Who are the ancestors of Hugh Hamill born in Ireland 1756, died in Pennsylvania 1836?

+2 votes
Hugh Hamill is my 4th Great Grandfather. According to Robinson's History of Greene County (p130), Hugh's father John Hamill "...and his wife came from Ireland before the Revolution." John Nathaniel Hamill was born 1732 in Bushmills, Co Antrim, and died 08 June 1795 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. John N Hamill's father seems to be either William Hamill b.1680 in Antrim, or James Hamill b. about 1803 in Bushmills, Ireland. There are conflicting records. Other readings indicate the Hamills came to Ireland from Scotland (Roughwood).
WikiTree profile: Hugh Hamill
in The Tree House by Alex Hamill G2G Rookie (190 points)

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