Will you register for the Spring Clean-a-Thon? (2 of 4)

+27 votes

This registration thread is now full! See the current one here

imageThe goal is to clear out as many database errors as possible. 

It will be going for 72 hours straight, April 22-24. We're including Monday so that those who are busy on the weekend can still participate.


in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
retagged by Maggie N.
Hi Heather, Holly, Elizabeth, and Tracy,

Make sure you post your comments here as answers and we'll get you badged. Thanks!
Accidently commended instead of answered. Find my answer below :)
Yes, I would like to participate
i   would  like to  help   it sounds  like  fun!


I would love to participate.

Sandy and Elizabeth, make sure you post an answer instead of comments and we'll get you badged. Thanks!
I would love to add my two cents worth, Paul Evans
Hey, Paul -- if you'll post an answer below, one of us will give you a badge and get you signed up. Thanks!! :-)
Hi Julie,

Thanks, I have enjoyed researching both my wife's and my family histories and look forward to learning more. I have depended on my cousin's DAR research initially but am hoping to do more in the future.

Paul Evans
Thanks Paul, I've got you added.

84 Answers

+16 votes

Yes, I'd like to participate. I am ok with being assigned to a team. I am most familiar with Illinois research. I have an interest in LDS members befoer 1850 and Huguenots in Virginia.


by Linda Green G2G6 Mach 2 (23.3k points)
Great Linda, thanks, You've been badged!
Hi Linda, I started a team for the LDS project, would you like to join?

+16 votes
yes,  but I already did  I think?  couple of hours ago, but the list of volunteers is so long........can not find me.   I am a Civil War  buff'  but will check the list and work hard and fast as I can. (DB_ERROR) person...

Thank you
by Carole Taylor G2G6 Mach 7 (76.0k points)
Yup, we've got you added and badged!
I would love to participate, have mine should be clean already though, but will go through it again and more .. :))
Hi, Carolyn --

If you haven't already, would you post a separate answer, and we'll get you your badge. :-)
+19 votes
yes, I'd like to participate ..at least one of the days LOL
by Charlotte Shockey G2G6 Pilot (994k points)
Awesome, Charlotte, thanks!
Absolutely! Sad it's the same weekend as my aunt's wedding though. LOL
BTW, on Team: A Rose By Any Other Name
+17 votes
Yes. No team in mind. (Sorry I did it wrong the first time).
by Jeanette Wood G2G3 (3.2k points)
Great, Jeannette, we've got you badged, thanks!
Yes, sorry entered wrongly the first time, will participate, no exact group
+17 votes
Yes. I will participate. 500-name/gender errors.
by Jamie Ball G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)
Thanks Jamie, you've been badged!
Thanks for joining Team Virginia Jamie!
+14 votes
Team Tennessee, please! Thanks

Don H. Crum
by Living Crum G2G6 Mach 2 (22.7k points)
Awesome Don, you've been badged!
+17 votes
I would love to participate on Sunday, 23rd.  I don't have a preference for a team.
by Mary Thomas G2G6 Mach 1 (18.4k points)
Hi, what's your WikiTree profile ID? Thanks!
I'm not sure if this is what you need by profile ID:   Martin-25009

is that right?
Yup, that was it. I've "badged" you :D

+15 votes
I'm happy to help, will work on my own tree!
by Joanna Root G2G Crew (650 points)
Thanks Joanna!  You've been badged!
+16 votes
Will participate! Would like to work on FindAGrave errors because dead people don't complain as much as live ones do! {Floyd-1923}
by Ron Floyd G2G6 Mach 5 (54.9k points)
Awesome, thanks Ron! (So true about the complaining!)
+15 votes
Yes, I would like to participate. I have lots of errors on my own profiles, or I can concentrate on one of the categories. Which is more helpful? My focus is on colonial New Eng`land
by Henry Chadwick G2G6 Mach 5 (57.6k points)
Awesome Henry, thanks! You've been badged.
+15 votes
count me in!  If a Dutch Roots or Polish Roots team forms, put me there..
by Charlie Panek G2G6 Mach 2 (28.8k points)
Thanks Charlie, you've been badged!

I see that Dutch Roots has formed a team, Put me down for Team Vliegende Hollanders - Flying Dutchmen 

Done ! and welcome to the team Charlie !
+16 votes
I would like to participate! No particular team in mind. I live in Massachusetts. My genealogy interests relate to Jewish ancestry, Texas and the south, Appalachia, and the Midwest.
by Kirsten Rose G2G3 (3.7k points)
Thanks Kirsten! You've been badged.
+17 votes
I would like to participate and work on my tree
by Jessica Burg G2G1 (1.1k points)
Great, thanks Jessica! You've got the badge.
+17 votes
Yes! I'm Swedish and mostly interested in Scandinavian genealogy, but pls assign me where needed most.
by Marie Ronnegård Fors G2G6 Mach 2 (21.5k points)
Thanks Marie, you've been badged!
+16 votes

Yes, I'd like to participate. Any team is fine with me. 

by George Tharp G2G Crew (970 points)
Great, thanks George! You've got the badge.
+15 votes
Happy to help. Didn't know how to see the error reports for myself until I read the instructions....
by Gil Wright G2G2 (2.3k points)
Awesome, Gil, thanks! You've got the badge.
+15 votes
Yes, I'd love to participate
by Michelle Burke G2G1 (1.0k points)
Great, Michelle. I'll get you a badge.
+15 votes
Count me in.  Have been working on error report already for my North Carolina relatives.
by G. Moore G2G6 Mach 3 (39.6k points)
Excellent, G. I'll get you a badge.
+16 votes
Count me in! Dutch roots, any error
by B. W. J. Molier G2G6 Mach 9 (93.4k points)
edited by B. W. J. Molier
Great, B.W.J. I'll get you a badge.
+14 votes
yes i will participate in the clean a thon since i have hundreds of them to do,of my own.why do you have to capitilize anyway.not right
by Craig Woosley G2G1 (1.7k points)
I'll get you a badge, Craig.

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