Will you register for the Spring Clean-a-Thon? (1 of 4) [closed]

+32 votes

imageThis registration thread is now full! See the current one here. 

The goal is to clear out as many database errors as possible. 

It will be going for 72 hours straight, April 22-24. We're including Monday so that those who are busy on the weekend can still participate.


closed with the note: Last year's challenge
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
closed by Eowyn Langholf
I would like to participate, and do not have a particular team in mind. I am researching my ancestors in Virginia, who go back to the 1600's.

It's great that all of you want to participate.

Don Crum, Paula Jacunski, Sky Driggs, Butch Smith, Jerusalen Garcia Jordan, Michael Rothgeb, Jeanette Wood & Lynn Camden Paarmann:

Instead of Commenting on this question you all need to reply with an Answer.  Then the wonderful Eowyn (or other wonderful leaders) will give you a Spring Cleaning Badge!  And you'll be ready to help.

It's so easy to misread the instructions and think you are answering when you are replying.  Just click that Answer link under Question.

Welcome to WikiTree!  It's so great that you are all jumping in to help!


Don, Paula, Skye, Butch, Michael and Jeanette - I've got you all badged!

Jerusalen and Lynn, it doesn't look like you were signed in when you posted so I'll need your WikiTree IDs.  Please post an answer here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/372976/will-you-register-for-the-spring-clean-a-thon-2-of-2

I would have loved to join in this! :D
Beth, you still can! Post an answer (not a comment) here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/372976/will-you-register-for-the-spring-clean-a-thon-2-of-2

im in    thank you
I'd love to help when time permits. Exactly what would i need to do? I'm so very new to all this.
Hi, Dennis --

You'll get an email with instructions in a little while after we assign all the teams. You're good to go! :-)
Spinning wheels for last hour.............. http://prntscr.com/f0g85l Can t get in anymore. Had trouble earlier tonight. But now spinning wheels for over 45 mins.................to error report........... We can t win....... but we love we did so well! Out! Roger! :D


Good Night!

It was just great! Thank you all.



90 Answers

+19 votes
I'm in.  Looking forward to it.
by Joe Cochoit G2G6 Pilot (265k points)
Awesome, thanks Joe!
+25 votes
Who could resist fixing other people's errors. I'm in.  BTW can we fix our own errors while we're at it?
by Living Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (450k points)
Thanks Dave! You've got the badge. And yes, any db errors count.
+19 votes
I'm in, I live in Florida, but from the mid west, most of my research has been in Illinois & Kentucky.
by John Noel G2G6 Pilot (759k points)
Thanks John! You're badged.
+18 votes
Yes, I'd like to participate.  I led Team GB-Gen in the Source-a-Thon, so maybe someone else would like to create a GB team.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
edited by Ros Haywood
Ros, would you be interested in leading a GB team again?
I thought I would step back this time and let someone else 'go for gold' ;)
I've joined Robin's Pre-1500 team instead.  Could you add me to the list, please?
+19 votes
I'm in.   I will continue to work on 901 errors if that is ok.
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (855k points)
Thanks, you're badged, and yes that would be just fine!
+18 votes
I'm in. Also, I'll be starting a Massachusetts 600 (location errors) Team.
by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (272k points)
Awesome! Thanks Bob!
+19 votes
I don't know much about database errors, but I'm all about helping clean things up. Count me in.
by Debi Matlack G2G6 Mach 9 (96.1k points)
Hi Debi,

I've got you badged!
+15 votes
I'll play.  Most of my research is in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.  Also some in Germany and Italy.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (878k points)
Great, Lucy! I've given you a badge.
+15 votes

I'm in!  I'll lead a Tennessee team like I did in Source-a-Thon.  That was so much fun and I bet this will be even more fun.  Fixing errors is always great! Here is the Team Tennessee page.

by Summer Orman G2G6 Mach 9 (96.8k points)
edited by Summer Orman
Awesome, Summer! Glad to have you leading again. I'll badge you.
+16 votes
I'm all about cleaning the db_e, count me in!  I will assist Laura with the 901 db_e.
by Loretta Corbin G2G6 Pilot (252k points)
edited by Loretta Corbin
Great, we'll badge you, Loretta.
+17 votes
I'm in. I would sign up for Bob Keniston's Mass 600 team.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Nice to see you here, Natalie! I've added a badge.
+16 votes
I'm in. As for a team, I live in Florida but most of my family are from Kentucky, Virginia and Ohio.  So that is my area of interest and X-per-tease.
by Connie Graves G2G6 Mach 6 (60.3k points)
We'll get you a badge, Connie!
+16 votes

Yes, I'd like to participate. Would love to see a Team Canada. When I work on errors I tend to start with those for Ontario Profiles then expand to Canada from there. 

by Kandita Post G2G6 Mach 4 (49.2k points)
Thanks for joining in, Kandita.
+16 votes
I'll Be There...
by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Here comes your badge, Dorothy!
+15 votes
Count me in!  I am in Australia, maybe we could focus on our Australian Project profiles.
by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Here is another Aussie with a broom and shovel.  I've got some Cyclone Debbie debris to clean up but I've also got some db errors in my tree... hmmm which should I do?  

I'll post my answer below....
If you want to head one up, Veronica, we'd love it! Sending a badge your way.
I ran Team Australia for the Source-a-Thon and I'm happy to run it again... or if you'd like to take it over, I'm happy to join up! :)
You go for it Vicky!  Happy to be in your team!!

Just created the sign-up page here:

Team Australia for the 2017 Clean-a-Thon

+15 votes
I would like to work on the Massachusetts 600 - location errors team, please.
by Becky Syphers G2G6 Mach 4 (40.7k points)
Massachusetts 600 it is, Becky! Adding a badge to your profile now.
+15 votes
This sounds like a good idea.  I'm in!
by Vincent Piazza G2G6 Pilot (253k points)
Grabbing your badge, Vincent!
+14 votes
Count me in. Always enjoy the challenge Is there a team Pennsylvania?
by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (390k points)
edited by Anthony McCabe
There isn't yet, Steven, but you can start one! I'll get you a badge.
+15 votes
Yes, a new badge, who can resist. (I like the new Find A Grave errors. I had run out of errors, except for my weirdly named relatives. Unless I go back more generations. I do agree that there are a few things that can be fine tuned. I suppose we could always start a dialogue with the Find A Grave contributor to see where their info came from. Sometimes they just estimate the date based on age at death. That can easily be off by a year.
by Sue Hall G2G6 Pilot (172k points)
I'll get you a badge, Sue. Thanks for joining us!
+14 votes
Count me in!
by Janis Tomko G2G6 Mach 1 (18.6k points)
You're in, Janis! Awarding your badge.

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