Does anyone have a copy of Les Families de Caraquet (1985) that can pull the pages on Gabriel Giraud and his family?

+4 votes
'''Book''': ''Les Familles de Caraquet: Dictionnaire Généalogique, Incluant Les Pionniers ... - Fidèle Thériault - Google Books''<br/>[ Google Books] (accessed 2 April 2024)

I am looking to verify some info on the internet that has been pulled from this book relating to Gabriel Giraud and his wife, an as of now still unknown First Nation woman, and their children. Does anyone happen to have a copy lying around?

Thank you in advance!
WikiTree profile: Gabriel Giraud
in Genealogy Help by Dan Berger G2G3 (3.2k points)
On the page that the link goes, on the left side is a link “find in a library”. Clicking on this link gives a few US, sone Canadian, and some European libraries. If none of these is near you try contacting the library that has the book, or a historical society in that area, and ask if they can do a look-up for you. If you have an exact citation, I think your chance of success is better.

1 Answer

+6 votes

 I have a copy of the book. I checked the WT profile of Gabriels's 2 children. It appears to me that the profiles contain all the information included in the book.

If there is any further infomation that you would like, do not hesitate to ask.

by Renaud LeBlanc G2G1 (1.0k points)
Do you feel this is a reliable secondary source?  If we can at least generally rely on it, we could add it to the list of secondary Family specific resources to use for the Acadians Project. That list is here:

Do you feel this is a reliable secondary source?  If we can at least generally rely on it, we could add it to the list of secondary Family specific resources to use for the Acadians Project. The list of sources is here, scroll down for the Family list section:
Hi Cindy,

Yes I believe that it is a generally reliable source. I have looked at the Acadians Project Reliable Sources space and I see that it already includes a reference by the same author.

I am not able to add to the space. However I believe it should be added. Here is the full reference: Fidèle Thériault, 1985, Les Famille de Caraquet, Dictionnaire généalogique, ISBN 0-9692151-0-X.
Added it today.  Thank you for the information.  Also I gave your WT ID link if someone needs to contact you for a lookup.  I hope that is OK.  I doubt there will be many requests.
Thanks for adding it. And I don't mind looking up information for others.

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