how do you uplaod dna data

+3 votes
WikiTree profile: Lewis-29022
in Genealogy Help by Living Lewis G2G Rookie (250 points)

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
You do not upload raw DNA data to WikiTree. All you need do is go to the drop-down menu under your WikiTree ID and click on "DNA." That will take you to a page where you will be able to add any DNA test you have taken and where it was taken, for example at, 23 and Me, FTDNA.
by Shirley Dalton G2G6 Pilot (540k points)
selected by Charlotte Shockey
+5 votes
If you wish to collaborate with your matching DNA cousins then I recommend you change your privacy level to "Private with Public Biography and Family Tree."  If you need to be private then change your first name to W or Anonymous.

Sincerely, Peter
by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (726k points)

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