If our grandparents were second cousins what are we?

+2 votes
Our grandparents are second cousins, what does that mean for us?
in The Tree House by

I always like to consult a chart, like this one:

If you don't have a chart handy, just count the Gs.  Example:  3rd cousins have a common great-great-grandparent.  Three Gs, third cousins.  When the cousins are different generations, the one with the fewest Gs determines the degree of cousinitude.  The other cousin's additional Gs are the removeds.  Thus, my grandmother's first cousin is my first cousin twice removed.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Who are 'we' in this scenario?  Are the second-cousin grandparents married to each other?  Or do you and the other 'we' each have a grandparent who is the second cousin of the other person's grandparent?
by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (776k points)
selected by Rubén Hernández
The girl I am seeing and I, my grandfather and one of her grandparents are second cousins I believe.
Thanks.  That makes you and your girlfriend 4th cousins.  Your two grandparents have a great grandparent in common.  So their grandchildren (you two) have a 3x great grandparent in common - fourth cousins.

Thanks for the star, Rubén!  smiley

Apparently the average 4th cousins share about 0.2% of their DNA, if that puts your mind at rest. :)
Two Percent, that's the Common (for European based folks) of Neanderthal DNA we carry.

Herbert, my grandparents were second cousins once removed. Does that make me a cousin to my self? laugh (I have several of these in my various lines. It can all be very confusing!!)

Pip, I think you are your own grandpa.  wink

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