New wiki member with so many Irish brickwall family members! Yikes!

+9 votes
New to Wikitree and learning the ropes so go easy on me!

Wow am I having a hard time finding my Central/Southern Ireland relatives (my father's Doyle side) anytime prior to the mid-1800s and earlier!  I have been through ancestry, family search, my heritage, here, google and find my past.  I went through Griffith's evaluation (1846) and parish birth records and ended up with nothing.  It is like they all just don't exist after their kids emigrated to Massachusetts.  I can't be the only person that has been stumped with this I hope. If you have any recommendations on places to check (or folks that I could hire to help if that's a thing?), I would appreciate it! This is maddening but addicting. LOL
WikiTree profile: Stephanie Doyle
in Genealogy Help by Stephanie Doyle G2G Crew (580 points)

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Stephanie,

Welcome to WikiTree. I can relate to how addicting genealogy can be and how frustrating Irish records are. We have a fantastic Ireland Project on WikiTree which is full of fun and friendly people to collaborate with. We also have a Discord server we use to chat with each other. You can find out more about the project here.

In the mean time, give us a shout if we can help with anything.

Susie :-)

by Susie MacLeod G2G6 Pilot (308k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
TY! I’ll check it out for sure!!!
+6 votes
Who have you found on your Irish side so far? Can't see any from your Wiki profile. Who are your grandparents? have you looked at parish records on
by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 6 (68.0k points)
edited by Patrick Holland
Sorry you can’t see my tree-that would be helpful! Is there a setting I can change so you can see it? Just to clarify, I’m back to my 5th generation from Ireland that has me stumped.  I have found up to that point, so roughly mid-1800s and earlier have turned into my brick wall.
+5 votes
Did John Doyle marry Mary Kearn before they left Ireland in 1883 or after in USA?
by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 6 (68.0k points)
I don’t have a John Doyle that married a Mary Kearn in my family (that I’m aware of…)

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