Can I propose a new sticker?

+7 votes
I was reading a post the other day about making profiles for stillborn children, which included a comment about using the sticker for "Died Young", which led my brain to thinking...

As an extension of this, could we have a sticker also for "No Issue"? Not necessarily for those who died in childhood but for anyone who had no children? If it already exists I apologize, I did not see it in the list.

in Policy and Style by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (173k points)
I've been thinking about images for this proposed sticker.

Somewhat like the way that a brick wall symbolizes a frustrating barrier in the search for ancestors, I'm thinking of an image that would symbolize that there is no possibility of continuing the journey to find descendants. Maybe a closed (and locked?) gate across a footpath, or a closed door?

3 Answers

+9 votes
I think both as stickers are good ideas because it's easier to notice stickers than to note that the check boxes of no children and no spouse are marked  (even though they should be marked even if we have a sticker).
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (481k points)
+9 votes

A "No Issue" sticker seems like a good idea.

When I see a profile for someone who married and had a long life, but is not connected to any children, I may wonder if there were children who don't have profiles yet. And it can take a while to read through the profile to find out that they didn't have children.

But I suppose this should be "No known issue," since occasionally it turns out that there were unacknowledged children. wink

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Do you have ideas about the image you would like to display on the "No Issue" sticker?
+3 votes
I came here to propose this one myself! Maybe also a sticker for illegitimate/unacknowledged children to match.
by Andrea Williams G2G4 (4.6k points)

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