How can I remove the project box from Fast-376?

+3 votes
Fast-376 is showing a suggestion to remove the project box.  How can I cleanly remove the project box?  Should I do any other tidying?  Thank you.
WikiTree profile: Maria Von Riesen
in WikiTree Help by Kathy Johnson G2G Crew (770 points)
retagged by Maggie N.

3 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer

The problem is that it has the project *box* but isn't managed by the project. (For more information about project boxes see Help: Project Boxes.)

The solution is to use a sticker instead. The Russian Roots stickers are described here:

Since the only source is a vague reference to a personal "binder", with no description of what evidence exists, adding evidence would be great!

by Harry Ide G2G6 Mach 9 (94.9k points)
selected by Steven Harris
+4 votes
I don't know why it triggers a suggestions report but this profile is clearly a German from Russia roots. It is also unsourced
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
The project categorization is necessary because it is showing that it's a profile that "needs records"
+4 votes

Simply remove the project box, and replace it with this category: [[Category:Russian Roots Project Needs vital records]]. That will clear the DBE and should achieve the desired attention from someone with access to Russian sources. (Enter Russ needs into the category picker to see more potentially helpful maintenance categories.)

by Stephanie Ward G2G6 Pilot (120k points)

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