Have you seen the One Place Studies Map?

+55 votes

Back in May, Steven Harris announced his Global Cemetery Map. During the LiveCast back in June on One Place Studies, we discussed the possibility of having the same functionality for One Place Studies - showing all studies on WikiTree.

Since then, Aleš and Steve started processing and mapping an OPS Map and have added new parameters to the OPS Category Info Box:

After a review of all studies and updating the companion study category with the new parameters, we’d like to announce:

WikiTree One Place Studies Map


As with the Cemetery Map, you can navigate the globe, zooming in on a specific study which will display a popup box containing the name of the study as a link to the study page.

Let us know if you notice any bugs or if you aren't finding your study on the map.

Have fun! :) Steve, Aleš, Amy, 
Azure, and Katie

in The Tree House by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (624k points)
edited by Azure Robinson
Love it! Very nice, as always thanks for all you do, Aleš!

I'm getting a CORS block on JSON:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://wikitree.sdms.si/Categories/CIBOnePlaceStudy.json' from origin 'https://apps.wikitree.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Map "spinner" shows and it goes no further.

The https://wikitree.sdms.si/Categories/CIBOnePlaceStudy.json no longer exists in that place. It was moved to https://plus.wikitree.com/Categories/CIBOnePlaceStudy.json

I think Steven will have to correct the URL.

Thanks for quick reply, Aleš. And thanks for the effort on this and all others.

(BTW- that json in old link (wikitree.sdms.si) still loads data - but, it's because it redirects (301) to link you mentioned. Which of course would break cors if not included in acceptable domains.)
This is fixed now. Thanks, Aleš!
indeed, got reminded of this with Brady's comment, and the map just has a spinner on it, expanding it shows me African continent countries, no ability to move to North America.
Ales, that second item just gives me a page of computereese.
> "This is fixed now. Thanks, Aleš!"

Thanks, Steve. Yep - works now. Looks good.

PS - Anyone who still sees spinner - make sure you clear your browser cache, or close your browser completely/reopen.
@Danielle, the link from Aleš is data I use to generate the maps. You can ignore them.

thanks Steven, works now. laugh

10 Answers

+13 votes
What a great idea! My thanks to one and all. I can see myself looking to this when researching when multiple generations were in one area.
by Marty Franke G2G6 Pilot (803k points)
+16 votes
Very cool! Thank you all for your work on this
by Valerie Penner G2G6 Mach 8 (82.3k points)
+12 votes
There are now 40 One Place Studies in the little State of Maine!  Most recently updated is Otis Maine

by Darryl Rowles G2G6 Mach 6 (64.9k points)
+12 votes
Thanks for all your work on this project!
by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (191k points)
+11 votes
I love this!! Thanks for adding this feature.
by Kie Zelms G2G6 Mach 1 (14.0k points)
+14 votes
Is it broken?

I've been trying to view the map for a few days now but it seems stuck on an animate circle of dots.

I do hope it gets fixed soon.
ago by Steve Serowka G2G6 (9.2k points)

For what it's worth, it is because:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://wikitree.sdms.si/Categories/CIBOnePlaceStudy.json' from origin 'https://apps.wikitree.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Steve and/or Aleš will have to fix.

Many thanks for clarifying that smiley

Up and running again ...thanks for the fix!
working now for me - thank you for fix
+10 votes
Didn't work for me in Firefox. The big ball just kept rotating.
ago by Jane Peppler G2G6 Mach 4 (44.6k points)

Same for me in Firefox on Mac - but the idea is great! I hope the "rotating blob" can be fixed. And many thanks to Aleš and Steve!

+6 votes
Thank you.  It will be fun to explore the studies in my research area.
ago by Lorraine O'Dell G2G6 Mach 4 (48.7k points)
+5 votes
Worked for me after I disabled my Badger ad blocker. May be similar for others. (Firefox, Mac). Was just getting spinner.
ago by Mark Suggitt G2G6 Mach 1 (10.9k points)
+4 votes
I am not seeing my OPS of Coloma, Wisconsin.
ago by Culley Schweger Bell G2G6 Mach 7 (75.8k points)
Hi, Culley!

It had been assigned the wrong gps coordinates, but it is there, right now it's showing up in Galesville. You just have to keep drilling down. Next update it will show up in the correct location.

Azure :)

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