Significance: Justice Precinct 4 South Part Hopkins Texas re RSWillson 1900

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by Mary Alves G2G Rookie (250 points)
retagged by Julie Ricketts

1 Answer

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A little more information might help us to find an answer.  What exactly  is the question?  Is it about the person or about the location?
by Karen Raichle G2G6 Mach 8 (88.8k points)
selected by Mary Alves
Thank you for responding! I am interested in knowing if the location has any special meaning, such as a penal type location. But I am also interested to know if  it was any other specific type of community, such as a largely black neighborhood. Robert Snead Willson was likely the biological father of my maternal grandmother, Mary Lillian McDermott (born Willson). However,  I do not know whether his wife, Anna Lillian Willson (born Boyd) was Mary's mother as long believed by the family. There is a notable discrepancy on related family trees about who were the biological children of Anna Lillian. Also Robert and Anna Lillian both died in El Paso Texas in 1906 and 1907 per Texas Death Index, whereas many related family trees Place their deaths as being in Niota, Tenn, the family homeplace. Many thanks for anything you can tell me. I am ready to find out whatever we can.

Yours sincerely,

Alves-253 (I think that is my # !)
Hi, Mary! I corrected your profile ID to Alves-253, but people can also find it by click on your name. :-)

Good luck finding the information you're looking for!!

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