Lutheran birth records for Gut Campe?

+8 votes

I look for the birth record of Franz von Dincklage in Gut Campe (at Steinbild, near Papenburg) around 1725-1745. Found a record in the local Catholic parish mentioning the - very likely - father, Hermann Everhard von Dincklage and that he is Lutheran. Where would he have his kids baptised? Are these birth records accessible?

WikiTree profile: Hermann von Dincklage
in Genealogy Help by László Kóczy G2G6 Mach 1 (13.6k points)

Have you seen this Wikipedia article? It has some references that could be useful.

Many thanks. Yes, I have looked at these, but they are hugely incomplete. I am afraid, Franz is a younger son no-one cared to write about. I have some indirect reference to his place on the family tree but hoped to be able to support this with primary evidence.

1 Answer

+8 votes
Steinbild has only a Catholic church St. georg.

The responsible protestant church is located in Lathen: Stephanuskirche Ev.-luth. Kirchengemeinde (parish) Lathen, Kirchenkreis (church district) Ems-Vechte, evangelisch - lutherischen Landeskirche (state church) Hannover.

I had look into archion, ancestry and FamilySearch, but at the moment there are now parish records online from this parish.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Thank you very much for your informative answer. I am sorry to hear this - will try to contact the parish directly.

Here is the address:


Pfarrsekretärin Valentina Gunar
Melstruper Str. 22
49762 Lathen
Tel.: 05933-926 82
Fax: 05933-926 83
E-Mail change -at- with @

Thank you!

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