Did you know you can use Y-DNA and mtDNA from many different labs by adding results to mitoYDNA.org?

+6 votes

mitoYDNA accepts Y-DNA and mtDNA results from Family Tree DNAYSEQGeneBaseAfrican Ancestry, and Yoogene, as well as defunct labs: Gene Tree, DNA HeritageRelative GeneticsSMGF, AncestryEthnoAncestryNebulaOxford AncestorsPaternity ExpertsGenographic Project (Nat Geo 1.0), and Family Tree DNA affiliates such as iGENEAGeneraDNA Ancestry and Family Origin, and AfricanDNA.  

If you or your relative tested with any of the above, then I can help you make use of those results via WikiTree.

in The Tree House by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (726k points)
edited by Peter Roberts

Just a quick note that Nebula Genomics is not among the defunct. They were acquired in August 2021 by ProPhase Labs, but service was never interrupted.

Relatedly, it might also be worthwhile explaining somewhere that whole genome sequencing results from companies like Nebula, Dante Labs, or FGC can be submitted to YFull for analysis, which would then return both SNP and STR evaluations. It may take a little work to make certain that STR data is correctly transferred to MitoYDNA because the YFull naming schema differs slightly from that of FTDNA, but the info would be there.

Edited to add: Should have mentioned that Full Genomes Corp (FGC) offers as a $50 option Y-SNP and Y-STR reports. I've never used them, so I can't comment about what the reports contain. But they may include the usual FTDNA-like marker count numbers.

Thank you Edison.

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