Question about Lucy (Jefferson) you have dna info for her?

+1 vote
When my family visited Monticello April we were surprised to see how much my husband resembles Thomas Jefferson. I was just curious if we got him a 23 and me kit if there would be DNA information on file for Thomas Jefferson or any of his family. If so, is 23andMe be the correct kit or is there another one you recommend?

My kids and I just want to know if there's any relation because he resembles Thomas Jefferson so much!

Thanks for your help!

Jenny Finley
WikiTree profile: Lucy Lewis
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Peter Roberts

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Because your husband is probably more than 7 generations removed from Jefferson, I doubt that anything conclusive would come from DNA testing.....however, there are 3 WikiTree members that show as related to Thomas Jefferson through their family tree.   You might want to try to build out his family tree to find a connection.
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (887k points)
selected by Kristina Adams
+4 votes

Yes there is a Thomas Jefferson DNA Project  It is at FTDNA

It is not autosomal It is Y test (male only) 

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (854k points)

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