 14 days we will remove you from the Project, but we will welcome you back at any time.


Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project

Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project

posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules
Dear Kylie,

The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing a check-in with project members. Please review the following and let us know if you are content where we have placed you or would like to be more involved.

The Project operates in a team structure. There are currently three participant PIP Teams -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.

You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team Level 1. Biography Team Level 1 works on profiles from their watchlist and other profiles that interest them. Biography Team Level 2 works on orphaned profiles from a provided list. Biography Team Level 3 works on notable profiles from the Project’s Maintenance Categories. Are you happy with the Team you are on? If you are interested in working with a different Team, please let us know.

If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. (You will need your Wiki ID for both). Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.

We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.


Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project

Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project

posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules
Hi Kylie, I sent you trusted list request recently for 4 profiles of living notables/family of living notables. Please could you let me know if you didn't receive them and I can resend. Happy to discuss!


posted by Gillian Thomas
Dear Kylie,

since I didn’t see any reaction from your side about the check-in message from May, I assume you don’t want to remain a project member. If I don’t hear from you within the next 14 days, I will then remove your Germany Project badge. If you do not wish for that to happen, please reply to the check-in message below or send me a direct message.

If this message finds you too late, feel free to re-request the badge by replying to our G2G join post.

Kind regards from Black Forest

Flo (Project Coordinator Research/Resources)
posted by Florian Straub
Greetings Poland Project member! Thank you for your interest in the Poland Project. We have new information and updates:
  • The Poland Project is a collaborative environment for others to preserve their family history. For the last several months, the Poland Project has been undergoing new organization with new volunteers. We are excited about how the project can enhance Wikitree!
  • We have several different task teams that need volunteers. Please take a look at this page to see which one interests you: Volunteer Tasks. Once you have decided which task team you would like to work on, please reply to this comment.
  • The only requirements for ongoing membership in the Poland Project are that you join a team, work with your Team Leader, respond to the periodic check-ins from the Project Leaders/Coordinators and help the Project satisfy its goals. We recognize that people lead busy lives and are grateful for any and all contributions you can make.
  • Once you have joined a team, please join the Poland Project Google Group to receive project updates and participate in project and team discussions.
  • If we don’t hear from you in the next 45 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended as you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help researching your Polish ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Poland_Europe or Polska in order for our knowledgeable researchers to see them.

The Poland Project Coordinators: Skye, Tina & Maggie

p.s. Kylie, I know you were formerly involved and we would love to have you back in any capacity. The Project has been revamped with category system and different things to do. :) Skye

posted by Skye Sonczalla
Hi Kylie

I have written to you a couple of times recently as part of the England Project’s check-in. I haven't heard back from you. As you have not responded, I presume that you wish to leave the project.

If you would like to remain a member, could you please send me a short note to confirm. If we do not hear from you within the next two weeks, we will assume that you are no longer interested and will remove you from our list of project members.

Should you want to re-join sometime in the future, you would be very welcome. You can do this by responding to our G2G post:

Thanks for everything you have done for us.

Steve, England Project Leader

posted by Steven Whitfield
Dear Kylie,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for your commitment to the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!

The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members periodically to make sure everything is going well. This is our formal annual check-in with you.

Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Would you like to join any other teams?

Also, we would really like to hear which team is currently your highest priority. If you are a member of more than one team, could you please rank them from highest priority to lowest? Thank you! If you don’t see yourself as being part of a team, please let us know.

We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.

On behalf of all the Leaders, thank you again for all you do and we look forward to you continuing to be a part of our collaborative and fun Project!

Kind regards,

Steve, England Project Leader

posted by Steven Whitfield
Dear Germany Project member,

it's annual check-in time 2023. If you still wish to remain a member of the Germany Project, please reply to this post, by stating this intention. If we don’t hear from you in the next 30 days, your membership badge will be removed. In this case please don't be offended ... you're welcome to rejoin at any time. Please also note, that in order to receive help, with researching your German ancestors, membership is not mandatory. Just ask your questions in the G2G forum and tag them with Germany in order for knowledgeable people to see them.

If you wish to remain a member, we would like to learn more about your perception of the Germany Project in order to achieve a future development according to our members needs and wishes. For this, we created a survey, which we kindly ask you to fill-in.

In case you want to communicate, discuss and receive help about WikiTree in German, you might want to check out the WikiTree category at Compgen’s Discourse as well as the German Discord server Ahnenforschung.

Of course there’s still the official WikiTree Discord server, where we usually talk English. Feel free to learn more about Discord and the server at Help:Discord.

Kind regards from Black Forest

Flo (Project Coordinator Research/Resources)
posted by Florian Straub
It's time for the One Place Studies Project Check-In!

We've put together a survey for you to fill out to check in with you, it will only take a moment as there are only a few questions. Filling out the survey lets us know you are still interested in coordinating your study and provides an opportunity for you to share any suggestions you may have for the project.

If you have decided to step away from your study, please reply to this comment to that effect.

posted by Azure Robinson
Dear Kylie,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals. Every single contribution you make helps improve English profiles!

I'd also like to share our annual Newsletter with you. You can read it here: England Project Newsletters. We hope you enjoy reading a bit about what has gone on in 2022 and what our Project has achieved.

The England Project Leaders like to touch base with each of our members every 6 months just to make sure everything is going well. There's no need to reply to this message unless you have something you'd like to let us know about (e.g. if you would like to change your team choices or provide other feedback). We will be in touch with you again in the middle of next year when we do our annual check-in with project members.

On behalf of all the Leaders, I wish you a peaceful and productive 2023.

Best wishes,

Maddy, England Project Leader

posted by Maddy Hardman
Hi Kylie,

Would it be beneficial to add the 'United States' tag to you G2G question about migration from Prussia?

There is going to be a strong collection of 'Old Lutherans' that left Pomerania for USA.

For your information I have been in contact with the 'Pommerscher Verein Freistadt' (, the Pomeranian Society of Freistadt, Wisconsin. In fact there is a tour group from that Society in Pomerania today.

An interesting note for me is that Pastor Lebrecht Friedrich Ehregott Krause was imprisoned for 2 years for his religious beliefs. When he was released he went to USA and founded the Lutheran Church at Freistadt, Wisconsin. He was a controversial figure and returned to Prussia, then went to South Australia. He passed away 17 May 1885 in Lobethal, in the Adelaide hills.


posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve, yes I think you might be right about the tag and that's super interesting :)
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie,

On behalf of the England Project, I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the project's goals over the past year. Every English profile we improve helps!

The England Project Leaders are currently doing our six-monthly check-in with all project members.

Are you happy to with your current project team choices? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in?

We also welcome any feedback on things you would like to see the project do more of in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message.

Many thanks!

Joan, England Project Leader

Hi Joan,

I am a member of the Cornwall team which I would like to continue being. I am also interested in the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Team as I have been working on a family line from there.

Thank you. Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie,

Thank you for getting back to me. I have let Hilary, the IOW and Hampshire team leader know that you are interested in the team. Thank you for all you do. Regards Joan

Dear Kylie,

Thanks for all you do. Here's what's going on with the Profile Improvement Project.

The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing its first annual check-in with our project members. Please review the following and let us know if you are content where we have placed you or would like to be more involved.

We are in the process of transitioning to a team structure. There will be three participant PIP Teams to start -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.

You're currently identified as a member of the Biography Team Level 1, working on profiles from your own watchlist, from projects in which you are involved, and whatever else you find. Biography Teams Levels 2 and 3 will work on designated profiles for notables (Level 3) and everyday people (Level 2). Please let us know if you would like to help with a higher-level Bio Team or one of the other Teams.

We would also like to invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. If you request to join our GoogleGroup, please be sure to include your Wiki ID. Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.

We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project and WikiTree. The Project’s mission is to:

Make profiles beautiful! We clean up messy biography sections and sources, and try to set standards for attractive, useful, and well-written biographies, starting with those we manage.

We know you’re working on profiles *smile* We would like to hear about successes you’ve had toward the Project’s goals. We would also appreciate any feedback you might have to help us improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or privately via private message to either of us.


Debi Hoag and Robin Shaules Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project

posted by Robin (Dodge) Shaules
Hi Kylie,

Thanks for adding all the ship categories for the 'Prussian ships....' page. I still believe that the ships categories are excellent collections to look for family connections.

I have just returned to WA from SA and still have to spend 11 days in home quarantine. Plenty of time to pursue my latest interest in tracking immigrants from Lusatia.

Cheers, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas

I doing the semi-annual check-in with all project members and I would like to verify that you’re still interested in being a member of the wonderful Tree Hugger Project / Appreciation Team. Please respond by private message and let me know. If you are not yet in the Google group where members communicate with each other, please sign up here:

Since I also want to update the task list at the same time, see it here and let me know in your reply which task(s) you are particularly interested in:

We really appreciate your contributions on WikiTree, and thank you for all your hard work. If you have any questions, please ask. We would also love to hear any feedback you may have for the project. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Dieter ~ Tree Hugger / Appreciation Team Project co-leader

posted by Dieter Lewerenz
Hi Kylie,

The Australia Project leadership team are carrying out our annual check-in to see how you are going in the project. We'd really like to thank you for all your work on Australian profiles over the past year! We think we've made great progress in 2020/21 with your assistance.

Please could you reply to this message, to let us know if you would like to stay on in the project and if you are happy with your current role and team involvement. If you would like to do something additional or different, take a look on the Australia Project page to see what other options there are.

It would also be great to get any feedback or suggestions that you have to improve the project.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Margaret Haining Membership Coordinator

Hi Kylie. Thanks for thanking me for adding a bit to the biography of Hölling-222. I am curious how this profile came to your attention. Are you related? Steve
posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
I think it came up on one of my feeds perhaps...I cannot remember where I seen it. I like to thank people when I notice good work. I just checked and I am 32 degrees from him. So there is a family connection there.
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie!

I would like to thank you for all your contributions towards the goals of the England Project during the past six months. We've achieved a huge amount during this period and we couldn't have done it without you and our other project members.

As the England Project Leaders, we are completing our six monthly check-in with all project members.

Are you happy to stay in your current project team/s? Which team/s are you most active in? Are there other teams you would like to join or become more active in?

Also, do you have any feedback on what the project is doing well and anything we could do better in the future?

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks!

Ian, England Project Leader

posted by I. Speed
Hi Ian,

Thanks for checking in. I am pretty busy with my other wikitree work, however I do try to contribute to the Cornwall team as much as I can. I would like to continue on as a member of that team and the sourcerers team which is the other team I am on I think.

You are doing great work!

Kind regards, Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Thank you Kylie! I will make a note of that. Yes, Cornwall and Sourcerers are the two teams you are listed in. There's always plenty of things to keep us busy :)


posted by I. Speed
Hi Kylie

I was wondering if the 'Hayes' variation is to be a part of your study list

posted by Private (Hayes) Living
edited by Private (Hayes) Living
No because there is already a Hayes one name study. See

Also Hayes is not a variation for Haese that I have seen in my research. If I did see it as a name variation then I would include it. Or at least get involved in the Hayes one name study.

Hope that helps :-)

posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie - FYI, I'm going thru Germany's PCs and team leaders and removed your Germany Team Leader badge as you run the project now! :D
posted by Traci Thiessen
Thanks Traci, but I am team leader for other projects, namely the Australia project and Poland project!
posted by Kylie Haese

I am looking to join the Prussia sub-project. I have been trying for years to research my Prussian ancestry but have been stymied in finding anything of substance beyond my Great Grandfather who came to the United Stated in the mid to late 1800s from 'Grambow bei Stettin'. Hopefully, I can get further on my quest via the resources and personnel associated with this project. Thank you.


Scott Pipenhagen

posted by Scott Pipenhagen
edited by Scott Pipenhagen
Hi Scott,

I am so glad you have joined us. I have sent you an email with information.

Kind regards, Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie, just letting you know I have added a new member, Myles Keeffe, to the WA team.

Cheers, Margaret.

Hi Kylie, just letting you know I have added a new member, Andrea Staub, to the WA team.

Cheers, Margaret.

Hi Kylie, just letting you know I have added a new member, Susan Manolas, to the WA team.

Cheers, Margaret.

Okay thanks Margaret, great news :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie,

I'm feeling pleased. I've got past 1843 in my cross-checking project:


posted by Steve Thomas
Amazing work Steve! That is a tough job, and you are doing it. Thank you so much for everything. I am getting great feedback from the Prussian settlement in Australia team members about you. Thank you for being an amazing team leader for that team :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Thanks for the nice words Kylie. Quite an experience to get this indirect, positive feedback from a team I don't really lead and communicate with.
posted by Steve Thomas
You are the team leader?! And 2 members have said they have spoken to you, and have a clear idea of what they are working on now. I am happy :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Yeah, not really the team leader.

That's what it says in Wikitree, so it must be true. 2 more comments.

  • Please take note of the historian and theologian Wilhelm Iwan ( I've been copying from his work but did not know that he served as Pastor at Charters Towers, Queensland for 12 years.
  • I've spent a bit of time compiling information but there are others that have done more great work than me. I suspect that the early SA passenger lists would not exist except for the work by the late Dianne Cummings. One of my first points of reference is always Graeme Moad. Finally, I'm extending the good work completed by Anonymous Dienelt who created the templates for the voyages of the Zebra and Skjold and done a lot of work sorting out the family connections and putting them into Wikitree.

Cheers, Steve :-)

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Hi Kylie,

It's that time of the year again: check-in time! As England Project Leaders, we like to check in with you every six months or so to see how things are progressing. Back in May, we didn't ask for a response due to the rapid emergence of Covid-19 because we understood that people's lives were changing rapidly. While we are still living in a Covid world, we do need to hear back from you this time around

First of all, how are you doing? What are you currently working on? Are you happy with the team(s) you're in, or would you like to change things up?

Secondly, we're looking for some feedback on the Google Group and our Discord server. Do you use either or both of these? If you don't use either, why not? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve participation and collaboration, either generally or for you personally?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Amy, Joan & Lizzie.

posted by Amelia Utting
Hi guys,

Thank you for the check in. I will send you Amy a private message.


posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie, thank you for all your hard work thanking and appreciating WikiTree members. Emma :-)
Hi Kylie! :) Just letting you know that I sent you a PM.

By the way:

Kylie and Greta are 19th cousins

Kylie Haese and Greta Moody are both descendants of William (Ferrers) de Ferrers.


posted by Greta Moody
edited by Greta Moody
I have added our connection to my profile. Thank you for letting me know! :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
You're welcome, Kylie! 19th cousins sounds pretty far but still a cousin. 😊
posted by Greta Moody

As a 100% disabled veteran I am increasingly experiencing cognitive and memory problems, but may require your assistance to catch-up and get squared away. In particular, I am interested in Palatine Migration and the names Meffert/Mefford and Traut/Trout.

My thanks for all the work you do as the Project Leader.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Very respectfully, George

posted by George Farris II
Hi George,

I have emailed you!

Kind regards, Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Hello, please do not remove me. I have not been active lately but I intend to start again soon. Thank you Linda Goodwin
posted by Linda Carroll
Hi Kylie,

You've done a lot of work to improve the profile of Johann Christian-3746. Is there a family connection? One of your sources is "Iwan, William (Wilhelm) (2003). Name list of "Old Lutheran" emigration...............". Do you have a copy? Cheers, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve,

I went to make a minor edit but quickly became fascinated and couldn't help myself. I hope you don't mind. I don't have a hard copy but I do have a copy I accessed online for free. Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
I certainly don't mind if you add to any of my profiles. I've just started the larger cross-check:

I'm cross-checking against the passenger lists, such as Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Hi Kylie,

I'm having fun working through the List of Lutheran emigrants.

A couple of notes about the free-space pages I linked 4 days ago.

The Solway carried 52 passengers. 28 were old Lutherans from Pomerania.

Near the top of "Space:Old Lutherans to Australia....." I've compiled surname variations found by comparing the German emigration list with Australian records. At the bottom of the page I've compiled a list of villages in the German records with current Polish names and locations if I could find them

Cheers, Steve.

posted by Steve Thomas
edited by Steve Thomas
Brilliant! Thanks Steve, I will take a look, but fabulous work :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Hello Kylie,

The Australia Project leadership team are carrying out a check-in to see how you are going in the project and especially to thank you for all your work on Australian profiles on WikiTree. We really value your participation.

Please could you get back to me by private message to let me know if you are happy with your current role and team involvement within the project or if you would like to do something additional or different. Currently we have you down as the Team Leader for the WA team and a member of the Prussian Settlement, Free Settlers and Convicts team. We do have you also on the Born in the Colony team, but you don't seem to be listed on the team page. If you would like a change, you can check on the Australia Project page to see what other options there are.

It would also be great to hear any feedback and any suggestions that you have to improve the project. On a practical note, if you are a member of the google group, are you receiving messages ok?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Gillian, co-Leader, Australia Project

posted by Gillian Thomas
Hi Kylie, just to let you know I have just added a new member, Esther Creek to the Western Australia team.

Regards Margaret

Hi Kylie, I am still interested in the Germany Project, BUT I have tried several (no exaggeration) times to join the project's google group over the last three and a half years since I joined and I check regularly but to no avail. I'm sure I did it right i'm in other project google groups also. The most recent when you left a message on my profile. I know project leaders get busy but It's a bit discouraging. I'm sure I requested to join the group correctly. I am in other google groups as well. Other Sub project-Volga Germans.
posted by Eileen Bradley
Sorry Eileen, send me a private message with your email address and I will add you to the group. I will send you a private message also!
posted by Kylie Haese
Thank you for adding me to the Germany team, but I have no idea hw to posr questions or join the regions. My family name is Brietzke. My Great Great Grandfather is Herman Paul Brietzke. We are from Pomerania Prussia. He immigrated in 1882, we think

I would like to learn how to search for birth certificates and any other records. There are 3 main groups of Brietzkes, one in Brazil, one in Texas and one in Minnesota. The Minnesota ones also came to Canada and those are the ones I know relatives of. Please help.

Hello Kylie

Your England Leaders are completing the six monthly check in with all team members. Thank you for your work on English Profiles and your work in the Sourcerers and Cornwall teams.

These are unprecedented and difficult times, and we understand as Project Leaders that your situation may have changed somewhat in the last few months. What we are all able to/ wish to contribute on Wikitree has changed. Please let me know if you are happy with your current role and team choice, or if you wish to do something additional or different. Thank you again on behalf of all the Project Leaders for everything you do.


posted by Jo Fitz-Henry

The Global Cemeteries Project is currently undergoing our member check-in and wanted to verify that you are still active and interested in being a member of the project. Are you currently assigned to or working with one of our Cemetery Teams? If not, is there a particular Team or area you are interested in participating with? I would be delighted to help you get setup in one or more of our collaborative teams!

We use Google Groups for internal project collaboration, so if you are not yet setup for access feel free to submit a join request and we will get that approved as quick as possible. We also ask that members check their follwed tags to make sure you are following the correct project tag (CEMETERIES) so you don't miss any disucssions in G2G.

Last, but not least, we would like to thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree and let you konw that any ideas or suggestions for improvement you may have for the Global Cemeteries Project would greatly appreciated!

I look forward to hearing form you soon!

Steve ~Global Cemeteries Project Leader

posted by Steven Harris
Hi Steve,

Yes I would like to continue with the project, I am the Oceania Cemeteries Team project coordinator. I would like to continue with this. I am in the google group, and I am following the correct tag.

Thanks, Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Thanks for checking in with us Kylie, and thank you for all of your contributions to WikiTree!
posted by Steven Harris
Hi Kylie, added another new member to the Prussian team.


Thanks Margaret, great news! :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie, I've added a new member to the Prussian Settlement team.


Thanks for letting me know Margaret :-)
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie,

New member Virginia Miltrup added to WA team.


Hi Kylie, I've just noticed the renaming of the category "Immigrants to South Australia from Germany" to "South Australia, Immigrants from the German Confederation". "German Confederation" is probably more accurate but I was curious whether this change was made from inside the Germany Project. Regards, Steve.
posted by Steve Thomas
Hi Steve, I think it would be part of the migration structure renaming, there are lots of migration categories being renamed to that format at the moment. Regards Margaret.
Oh, I see that we are 15th cousins through your mother and my father. dusty
posted by [Living Boren]
Hi Kylie,

Thanks for your comment on the Baltic-Germans page. I'm afraid that I am so involved with the Boren side of my family that I haven't yet done any work on my mother's genealogy. They immigrated here from Szargillen, East Prussia, now Bogatovo, Kaliningrad Oblast. I know from DNA results that I am related to Lithuanians, Latvians and Russians. Just a few days ago I ordered an mtFull Sequence DNA report from FamilyTree. Maybe that will nudge me into starting work on that daunting project.

Good Wishes, dusty

posted by [Living Boren]
Hi Kylie,

On behalf of the England Leaders, I wanted to say a huge thank you for all your contributions towards the project in the past six months as a Team Member for Cornwall and Sourcerers. We've achieved a great deal during this time and we couldn't have done it without you.

Are you happy to stay in your current teams and the project as a whole? Are there any other teams you'd like to join? What are we doing well, and what would you like to see us doing differently moving forwards?

Please respond to this message via e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,

Susie, England Project Leader :-)

posted by Susie MacLeod
Thank you for your generous support. My grandfather resembles like Prince Albert Victor Saxe-Coburg Gotha Queen Victoria's grandson.
posted by Anonymous Whiting
Congratulations on that shiny blue badge!

Welcome to what I know you'll find to be some of the most fun-hard work you'll have at WikiTree!

posted by SJ Baty
Thanks Kylie for adding yourself to the Free Settlers team. Once we have finished the new check in process we will start to talk about how we proceed for Free Settlers. The topic teams will overlap the Colony, State and Territory teams but this team will help develop the overall structure required for Free Settlers in the Colonial period.
Hi Kylie,

On behalf of the Australia Project leadership team, we're carrying out a Project Members Check-in to see if you are still interested in being involved as an active member of the project. We have you listed as Team Leader for a couple of teams, so just a checkin to confirm you are still active in those teams.

A list of teams is on the Australia Project page. Please respond by private message.

We really appreciate your enthusiasm in working on Australian profiles on WikiTree, and thank you for all the work you have been doing. We look forward to hearing back from you and that you will decide to be part of the project as we move forward with the new teams for the project.

Kind Regards

Margaret Haining Membership Coordinator


I note that Mary Trudgian née Trethewy has no husband I am sure it is Anthony Trudgian and they were married 28/10/1775 in Brannel I think this Anthony was btz in Brannel 12/11/1748 son. of Samuel Trudgian and Elizabeth Trudgian who were first cousins and my direct descendants.

I have started to concentrate on my mothers Pascoe family and have found Pascoe's marrying Pascoe's it seemed to be prevalent in Cornwall have you come across it at all.? Roger

posted by Roger Churm

This week's featured connections are Exercise Gurus: Kylie is 28 degrees from Richard Simmons, 34 degrees from Billy Blanks, 19 degrees from John Dunlop, 26 degrees from Jack LaLanne, 23 degrees from Pehr Henric Ling, 23 degrees from Davina McCall, 25 degrees from R. Tait McKenzie, 22 degrees from Olivia Newton-John, 24 degrees from William Orban, 22 degrees from Arnold Schwarzenegger, 27 degrees from Suzanne Somers and 23 degrees from Raquel Welch on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.