Actor Category Cleanup

+5 votes
Take a look at the category for actors and can we come up with some consensus about how to use it?  Its possible that the category shouldn't even be available.  The profession is entertainers then below that you could put the person in a sub category for Hollywood or state or tv or whatever is needed.

Just a thought.  Check out Marlon Brando then look at the actors category
WikiTree profile: Marlon Brando
in WikiTree Tech by Ed Burke G2G6 Mach 2 (24.4k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
I agree that no one should be directly in the category Actors. There are sub-categories by century (Famous Actors of the 20th Century, for example) and for Academy Award winners and nominees. Those more specific categories should be used instead.
by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (459k points)
selected by Vincent Piazza
+1 vote

Whoppee!  This gives me a chance ahead of the annoucement to post about the "Famous People" categories and the new way the category project has come up with linking to them if you are not related, but have some other kind of connection.  Give it a look!!!!  


by Gail Cox G2G6 Mach 3 (35.1k points)

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