Can a YDNA BAM file obtained from Danta Labs be directly uploaded to Wikitree?

+2 votes
A distant relative with a common paternal ancestor born in 1753 tested with Dante Labs in Nov. 2019. Upload to YFull has confirmed the biological link to myself. I did the BigY500 test.

Reading thru comments here, my relative has to request the BAM file on a hard drive if I understand correctly. VCF filles are not good enough.

My relative is an active member of Wikitree. Once he gets the BAM file can he directly upload the data to Wikitree?

If so how?

in WikiTree Help by John te Raa G2G1 (1.1k points)
retagged by John te Raa
Hi John,

I'd suggest editing your post to add the following additional tags: dna, y-dna, and y-chromosome, which may improve your chances of getting the attention of WikiTreers who can help.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Wikitree doesn't store any DNA data, just the fact that a person took a DNA test, what kind, and with what company.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (917k points)
edited by Kathie Forbes
Kathie hit it properly. But you can additionally store the derived Haplogroup to be passed up the patriline of the tester.  

The WGS test is likely to have a deeper haplogroup than the BigY-500 test. But analysis at yFull may not result in that due to less testers catalogued there. If below R1b-P312, you can try

Getting both testers on the same platform is helpful. So upload both BAM files to yFull or (if appropriate). Just to help assure they are likely the same haplogroup. Either upgrade to BigY-700 or take a WGS test yourself to get a more comparable result and assurance of being in the same haplogroup.

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