Subcategory wanted for Oregon Trail: Great Emigration

+7 votes
I created a Project, but I think I really want a Subcategory.

I want to better document (i.e., more fun!) the Great Emigration, the first big wagon train of 1843, and so I want a subcategory under Oregon Trail.  I see that there is one now, the Keeney Wagon Train; I want something similar.

Do I do that myself, or does someone create it for me?

Note that I would like to link it/connect it to my project page as well.

Thanks much!

WikiTree profile: Space:Great_Emigration
in Policy and Style by Roger Shipman G2G6 Mach 2 (20.4k points)
retagged by Liz Shifflett
Roger, sounds like a fun focus area. I believe there is a Westward Ho project that this could be a subproject of. Re its name: there were many "great migrations" in the world. Because we're an international site, we need to respect that and further distinguish which great migration we're focused on. For example, in American history, most people think of the Great Migration as that influx of settlers into New England in the early to mid 1600s. But here we call it the Puritan Great Migration. I use this as an example. So consider finding a more specific title to distinguish your great migration from others.
No problem; the name can be changed.  But that is what is was called at the time, with "Emigration" distinguished from "Migration."

But what suggestion do you have for a better name?   (Perhaps to add " of 1843" to it?
I realize I have a project very similar to yours:

In my case, it was a group of about 120 people who all emigrated from the same town, leaving on the same date. Their travel was subsidized the the town leaders who had calculated it was cheaper to ship off the town's poorest to America than it was to support them with "welfare" through the current famine ("hungersnot" in German; isn't that a great word?)

They ended up in different parts of the U.S. My goal is to track them.

So maybe yours would be Oregon Trail Migration [or Emigration] of 1843 ?
Thanks for the suggestion; that might work just fine.  I'm still trying to get good answers to various questions such as: Do I want a project, or a subcategory?  How do I change the name once I decide on one? Etc.  But when those are figured out, I will make the change.

My wife and I speak German, so seeing that word in its proper context, we would not even notice; but yes, seeing it from an American perspective, we agree: it *is* a great word!

1 Answer

+6 votes
You should probably look at the existing Westward Ho Project that already exists here on wikitree.   There are subcategories, one that includes Trails and Wagon Trains.
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (884k points)
Yes, I looked at it, and of that Oregon Trail is a subcategory, and I want in turn to be a subcategory of Oregon Trail.  How is that accomplished?

The 1844 Oregon Trail Train is listed on the above page.  You might want to contact  Alison Andrus to see how to add the 1843 Train to the project page.

Her name/link is listed there.  Go to her profile page, on the left side, under her details click the [send private message]  or on the right side, post a message on her bulletin board.
Okay, I contacted Alison.  And I found that I could use a name that matches the 1844 train.  Thanks!

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