Changes to Seeking Michigan site affecting URL's

+5 votes

From Seeking Michigan website which has Michigan death certificates:

On September 1, 2019 digital collections currently available on will move to

Further down in the message the following information:

Q: What about all of the URLs of death certificates that I put on Find a Grave?!

A: We tried very hard to make something work for this problem. But in the end, there is no way we can redirect the URLs to We are working with Find a Grave,, and to include a message on items that would have links back to While we cannot redirect these URLs, we can communicate that the items can be found on We caution you to not use URLs in this way. Rather, download the image and upload it to other websites (with citations of course).

It doesn't mention Wikitree, but obviously those links aren't going to work either.

Another reason to have complete citations other than URL's!

in The Tree House by Jill Perry G2G6 Mach 4 (46.0k points)

Or again, archive your page when you find it IMMEDIATELY, so it's done and you don't have to worry about it.

On the right hand side at "Save page now".

(Obviously, always provide the citation, this is to avoid the dead links.)

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