Where do I find birth records online for Germany

+12 votes

I have been trying to get through this stubborn brick wall, ad have managed to find the family living in Wuppertal, but was probably not born here. It is not great news, but I thought I could try to look through nearby parishes (apparently Wuppertal is not online), and eventually hopefully find something. If all else fails.

But I am so confused about where to find such records online. I would be willing to pay a subscription if it is likely to yield any results, I checked FS records, and someone helped me look at Ancestry. We found the families in the address book so we know at least the basics are correct, name and family. But it didn't give much more.

I was hoping for some more advice. Hopefully there is some to give.
WikiTree profile: Erich Bettinger
in Genealogy Help by Antonia Reuvers G2G6 Mach 5 (59.3k points)
edited by Antonia Reuvers
Try the German webgen pages  some have location specific data      While some of the data is user donated most of he sources are local family books which re considered vsalid in Germany   Dieter may want tro comment on this.

3 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer
You might find some records on ancestry. Lutheran church records you will find on archion (but Wuppertal is not oline until now). Catholic church records you will find on matricula. But also there are no records online until now. This also applies to the surrounding areas.

The churches were the official administrators of the documents only until 1875; since 1875, the registry offices have been responsible. This means that each church can decide for itself whether or not to put data online after 1875.

Birth certificates for 1910 are legaly open since 2020; that means the chance is very little, that you will find something.

The only thing is to write to the responsible registry office. But if you don't know the location, there is only one additional chance.

You must cemeteries/tombstones. If you have luck, somebody took a photo and put it only, otherwise the grave will be destroyed between 1978 and 1988.

You will also don't find obituries in newspapers about him, because 1958 nothing was online and only very few are puting their old newspapers online.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Do you have any gravestone websites you would recommend, or should I try the main ones? I did try a German gravestone website from a link in the other post, without results. Maybe there are other ones?
no there are no other; a few gravestones are on FindAGrave or Billion Grave
Thanks for the info!

There are some gravestone listed on Compgen. They have a gravestone project. It also includes some cemeteries in Wuppertal.

Good find! I did see a Stamm in Wuppertal, but she is born way earlier.
You can also have a look at https://grabsteine.genealogy.net/cemlist.php?l=05&lang=de for gravestones. They have some cemeteries listed in Wuppertal.
Yes, I saw... unfortunately no matches for the Wuppertal cemetaries. If I use the search field on the side, does it search all the cemetaries, or do you have to go through them one by one?

I just tried it. When you search for a Stamm, it gives you all Stamms that are in the gravestone project listed.

+3 votes

I would reccomend trying the free FamilySearch collection Germany Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898which contains indexes and images. 

by Leila Keller G2G6 Mach 1 (19.1k points)
No way to find him there, because that records ends 1898 and he is born 1910. The records are just open since 2021, so only a very little that they are online.
Oh, okay. I didn’t know.
+3 votes
I just checked the bigger collections of Totenzettel (memorial cards) in that area. Nothing.
by Christiane Berger G2G6 Mach 2 (22.7k points)

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