Help finding a person born in Michigan, USA

+3 votes
Looking for any birth or marriage or parental names for Charles Frank, Frank-5392. Born about 1824 in Michigan, USA. Married about 1856 to Minnie Ostrum, Ostrum-77. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WikiTree profile: Charles Frank
in Genealogy Help by Michael O'Brien G2G2 (2.3k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+6 votes
I found some info for the son, Charles R. Frank or Franks. I suspect that he lived in Addison, Michigan and had a prior marriage to Almira. I found a divorce filing for Charles and Almira. She deserted him. In the 1900 US Census, there is a Charles R. Franks in Addison, but with children a little older than James. Perhaps Almira took James with her when she left. I'll look for her tomorrow.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (872k points)
Thanks Lucy. I would love to find more info on Chatles (born abt 1834) as I've hit a dead end for him. Are you aware of any State of Michigan sites where records of that year would be available?
Wilford-292    Here she is
I can't answer Michael's question either, but wanted to add that there is an Almira *Hall* of the right age with son James Frank (of the right age) in Wellland Ontario in 1911. Almira claims to be widowed:

And Almira Frank married Charles Clifton Hall in Niagara Falls ON in 1905:
(edited to correct link)

Also James Frank's Michigan birth record indicates father Charles Frank (b.~1856) was born in Canada.

I'm not clear on a record for Charles (b.1856) that links him to the listed parents? Or what indicates that Charles Sr (if he's the right father) was born in Michigan?
I don't think I have found a link to Charles R.'s parents either. That looks like a good bet to be Almira though. I have found that people often were listed in the census as widowed, when they were in fact divorced. Divorce was pretty uncommon before 1900.

I know the OP is most interested in the father, but sometimes it's the collateral people who give up the needed information.

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